“Take that, Mr. Holocaust Denyer! “

Israel Wins ‘Nuke War’
A doomsday war between nuclear-armed adversaries Iran and Israel would kill up to 28 million Iranians and destroy their nation, but the Jewish state might survive, according to a prestigious US think tank.

The nightmare “what if?” scenario concluded that Israel’s state-of-the-art missile defense would intercept most of Iran’s nuclear-tipped missiles.

That would limit Israel’s deaths to as “few” as 200,000 – while its much more numerous and more powerful nukes would obliterate Iran, said the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

“Iranian recovery is not possible in the normal sense of the term, though Israeli recovery is theoretically possible in population and economic terms,” analyst Andrew Cordesman wrote.

The findings could cheer Israeli hawks who dispute the recent US National Intelligence Estimate that Iran is not seeking nukes.

Check out the guys who wrote the report.

  1. ECA says:

    I find this abit Short sighted…
    AFTER such a war, BOTH will be swarmed by the other nations around them.
    If nothing else, for the LAND.

  2. kflanagan says:

    “according to prestigious US think tank.”

    What/who makes them prestigious?

    How related are they to the same bunch of wackos who said that US troops would be welcomed with flowers in Iraq, or that the reconstruction would be paid for by Iraq with it’s own oil revenues? Or that the resistance was in it’s last throes? You know, the folks who have been _WRONG_ about every prediction that they made so far in recent times.

    There are no “winners” when force is used, there are only folks who lose less, nukes are the extreme example. I suppose that the drifting clouds of radioactive dust aren’t going to effect anyone but Iran or Israel?

  3. Bob says:

    I like the following quotation attributed to Dick Davis about those that profess expertise about the stock market, but seems appropriate here:

    “Another misconception is this: because someone sounds like he knows what he’s talking about doesn’t mean he knows what he’s talking about. What helps him sound so convincing is that he doesn’t know that he doesn’t know.”

  4. gquaglia says:

    AFTER such a war, BOTH will be swarmed by the other nations around them.
    If nothing else, for the LAND.

    How do you figure. First Israel will survive and still be a military force to reckon with. Second, Iran would be so radioactive that it would be uninhabitable. No, the thing we and the rest of the world have to worry about is a disruption of oil from the region. That would be far worse on the grand scale of things then a few hundred thousand dead Israels and Iranians.

  5. Um …

    I hope (but doubt) people are spending at least as much time trying to prevent this as they are trying to predict the outcome.

  6. On the other hand, such a limited range nuclear war would create a small nuclear winter that would temporarily counteract global warming.

    However, even I would not want to think about this as a solution to the problem of global warming. There has to be a better way both to resolve our differences and to maintain a habitable biosphere.

  7. Brian says:

    This whole thing is a waste of time.
    How about the Israeli Air Force?
    They have the best pilots in the world.
    Their range is greater than the chart shows and they hit targets with pinpoint accuracy.

    For the past 50 years Israel has been very consistent. If you hit Israel they hit you back so hard all you want to do is go in a corner and whimper.

    No one will go after their land because they won’t use all of their nukes. (See previous paragraph.)

  8. sam says:

    No more wars for Israel! Ever here of the Balfour Declaration? Mel Gibson was right they are responsible for all the wars in the world.

  9. ECA says:

    and the location of all those dead, will be in the major cities.. Where most of the military are haveing a nice holiday.

    Its called the second wing…You dont BOMB unless you follow it up with the grunts. And you THINK the Arabs arent watching this happen? Or the Turks? Turkey, and all the rest, will STOMP on them FAST.

  10. Jimbo says:

    It wouldn’t be a “fair” fight because Israel’s got all the nukes!

    One wonders why we didn’t start a war with Israel when they started stockpiling their nukes, yet we did with Iraq’s supposed WMDs and are threatening to do the same with Iran. The Israeli regime seems to be headed by the least stable people in that region. (Actually, I don’t wonder; I know why we didn’t.)

  11. Here’s an interesting story about Israel. Think of this and the fact that ALL of the Arab states flatly refused entry to the Palestinians.


  12. Danijel says:

    And who made this map? I doubt it’s very accurate, considering the borders are at least 15-20 years old…

  13. Of course they’re going to win the war, an Israeli soldier could rape and kill a muslim woman/girl on live TV and the only thing he would get is a slap on the wrist and a “Next time use a condom” comment.

