- Amazon is in the news.
- They are going to sell music without copy protection.
- They announce that they sold 17 Wii’s-per-second in 2007. Cripes! No way.
- Apple doing a deal for downloading Fox films. Walmart, meanwhile, out of the downloading business.
- Dell’s XPS One getting praise for design but costs too much.
- HP sold 60 million printers last year.
- Boston Public Library putting old docs on line.
- Panasonic to show 150-inch PDP at CES.
- More cell phone horror stories. Guy gets $50,000 bill.
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It took a week for anyone to notice that Wal-Mart took down the downloads.
Clarification on the Wii numbers:
Amazon was selling Wiis at a rate of 17 per second. Disclaimer: This was only during the holiday season. Disclaimer disclaimer: This was only when the Wii was in stock.
(Source: CNN)
Otherwise, according to my calculations, Amazon sold 536,112,000 Wiis in 2007. And I still don’t have one!
More importantly, You’ll never “need” a Wii.
All hail our Nintendo overlords!
“Guy gets $50,000 bill”
Turns out that “free” Pr0n isn’t free!
“Dell’s XPS One getting praise for design but costs too much.”
Yep, pretty means expensive.