Wait about 20 seconds into this video. Then wait a little longer for a slow-mo of the take down.

  1. BubbaRay says:

    He might run an insurance company for a day job, but I wouldn’t want to get on that ref’s bad side.

    Interesting that players can’t lay hand on a ref without a fine, but the ref gets away with a great takedown. I suppose it’s just part of “breaking up a fight,” and totally within the rules.

  2. cliff says:

    Coach McCarthy spoke with the NFL office about it. He couldn’t share specifics of the conversation. However, the league acknowledged the ref was out of line.

  3. RockOn says:

    Give that ref a taser!

  4. dfarin says:

    Extracurricular activity is par for the course during a Packer-Bear game. Maybe John could invite Barnett and Quirk to guest on Cranky Geeks this week. I’ld suggest redecorating the set though. Think concrete benches. That way, only the cards could be thrown around on the set. It could be entertaining to see them take turns throwing the cards at each other.

  5. BigE says:

    @ RockOn:

    That ref doesn’t need a taser! The player said, “Don’t throw me, bro!”

  6. RockOn says:


    LOL! that ref’s a bad dude! that player was head and shoulders bigger than him and wearing full gear! Looked more like WWF than NFL…

  7. Bill R. says:

    I was watching the game and I didn’t think the Ref was out of line…

  8. TheJim says:

    The ref got fined his entire game check by the league ($8000ish) for the incident. Apparently he has a history of inappropriate contact with players.


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