It would be unremarkable that the song “From Where You Are” by Jason Wade, a singer in the band Lifehouse, had cracked the Billboard top 100 list — except that it was written for an Allstate commercial.

Unavailable on any album, the song has received little airplay on the radio but it had wide exposure in a 60-second Allstate spot promoting the insurance company’s safe driving program for teenagers. The commercial first ran after an episode of “Friday Night Lights” on NBC in late October that had a teenage driving theme.

On Nov. 6, “From Where You Are” was made available on iTunes.

By all accounts, “From Where You Are,” a melancholy ballad inspired by Wade’s experience of having a teenage friend who died after falling asleep at the wheel, is the first commercial jingle in years to make the charts, and certainly the first to do so on the strength of Internet downloads.

Seems like an appropriate day to watch this video.

  1. moss says:

    Hope all your kids – and you – make it home safe, tonight. 2008 – here we come!

  2. Dennis says:

    Reminds of the Movie ‘Demolition Man’…either that or the movie ‘idiocracy’.

    Either way, a plug for a Corporation is on the top ten doesn’t really surprise me. Corporations run the Media, you can’t copy a CD to your Hard Drive….as stated before…how much will I be charged for that tune that doesn’t leave my head…?

  3. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    This song reminds me of the musical style and even the voice of Jude Cole from quite a few years back.

    This seems like a good opportunity to wish everyone a safe and happy New Year, and may we agree to disagree as much in 2008 as we did this year, ya freakin’ nerds 😉

  4. moss says:

    Uh, Dennis – watch the clip. There’s no mention of any corporation, dude. What made it to the Top 100 was the song – even though it was originally used in part for a commercial.


  5. hhopper says:

    Very nice! Good find Eideard. I used to always listen to that commercial as the music caught my attention.

  6. Sweet song. Thanks John and have a great New Year

  7. David says:

    Reminds me of the French Canadian Song “Héro a Zéro” from “Projet Orange”
    The first part of the video clip is a true story, about a guy (called Mathieu) who lost control at 200km/h (about 125miles/h)… All caught on film by his closest friends.

  8. Dennis says:

    Uh Moss:

    “it had wide exposure in a 60-second Allstate spot promoting the insurance company’s safe driving program for teenagers. The commercial first ran after an episode of “Friday Night Lights” on NBC in late October that had a teenage driving theme.”

    I was retorting to how it was aired initially, and then that because of this exposure people began wanting the tune. Corporate = Allstate.
    I know, because they are my insurance company. Great company. Just reminded of the whole Taco Bell item from a movie. Struck me as odd.

  9. eyeofthetiger says:

    I’ve met a couple dead drivers. None of them have ever made be feel better about Allstate. Is this a seatbelt commercial song? Kiddies, wear your seatbelt or your car will probably wear you.

  10. grinch says:

    This would make a good tech repair commercial
    …or maybe not

  11. Ron Larson says:

    The Carpenter’s Song “We’ve Only Just Begun” (standard fare at most weddings now) was written for a Crocker Bank TV ad in California.

  12. OmegaMan says:

    The modus operandi should not surprise anyone … payola back in the day would only play certain songs and those would become hits. Songs in advertisements is just another way to get them to the public. Sting’s album Brand New Day was given a breath of life only after Sting rode in the back of a Jaguar back in 2001. Unless you can get a song heard by the masses…it won’t be a hit. Its just another way for a band to get a hit single.


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