Click pic to wallow in 5 examples of her intellectual prowess

Her name is Sherri Shepard and she’s one of the women on that bizarre daytime gabfest, The View. Watch as Whoopi, knowing she’s a knucklehead, sets her up. You have to wonder if it’s all an act (the last two are kinda unbelievable), if there can really be someone that stupid. But then all I have to do is look at the items we’ve posted here on DU over the years…

  1. Jägermeister says:

    Even a caveman has a problem with her ignorance.

  2. SN says:

    My favorite was when she said she never thought about whether the earth was round or flat because she was too busy thinking about feeding (and probably beating) her kids.

    One of the co-hosts, I think it was Barbara Walters, replied, “You can think of both.”

    Her line that Christians came before everything was pretty funny. Obviously she has never even read her bible. Of course it does show how strong her faith is, it’s not based on any empirical evidence. It solely exists in her mind and her mind alone. Subjective Faith, so to speak.

  3. Mark says:

    She is no worse than star jones. Or haslleback. God those women scare me. Even whoppie a bit. The red head is passable, and rosie was tolerable usually. Id take everyone of them before donald trump.

    Besides all that though, everyone does know that christians did come before anything else…i mean duh…after god created the world you think he plopped down some jews? greeks? gimme a break. NOTHING comes before jesus. amen.

  4. Greg Allen says:

    I think I could be even stupid-er. I’ll take her job at 90% of whatever she earns.

  5. McCullough says:

    At least Rosie has a functioning brain, no matter her politics. And Walters just sleeps through the show.

  6. A.D.D. Tod says:

    Woman slapping (hitting, punching,etc.) a man, EXPECTING to not get hit back…
    hmm, sexual discrimination?

    Remember the women’s rights movement? wanting to be treated EXACTLY THE SAME AS EVERYBODY ELSE?

    As it happens, (and I expect to be excoriated over this) ANYBODY hits me, EXPECT to be hit back with the same force and in the same place. Or as close as possible.

    I DON’T care male/female when hiring, I don’t care male/female when learning from anybody else, plainly put, I don’t give a shit if your’re a boy or a girl at all…
    only thing I care about, WHAT ARE YOUR QUALIFICATIONS. So, I treat EVERYBODY exactly the same as they treat me.
    You hit me, I hit you.
    You be nice to me, I be nice to you.
    Talk smack about me, I’ll talk smack about you.
    And on and on.

    As the religous-freaks seem to forget, their own books state “Treat others as you expect to be treated.”

  7. the Three-Headed Cat says:

    Let me just stir the pot a l’il bit…

    You white guys are a hoot. What you don’t realize is you are knocking her for her thinking being out of the white American mainstream, but you don’t grasp the cultural differences that make her ideas not nearly as far out of the black American mainstream. That means you will see fewer blacks than whites calling her an idiot.

    Run with that. 😉

    [The science of human racial differences vs. anti-scientific PC dogma on Cage Match. – ed.]

  8. eyeofthetiger says:

    #7 Don’t be ridiculous blacks know the earth is a sphere – it’s the shape of a basketball.

    Wheelie tho, how many seasons has Jerry Springer been on the air?

  9. gquaglia says:

    Got to remember, she is about as smart as most of the View’s audience.

  10. Cinaedh says:

    #6 A.D.D Tod

    The only problem with your philosophy is this: no matter how stupid an asshole you’re dealing with, you’re making an effort to be, at the very least, just as stupid an asshole. Even if you win, you lose.

    “Treat others as you expect to be treated.”

    I think you meant to write, “Treat others as you wish to be treated”.

    Correct that one and you’ll probably live a longer, happier life with a lot less conflict.

  11. Uncle Dave says:

    #7: stirring the pot faster:

    “being out of the white American mainstream” ???

    If the reason she (and according to you, a considerable percentage of blacks) don’t know common things like the earth is round and that there was life before Jesus, blacks are more fucked up or stupid than any of us whites knew. I bet in even the most decrepit schools, these basic knowledge things are taught.

    On the other hand, listening to the black teenagers who sometimes hang out outside my apartment, you have to wonder how the hell they will ever have anything other than poverty and gangs in their future. From the sound of it (and they yell at each other rather than talk so everyone can hear) they can barely handle or know about anything other than clothes, hair, drugs and having sex. And guns which one of them shot off a few weeks ago.

    Obviously, this is our fault.

    BTW, it appears to me that Whoopi hasn’t bought into that culture of stupidity you say Sherri is a part of.

    [The science of human racial differences vs. anti-scientific PC dogma on Cage Match. – ed.]

  12. the Three-Headed Cat says:

    So, back at you, Dave. Who is more typical of present-day black American citizens; the kids outside your window, or a multimillionaire Hollywood comedian?

