Wow! Between dealing with wars, a collapsing economy and on and on, Hillary plans to take time to eradicate that most pernicious of evils that plagues society: simulated sex between cartoon characters. What more could you want in a President!

Clinton Would Crack Down on Computer-Generated Cartoon Sex
Hillary Clinton is still outraged that Rockstar Games left a sexually-themed mini game nestled in its best-selling Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas in 2005.

You’ll recall the kerfuffle when the deactivated love scene was found buried in the code for the otherwise wholesome car jacking, cop-killing shooter. The unfinished mini-game featured clothed characters simulating sex acts.

That all led some cynics to suspect Clinton of grandstanding when she called a press conference to denounce Rockstar and demand a Federal Trade Commission investigation into San Andreas. The ESRB re-rated the game to AO for “adults only,” raising the minimum age of purchase from 17 to 18 years old — a crucial year in which a teen develops the necessary psychological defenses to resist the Siren song of polygon porn.

“When I am President, I will work to protect children from inappropriate video game content,” she told CSM.

  1. Calin says:

    Hillary is to video games what Tipper Gore was to music.

    I find it funny that it is the Republicans that are always painted as the “moral majority” who wish to ban everything they see as “evil”. It goes both ways.

  2. ECA says:

    I figured long ago,,
    WHEn kids start PAYING ATTENTION to stuff like this,
    Its about time to start TALKING TO THEM, and explaining things.

  3. GigG says:

    The Democrats are going to be oh so much better than the Republicans.

  4. Shin says:

    …and this differs from the position of the Republican candidates in what way? Possibly the next headline here can be “Republican hopefuls come out in favor of pron for children.” (Just thought I’d try that old standard technique of the grand old party towards anyone who shows that they have a thought process and maybe all answers do not have to be “pass a federal law”, or “kill the bastards”). Anyway guys, don’t get to upset that she’s trying to steal your “we’re moraller than you card”. I’m sure you will find some other issue of no import to make any opponent look more satanic than though…

    #4. At this point, I’d take a half drowned water rat as presumed “better”. It’s just to bad that that is what I’m also likely to get.

  5. GigG says:

    #5 I think that is a huge assumption on your part.

  6. For some strange reason a woman whining against porn is more credible that the average 50-something white republican man.

  7. Improbus says:

    Stick your finger in the air and see which way the wind is blowing Hillary. She is just another triangulating sociopathic politician in my book.

  8. AdmFubar says:

    it has nothing to do with ones action when in office.
    it is simply to say anything that will get them elected.

    all canidates are beholden to those that funded their campagne, nothing more.
    all canidates with lie, cheat, steal and sell their soul to get elected….

  9. DeLeMa says:

    #7 – Just funnier to listen to…

  10. This is one of those well-meaning pieces of crap based on Christian mythology and morals. Though, AFAIK, there is no ‘Thou Shalt Not View Porn’ in the bible.

    More importantly though, check out this little article from a while back stating fairly emphatically and with some evidence to back it that internet pornography reduces the incidence of rape.

    Maybe I should send the article to Hillary and suggest that she read it at one of her secret prayer cell meetings.

  11. Shin says:

    #6 Which part is the huge assumtion? You mean not all of it is?

    #7 I don’t see why that should be? I tend to believe the people doing the most whining about it, like those doing the most whining about the horror of drugs, tend to be those that are making the most money off of them under the status quo, or would be making more by ratcheting up the FUD a little more.

    # 8,9 Goes without saying really

    #11 Exactly, see comment above regarding making money. All of the facts over the last quarter century or so at least are happily ignored by those in government and without who have their turfs to the case of pretc. It the church leaders with their collection plates, and the politico’s who want their votes, and with drugs, it’s the massively over manned law enforcement community who would be out of work, and have to finally start paying for their drugs, and have to start living again in the real world, where they don’t have to be obeyed as gods by whomever they speak to. What a shock that will be if it ever happens.


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