[Warning: NSFW – language.]

  1. Mark T. says:

    What film is he talking about? Eraserhead? I wouldn’t want to watch that again on any device whatsoever. Never, ever again.

    Maybe on a tiny screen, it is more palatable. Maybe it is even laughable. Yes, by all means, if you want to be totally grossed and weirded out at a truly bizarre movie, watch Eraserhead on a big screen.

  2. edwinrogers says:

    Coincidentally, I watched Mulholland Drive last night, and that definitely looks better on a big screen.

  3. GregA says:

    And millions of people who ride the bus (yet can afford an iPhone???) disagree…

  4. Aaron says:


  5. comhcinc says:

    so awesome

  6. Improbus says:

    David Lynch … keeping it real.

  7. Ah_Yea says:

    Ok, let me get this straight. Lynch trashes watching movies on phones on a commercial about a phone…

    What I got out of this was, Buy A Zune!

  8. McCullough says:

    #7. Parody.

  9. Ah_Yea says:

    #8. I thank you for your excellent posts, they are a big reason why I like to read this blog.

    Yes, I agree that the above ad was a parody, and a very clever one. Unfortunately, it suffers from Advertiser’s disease – “Cleverness for cleverness’s sake”.

    This ad is intended to promote itune’s video downloads, and it doesn’t deliver that point.

    As the comments above point out, the ad’s affect is stating the belief that watching a movie on a handheld screen is “fucking” wrong, which put’s the iphone user into the defensive position of “I’m downloading this movie to prove that I don’t care what others think and that it’s not ‘fucking’ wrong!”

    This may work for some current iphone users, but it may work against expanding iphone market share. Who want’s to be put in the position of defending themselves for using their phone to watch a movie?

    Negative ad’s are still negative.

  10. doug says:

    #3. some of us sold our cars to buy our iPhones ;-). but seriously, small-screen video is everywhere on commuter trains and buses. iPhones, PSPs and so on. some cranky types (Dvorak, Lynch) don’t care for it, but that ain’t stopping it.

  11. sadtruth says:

    If you want to watch a real movie on an iPhone you are a retard.

    I am proud to be a pretentious twat who thinks Eraserhead is one of the greatest movies ever.

    Go watch Snakes On A Plane you lumpen bottom feeders.

  12. Improbus says:

    I like most of David Lynch’s work but I loath Eraserhead. However, I love his version of Dune. I also think that Twin Peaks was the Shiznat Haderach (Dune joke) of TV shows. Taste is relative … mostly.

  13. Luke says:

    Ah_Yea, Ummm what are you talking about? This is not an Apple ad intended “to promote iTunes download service.” What gave you that impression. It’s a parody. Apple had nothing to do with it. It’s from the “Inland Empire” DVD. It’s not intended to sell iPhones, it’s simply designed to express his opinion about how his movie should be experienced. Geez.

  14. hhopper says:

    “Blue Velvet” was rather cool.

  15. QB says:

    David Lynch can be as cranky as he wants since he’s still got game in his 60’s.

  16. zealot says:

    i like how how quickly lynch can insight an emotion with people. You mention the name to any movie lover and they almost ALWAYS have an opinion on the guy.

  17. echeola says:

    That was funny! I don’t know, I think you could watch 40 year old virgin on the phone, but Lost Highway, not so much.

    Different displays for different products.

  18. Cursor_ says:

    I would never watch a feature movie on a screen smaller than 15″. No smegging point.

    Now a TV show, a music video, some short under 30 minute vehicle? No problem. That is all you need.

    But watching something like Citizen Kane or The Day The Earth Stood Still? No way. It doesn’t do a damn thing for it. And I have yet to see a lot of small device people stand there at a bus stop or sit on a train and watch a whole 120-190 minute film. I don’t think they would. Sure they woulkd watch an ep of Lost or The Office. Watch Diggnation or some YouTube stuff, but not big movies.

    I agree with him on that, but I don’t think he realises that most people just don’t watch something like Pan’s Labyrinth on a phone.



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