“Yeah, dude. That’s right. My farts don’t stink.”
Quest to make cattle fart like marsupials
Australian scientists are trying to give kangaroo-style stomachs to cattle and sheep in a bid to cut the emission of greenhouse gases blamed for global warming, researchers say.
Thanks to special bacteria in their stomachs, kangaroo flatulence contains no methane and scientists want to transfer that bacteria to cattle and sheep who emit large quantities of the harmful gas.
an for old people, please~~~~~~~
something about this story smells funny.
really……. and exacty what kind of gas do kangaroos emit?? :O
How could it take 3 years to isolate a bacterium?
If this process is 15% more efficient, I assume what would have been waste methane is turned into some kind of glucose and is used as fuel for the body with no additional waste products? — Cool!
Now, what we need to do is transfer those bacteria to the human gut so we can all eat grass! and maybe the whole process would even be more efficient if we added a second or third gut. No, WAIT–lets add chlorphyll to our skin and just become Children of Ra!
Thats the ticket. Let science and genetic engineering lead the way.
My wife told me that if I fart one more time time she is going to beat the shit out of me.
Problem solved.
Dave, posts like this are why your loyal readers come back day after day.
OK, lets fix the cow farts, but don’t worry about the billions of internal combustion engines pumping toxic exhaust gases into the air. Got to be a politician’s hook up with a lobbiest at work there.
Yes, lowering cattle’s Carbon Fartprint is crucial!