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Read THIS before you answer.

  1. iGlobalWarmer says:

    I had 3 immediate reactions to that:

    1. What?!?

    2. Am I having a stroke? There’s nothing comprehensible here.

    3. That’s gonna leave a hell of a skid mark when she flushes.

  2. gquaglia says:

    What is the difference between a terrorist and a freedom fighter. In the case of Al Qaeda, the terrorist’s goal is to enslave the world under the oppressive rule of Islamic fanaticism. A case could be made for the PLO and IRA as they were fighting for the freedom of their people under the occupation of a foreign country. Al Qaeda may say all they want is the west out of the middle east, but the ultimate goal is an Islamic world.

  3. Jim W. says:

    just what I needed.

    An article full of self hate double speak to start the new year off.

  4. Dennis says:

    Simple to tell the difference. The terrorist doesn’t believe exactly what I believe, and they are in “MY” country destroying people and places that promote what “I” believe.

    Funny how that can be said without defining what Country I am in….and how it might apply to those over there….rather than over here.

    Terrorist is non denominational….same as ignorance.

  5. gquaglia says:

    #5 with all due respect, you are wrong. Islamic rule of the world is the ultimate goal. We could pull everyone out and it wouldn’t make a lick of difference.

  6. Named says:

    Reading too much into it. There is NO difference between the two. What IS different is the end-goal / game of their manifesto. Whether or not you agree with said manifesto is beside the point.

    Now, I DID notice one difference… Terrorists are Lefties, and freedom fighters are Righties… And the chick is in the middle instead of on the fringe.

  7. Dorksters says:

    Pawns pay their part very well.

  8. Les says:

    The winners get to write the history books.

  9. Angel H. Wong says:


    Nobody could have said it better.

  10. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    “But if thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought.”

    –George Orwell

  11. James Armstrong says:


  12. eyeofthetiger says:

    Those lefties have invaded the patriots.

  13. Jeff says:

    The only real difference is your internal compass. You see life through blinders (life experience). There is no absolute.

    The real question, however, is what is best for America (and to a lesser degree humanity).

  14. gitter says:

    This guy might be a terrorist
    …or maybe not

  15. Thinker says:

    #7 Well said!

    Your actions speak so loud, I cannot hear what you say. : )

    And while I’m thinking of it, if there are no absolutes, how can there be no absolutes #16? Or are you saying we need context to understand? That I can go with.

  16. Phillep says:

    Oh, I’m going to enjoy using this on you leftards. If A=B, then B=A, so what are you going to call “conservatives”?

    Everyone is a terrorist, so no one is a terrorist, so it makes no difference at all if anyone blows up a bunch of people?

    Would it make any difference if the US government is killing a bunch of people? Wheee. Hey, have you told the 9-11 “truth” movement that it does not really make any difference if the US gov’t was behind the twin tower attack? It’s all the same, “terrorists” and “freedom fighters”, right? “Patriot” and “Fanatic”?

  17. Mister Catshit says:

    #19, Philleep,

    Oh, I’m going to enjoy using this on you leftards. If A=B, then B=A, so what are you going to call “conservatives”?

    In the same vein as you, several suggestions come to mind. Disillusioned, retarded, wide-stance, selfish, criminal, neo-con, Bushit, rightards, liars, and assholes. Take your pick. You could even add your own description. Remember, words like decent, honorable, respectful, and similar terms don’t apply.

    I’m waiting to see what citation you will come up with next.

    I have to say this, Philleep. You are too damn shallow, why the hell do you try to get into a discussion requiring intelligence.

  18. Phillep says:

    You are making your insults meaningless by making everything morally equivalent, no matter that one thing is horrible and the other frivolous.

    You do remember how “panties on head” were “torture”, right? So, the natural result of that was a poll showing that most US citizens thought “torture” was okay. After all, water boarding, feeding people feet first into shredders, feeding people to starving dogs, and drilling holes in them with hand drills are all “morally equivalent” to something as frivolous as “panties on head”.

    Huh. “Shallow”.

  19. Dorksters says:

    Jeff said…

    The real question, however, is what is best for America (and to a lesser degree humanity).

    Only what is best for humanity is best for America. If we can’t apply our ideals to others, then we are disingenuous if we claim those standards apply to us.

    If our ideals don’t apply to us, then any justifications we provide for our actions are self-deceptions.

    We can only win by setting the better example.

    If we win by setting the better example, then everyone wins.

    If we try to win by making others lose, we will end up losing also.

    PS. I believe if God exists, he holds self deceivers in greater contempt than those that lie to others.

    PPS. Arianna Huffington is a babe.

  20. JPV says:

    gquaglia said

    #5 with all due respect, you are wrong. Islamic rule of the world is the ultimate goal. We could pull everyone out and it wouldn’t make a lick of difference.


    You, just like the vast majority of Americans, are a complete and utter moron.

  21. Jolly Infidel says:

    Well, you could take the whole terrorist thing and ask what’s the point of killing yourself for some dumb old religious or ideology or political cause or whatever. Life isn’t that bad, is it? Apparently some people think so.

    Very effective as sensationalism in the media, but wonder how much it will matter in the long run.

    “And then the old Nobadaddy aloft
    Farted and belched and coughed
    And said:

    I love hanging and drawing and quartering
    Every bit as well as war and slaughtering

    Damn the praying and singing
    As long as it will bring in
    The blood of ten thousand
    By fighting and swinging!”

    – William Blake

  22. FuZ3 says:

    Terrorists fight because the hate something. Freedom fighters fight because they love something.

  23. Named says:


    If you hate oppression, should you fight against it? If you love oppression, should you fight for it?

    You’re statement sounds good, like a sound bite, but it’s flawed.

  24. bobbo says:

    Yea, well, even things that are very different from one another can have points in common.

    When the commonalities are more important than the differences, then it is fair to say they are “the same” at least for those commonalities.

    What is not accurate is to say any two things that share some common elements are the same for all their characteristics.

    You will find this logical error in just about every argument that starts without defining its terms.

    Happens all the time.

  25. Cursor_ says:

    The bloody christians tried that idea and it failed. What makes you think the muslims would be any better at it when they are simply humans as well?

    History shows the failures at this approach. It simply doesn’t work. It always comes crumbling down on them.


  26. pjakobs says:

    on telling the difference: I saw a TV programme here in Germany the other day with the title “Ben or Bin”. They had quotes from Ben(edict, the current pope) and Bin (Ladin). It was quite amazing how little the two differ in their judgement of the state of the western society.

    But who would be amazed by that, after all, Ben was heading the organization that used to be the spanish inquisition before becoming pope.


  27. JoaoPT says:

    So much banter…
    Just realize that if you believe on what #4 says you are as much as a terrorist as “they” are. And what moved you to go there in the first place was fear. Fear brings out the shadow side of everyone.
    Although simplistic, I agree with the article.

  28. Guido says:

    #22: Ariana Huffington is a hideous old hag.

    As for this article: It’s nice to see that intellectual rationalization is alive and well.

    I expect better of you Mr. Dvorak.

  29. Dorksters says:

    #31: So we can see it is all a matter of perspective regarding Mrs. Huffington.

  30. TIHZ_HO says:

    #5 Well said!

    #28 I agree.

    “Islamic rule of the world is the ultimate goal (of Al Qaeda).” As much as it is the Christian goal. Christians believe it is their God given right to overcome and ‘save’ the infidels.

    “Houston we have a problem…”

    If only these goddamn ‘missionary’ religions would stop trying to convert and ‘save’ everyone we would be all better off.



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