  13. DeLeMa says:

    #12 –
    “.. Who is more typical of present-day black American citizens; the kids outside your window, or a multimillionaire Hollywood comedian?” suppose Whoopi always had those millions ?

    Another Ummm.. Ya think Sherri might be an act ?!?
    I just wanna put a camera in her bedroom and watch her sleep..that should be a real hoot !

    A last Ummm.. Ya ever been in a poor WHITE neighborhood and listened to some of those yokels ?
    I’m confused about whether they’re emulating A.A.’s or mayhaps, there’s a common denominator at work ? Definitely hard to discern a difference in attitude or behaviour but then, I live around buffalo and antelope and I’m far too busy watching them play..

  14. Uncle Dave says:

    #12: Neither. But I would hope they want to emulate Whoopi who made something of herself and didn’t expect others to hand her everything. Refused to play the woe is me, I’m oppressed or poor or whatever and gave up. Of course, the same can be said of a lot of white kids, unfortunately, who feel an education isn’t worth it and fall into the culture of stupidity.

    #13: The culture of stupidity knows no limits, be it racial, financial, sexual, etc in this country. Always been that way. What’s changed is it seems to be growing. Hell, we elected a president whose a member.

  15. Glenn E. says:

    Not to sound racist. But Sherri obvious was picked because she filled the hole that Star Jones left, perfectly. She must be black, and must be plumpish. And can’t be too much of an intellectual, or she’ll embarrass the rest of the cast. “Stupid” isn’t a problem. After all, they named the show “The View” instead of “Four Views”. They obvious can’t have only one view, with a four person discussion. QED. The whole show is stupid.

    This “View” means, “tune in, look at us, turn off your brain, and buy the products we advertise”.

  16. Mister Catshit says:

    #9, gq,

    Good point. I didn’t know it was mostly Republican voters that watched though.

    Isn’t the View’s audience pretty mixed? I thought the “liberals” watched for entertainment while the “conservatives” watched for education.

    I love Whoopie. A great comedian and truly intelligent person. I would have loved to have her and Rosie together with another intelligent woman such as Rachel Maddow.

  17. the Three-Headed Cat says:

    Whoopi is respected more by white Americans than blacks. In the African-American community, she is regarded by many as an ‘Oreo’ – black on the outside, but white on the inside. A traitor to her race and culture, because she worked hard, and conformed to and participated in American mainstream society, rather than joining the default underclass culture of entitlement, that societal cancer created by guilty, patronizing white liberals in the past and maintained by their Politically Correct ancestors today.

    David Duke or George Wallace, on their best days, could never damage American’s perception of blacks as badly as Sherri Shepard does.

  18. Mister Kitty Litter says:

    #7 – I’m not calling her an idiot. I’m calling her a coont.

  19. Mike Drips says:

    Irregardless of sex or race, Sherri has shown herself multiple times to be dumber than dirt. There are a lot of dim bulbs on television, but she is definitely the dimmest.

    As for Whoopi, she is as racist as they come.

  20. Smartalix says:


    What about the blacks that actually know something about the world and hate that fat mouth-breathing idiot for perpetuating the stereotype? That moronic twat hurts the cause of blacks everywhere for respect and opportunity with her inanity.

  21. The 3-Headed Cat™ says:

    Blacks – who join the mainstream culture, who fully pariticipate in, not white society, but American society – are not shouted down and denounced in public by PCers the way whites critical of the culture of pro-black racism and entitlement are, but they’re nonetheless kept out of the debate, in quiet, insidious ways. Those that dare speak up, that is. Most don’t dare, and I don’t blame them.

    About the only one who gets any ink is Cos, and that’s only because they can’t completely shut him out, since he’s a bajillionaire. But the guilty white PC liberals who are the gatekeepers of the press make sure that the Al and Jesse Show gets front-page headlines, and that Cos’ criticisms are shuffled off to a single column on an inside page, next to the underwear ads.

    Mainstream blacks who have successfully integrated into American society are a terrible source of embarassment for Political Correctness, because their very existence gives the lie to the PC claim that all of black America’s problems are white people’s fault. That blacks have had, for decades now, equal opportunities to get on the stick and blend into the melting pot, so long as they follow the same rules as everyone else and that many, many have done so – PC will have nothing of that. They’re just ‘Uncle Toms’ and ‘Oreos,’ playing “the white man’s game.” The dysfunctional ghetto subculture of illiteracy, crime, entitlement and anti-white racism is asserted as valid, and “real” and entitled to breaks that no one else gets… not satisfied with guaranteed equal opportunity, they demand guarantees of equal outcomes, with none of the sacrifices, like having to show merit, and work for it. And for fostering and promoting that crippling lie among black Americans – that’s something white people ARE to blame for.

    The results of that mindset can be seen outside Unca Dave’s apartment – and on The View .


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