1. Lord Lucan says:

    our politicians dont like us having a pop at them either.Its a little known fact,but it is actually illegal to critisise? the european union.Not that thats of any interest to you.
    I hope to engage with you moderators more often,happy new year.

  2. gooddebate says:

    I can just see the interviewer and interviewees looking at these comments and shaking their heads, ‘none of these people get it’. Comment #23 does add to the message of the piece.

    I think that the piece presents an interesting truism about how pretty people are treated. It’s hard to say whether the producer meant to solicit compassion for them or perhaps this is one of a series of how certain groups of people are treated to show how mean people can be to each other for frivolous reasons. Or maybe he’s pointing out how many people only see what they can get from someone.

  3. Mister Catshit says:

    Ya, they begged me to appear for an interview. But the camera man was just so butt ugly I couldn’t keep a straight face. Then when they got a new camera man, I came down with a huge dinner plate size ZIT !!! right on the back of my neck !!! So now I have to hide until it clears up.

    Life can be so tough for us good looking people. And no one cares !!!

  4. gregghud says:

    Funny, I didn’t think a number of those women were all that great looking.

  5. John S says:

    Funny how many people are saying how the women in video are not good looking.

    John S

  6. Rick Cain says:

    I think the movie “Zoolander” says it all.

  7. Case says:

    ok so the people that complain about being good looking like it’s hard are pretty ridiculous. I’m very good looking and my life isn’t much more difficult because of it.

    It’s true that people have expectations from you especially in matters of the opposite sex, and that can create pressure. Being looked at all the time can get annoying.

    BUT, to say that good looks make life easier isn’t necessarily true. Pretty girls might get better service sometimes, but if a guy has good looks and no personality he won’t win a girl over. There isn’t a woman out there who will date a guy just because he’s handsome; that’s not reality, there’s more to it than that.

    But on the whole, that these people are complaining this much about their appearance is an exaggeration probably influenced by being on camera.

  8. yrd says:

    Such bullshit from the girl who cried at the end. YOU’D RATHER BE UGLY THEN? no, didn’t think so. Good looking people have a head start on life, they are treated better by people, and people generally think higher of them. Stop moaning.

  9. rawxstasy says:

    I am goodlooking and I’ve recently lost 60 pounds. The difference in the way people treat you is amazing. When I walk into a store, it’s gone from guys in front of me letting the door slam in my face, to patiently holding the door open when I’m still 20 ft away. It’s much better being good looking than not. People treat you alot better. The one annoying thing is people staring at you. I can sympathasize with the last girl. People who are insecure can be mean and that is painful. But that is their problem.

  10. slamminj says:

    thank you ECA #13. This is what it is like for some of us, especially those of us who didn’t grow up “pretty.” Nobody talks to us except the creepy guy on the corner and the few supercool platonic people who already know us, which is still pretty f**king isolating. (BTW, the same goes for supersmart people, to comment on an idiotic example in one of these other posts- Full disclosure: I belong to both camps.) Also everyone assumes you always get your way- HA. For example, when I tell people I can’t find anyone to date, they assume I’m getting offers all the time and act like I just have impossible standards. Of course, these people are usually 6, smart, funny, eclectic, non-blonde. I’d say that’s pretty broad, but maybe I am overestimating th number of >6es). And it’s hard drumming up attraction for people who don’t make you feel a certain way, no matter what else they might have going on. Then the ones who do make you feel a certain way are loose cannons as far as using u, abusing u, etc. BECAUSE YOU ARE GOOD-LOOKING or because THEY were raised pretty or because they have low self-esteem. Given the choices, don’t you think the outlook is pretty bleak?

    Just think about it: if responses to this post are any indication of how most people think of good-looking people, don’t you have your answer as to why this documentary was done? If you still don’t get it, you seriously need to get over your jealousy and grow some empathy. Not everyone is spoiled. Of course these people are usually <6ers on the 10 scale and are jealous or have had to lower their expectations b/c of THEIR looks and generally have some misconceptions about how great my life is in general. In reality, the offers I do get are usually from the creepy guy on the corner, the weirdo in the group or someoeone I would never choose for myself based on “looks”” before my stated preferences.

    • Looking Important Hurts says:

      I just gotta say., I am attractive, sexy and have a confident look that attracts people, especially men and I don’t like it because I’ve always got attention since I was a teenager. I’ve had good and bad experiences.

      Since I am now 32 years old, an infant daughter and with her father I am even more turned off by stupid people saying things to me when I walk down the street just so they can feel some connection with me..

      Attention is not always wanted.


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