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Don’t agree with all the end of year best and worst and most important and least important and on and on lists that clog the Interwebitubes and magazines this time of year?
Now’s your chance to voice your opinion on the most important story of the ending year. War, campaigning, MS Vista, Britney… Or something that wasn’t covered enough. You decide and tell us why. |
Let me see…
Fantasy mode:
That the USA was getting out of the war, that the USA Gov, was no longer sticking its NOSE in other countries BUSINESS AND that the Corps in america were going to sell products at 20% over COST.
“Smiles everyone..>SMILES….Welcome to Fantasy Island”
Top News Story for 2007? Are we talking Celeb News, or REAL WORLD News?
Biggest story of the year was the president of the United States pardoned a man for treason.
1. The blowout of the global financial system, which is reflected in 2. The continued rise of the police-state apparatus and 3. The escalation of the Malthusian/corporativist globalization.
The insolvency of the international banking system is now being openly discussed, revealing the true nature of what was falsely portrayed as a subprime crisis and then a credit crunch. The banks are broke, the bailouts and restructurings have begun, and it will only get worse.
The SUCCESS of the Surge.
Possibly the most underreported important story is how disturbingly comfortable Americans have become with increased domestic government surveillance, with apparently all the technological mechanisms in place to conduct these programs at levels not legally approved by any government body. There’s nothing to do now but wait for mission creep to set in, if that hasn’t already occurred. In any case, although public apathy has not been widely reported in the media, I’m sure it has not gone unnoticed at the highest levels.
#1 The mainstreaming of new versions of varied and age old “The end is neigh” conspiracy theories.
The sky is falling, the sky is falling, wahhhhhh!
It takes something big to push an administration which considers itself above the law from the top spot, but the fallout from years of the most reprehensible lending practices, leading to the housing bubble and its subsequent (current) slow-motion collapse is more than big enough.
Add to that fiscal policies (are there actual policies, or is it just a big money-grabbing free-for-all?) that have left the dollar worth less than spit, and you have a recipe for a depression that could dwarf that of the 1930s.
Given the mood of the populace around the world, chances are good for the anger at the downturn to lead to a period of General War over the next fifteen or so years.
The MOST important stories were all the various releases about the health benefits of beer (and other types of alcohol) and chocolate.
The biggest stories on DU for 2007 (IMO):
1. Is Christianity a Polytheistic Religion? (based on large number of comments given under the topic)
2. new theme for http://www.dvorak.org/blog/
The reported death of MS Vista is, in my opinion, the most important tech story of 2007. Never before has a product been so expensively developed to only be met with outright derision when released. Some products fail, but the release of a new version of the most popular operating system on the planet is just too important.
PEOPLE! What are you thinking? Clearly the most important stories of the year were the deaths of Anna Nicole Simpson and Natalie Holloway. Followed closely by the breakdown of Britney Spears. Don’t you people watch TV? Geez.
Or, maybe it was the release of a new Heathkit robot. 😉
#7 – Is,
You’re right!! The sky is indeed falling.
It’s the most important story and it’s the one most ignored by the presidential candidates. Even the one with a pretty good plan (and a good plan for just about everything else, Kucinich) is not talking about it unless asked.
Hey, how about the story of a presidential race with two candidates that aren’t bought? Kucinich and Paul. And, the former is actually quite good on a lot of issues. That really is news. Good choices, despite the fact that we the idiots will be too stupid to give them both the nod and have a really interesting presidential race on our hands.
History (real history, 100 years from now) will record this as the most significant event of 2007: the outright booing of the U.S. delegation to the Bali climate conference.
The most significant story of 2007 should be the plummeting of the housing market showing that the posibility of a prosperous economy under a Republican rule was nothing but a lie.
I would have liked to see more stories about Ron Paul. I find it odd that someone can raise so much money, have more meetup groups and members than any other candidate, generate a huge ruckus online, and win a majority of the straw polls while still being completely ignored by the media.
As for the most important story, I thought the revelation that Iran had ended its nuclear weapons program several years ago was big news.
#13 – I was waiting for someone to introduce fiction into a thread about news.
2007 was much like all other years. I can’t really think of anything earth shattering that happened.
Meet the new year, same as the old year. Bah!
It’s 2007 already, geeze.
2007 was the year of the Linux desktop, or maybe that will be 2008, 2009, 2010, or is it 2011?
I almost forgot.
2007 will be the year where you can call a middleaged Republican a big homo and chances are that you are right.
Benazir Bhutto, partly because so many of the other stories of the year make up the context.
The biggest non-story is how little movement has been made in the face of atmospheric changes. The second biggest non-story is the U.S. Presidential elections.
The peaceful Chinese peoples met a quota.
Ron Paul!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Depends on what news the site considers important I guess, which is confusing at the best of times.
I’d say:
Housing Bubble continues to burst.
Dollar falls drastically.
No candidate has any serious, interesting new direction.
Venezuelans actually are smart and rejected Chavez’s attempt at unrestricted power.
Iran is attempting to assert itself in the power vacuum that Iraq left; without its theocracy it could have taken over the gulf.
Russians are not certain where they want to go with their democracy… meaning they probably will lose it.
The Democratic congress has been shown to be far more whimpy than expected — even with two high profile presidential front runners.
China’s government is slowly thawing to scrutiny from within and without.
India is making strides to become a technology power, yet still has millions of poor and hungry in the lower castes and significant infrastructure problems.
Vista has failed as an upgrade, it pretty much is only being installed on new computers (and deinstalled when possible).
Apple i-crap is making far more inroads, turning them into more of an electronics maker than a computer maker.
The One-laptop initiative is actually running and doing its mission statement.
Moore’s law looks to be continuing for at least another 5-10 years.
HD-DVD and Blu-ray are fighting a duel to the death, including giving away content and glaring at each other threateningly in dark doorways.
Oracle absorbed Peoplesoft without any problems, and is now hitting its stride profit-wise (and still buying.)
Google seems to be building a conglomerate.
Microsoft really doesn’t know what to do with its 40 billion dollars in cash. No clue. Not a one. Too bad they won’t just buy up a linux vendor or eight.
Yeah, no news at all. Boring year.
The biggest story is the Lying Ventriloquist’s Dummy we have for a President.
China poisoned America and nobody cared.
And Fox news told us that said poisoning was good for the economy;)
Not very widely reported, but a small tech company (Nanosolar) has created a new type of solar panel that generates electricity at $0.30/watt. Coal’s cost is $1.00/watt, so this new development undercuts coal by a wide margin. Further, the new process can create the lightweight, flexible sheets in any size.
Now, perhaps we can really move forward to a sustainable energy future, rather than clutch at absurd straws, like growing food just to burn it.