  14. Firestarter5 says:

    Israel would attack Iran because they know that when it came to retaliation, they could run and hide behind the US military. Is the US willing to get into a nuclear pissing match with China and Russia?

    Doubt it.

  15. T. says:

    On the purely logical level, I don’t get the following conclusion:

    “The findings could cheer Israeli hawks who dispute the recent US National Intelligence Estimate that Iran is not seeking nukes.”

    The analysis supports something completely opposite! Since Iran is not going to win the war anyway, it will not seek nuclear weapons. Why bother spending all the money, risk sanctions, etc.

    Now, either Iran has government consisting of idiots, or NY Post employs idiots as journalists. Anyone making a bet which assertion is true?

  16. bobbo says:

    In this holiday season of good will towards man, I just want to recognize UNCLE DAVE for, as exemplified here, very insightful yet still humorous, story lead-ins.

    Well done.

    Uncle Dave–someday favor us with a post on how you keep your sanity?

  17. #16 – T.,

    Now, either Iran has government consisting of idiots, or NY Post employs idiots as journalists. Anyone making a bet which assertion is true?

    I don’t view this as an XOR (exclusive or for non-geeks, means true when only one is true at a time). I think it may be that both statements are true.

    In fact, given that the average level of intelligence of humans on the planet is somewhere around sub-moron (and dropping fast), it is likely that both are true.

  18. JPV says:

    Brian said:

    This whole thing is a waste of time.
    How about the Israeli Air Force?
    They have the best pilots in the world.
    Their range is greater than the chart shows and they hit targets with pinpoint accuracy.

    For the past 50 years Israel has been very consistent. If you hit Israel they hit you back so hard all you want to do is go in a corner and whimper.


    Funny, it seemed like Israel was doing the “whimpering” last year when the got the shit kicked out of them by Hezbollah in Lebanon.

    The myth of Israeli military superiority is nothing but BS propaganda.

  19. Improbus says:

    The people in the mid-east deserve one another. I don’t give a crap what happens to Israel. They can all nuke each other for all I care. I don’t care about the oil … we need to switch to renewable sources of engergy any way.

  20. DeLeMa says:

    #20 – Amen or whatever serves to float your boat..

    The only thing Israel provides is a focus for the Arabs so they don’t start killing each other more quickly.

    Angel – You think some big daddy over there actually lets them get away with anything they do ? I think the evidence is against you there..someone mentioned Hezbollah ? The Israeli neighbors are pretty typical of the mid-eastern ilk..they’ll blow themselves up if you even dare to mention their gawd in anything but a reverent manner.

  21. eaze says:

    fuk israel, it should not even exist. all countries in the middle east should team up, go in there and kill every last one of them. reclaim the land of Palestine. either that or we put every israeli in a time machine and transport them back to a holocaust that they now deserve.

  22. Mister Catshit says:

    Another New York Post scoop. Wow !!! Like no one else is even contemplating a war involving nuclear weapons. Except a Murdoch newspaper. Wow, another News Corp blockbuster. Wow, I’m SO impressed !!!

    Sam, you’re a racist bigot.

  23. wfeather says:

    Of course Iran has no nuclear weapons now and may never have them so what’s the point? If, indeed, they ever do develop them then I expect the world situation may be much different than it is today and we’ll have to reevaluate our thinking then given that existing situation. Duh.

    This is yet another ploy by Cheney to kill innocent women and children. He likes that.

  24. bac says:

    Here is my doomsday scenario for Israel.

    1) Al Qaeda and Taliban manage to over take the Pakistan government.

    2) The new Pakistani government decides to cause chaos in the middle east by launching an attack on Israel.

    3) This attack provides an opening for Hezbollah and the Palestinians so they attack Israel too.

    4) Egypt decides they want a piece of the action so they attack Israel.

    5) The USA can not help Israel because of still being bogged down in Iraq and the new fight in Afghanistan coming from Pakistan.

    Just how long could Israel keep up the good fight with some many frontal attacks?

  25. Uncle Dave says:

    #17: Thanks, but what could possibly make you think I was ever sane?

  26. MikeN says:

    But Iranian Pres Rafsanjani has said that it isn’t important whether Iran survives, since the Israeli counterattack would only destroy a small part of the Islamic world.

  27. RickCain says:

    Actually Israel’s nuclear reach is a lot farther than most think. Their “Shavit space launch vehicle” is actually an ICBM but it can put satellites in orbit too.


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