A state police academy leader has disavowed the slogan of the most recent graduating class urging one another to “go out and cause” post-traumatic stress disorder. According to the Veterans Association, tens of thousands of U.S. soldiers suffer from PTSD, which causes nightmares, flashbacks and physical symptoms that make sufferers feel as if they are reliving trauma, even many years later.

Each class at the Idaho Police Officer Standards and Training Academy is allowed to choose a slogan that is printed on its graduation programs, and the class of 43 graduates came up with “Don’t suffer from PTSD, go out and cause it.” Ada County Sheriff Gary Raney, who attended the Dec. 14 graduation, pointed out the slogan to the academy’s director, Jeff Black, minutes before the ceremony began, Raney said. A photograph of the program was e-mailed anonymously to news outlets throughout the state.

“That’s not something we encourage or condone,” Black said. “It shouldn’t have been there. It was inappropriate.”

Whatever happened to the motto “To Serve and Protect”, and when exactly did we become the enemy?

  1. Sying Flaucer says:

    How about; “Taser ’em all, and let God sort ’em out!”

  2. AdmFubar says:

    Wow, looks like the idaho state police are gonna be up for the darwin awards…
    i mean how dumb is it to stress out a green beret?? or navy seal?? or anyone in special ops?? then only ones that are gonna suffer are the ones that are gonna cause it…

    it will prolly be the last thing one of these dimwits will do in life, cause ptsd… hope it gets caught on camera….

  3. JPV says:

    We’ve ALWAYS been the enemy.

    Just some of you sheeple are finally starting to figure it out.

  4. Steve says:

    We’ve become so polarized that it’s become acceptable to act as if being a cop makes you a “good guy’ capable of snap judgement as to whether or not someone else is a “bad guy” who deserves to be subjected to whatever it takes for “goodness” to prevail. I think this is probably a response to too many years of touchy-feely lenience but these fuckin’ pea-brained monsters get scarier all the time. I’m livin’ in my own private Idaho.

  5. Joel says:

    Sad to see this… but it’s very telling how new officers are being trained to even have this mind set.

  6. the Three-Headed Cat says:

    What oversight is given, and by who, to the anti-everybody-but-us shit taught at police academies? Answer: apparently none, by nobody.

    The gung-ho, self-righteous fascist jerkoff thugs who teach newbie cops that the people they’re paid to protect are to be presumed enemy combatants until proven otherwise need to be purged from the system.

  7. bobbo says:

    This all starts in grade school with team sports.

    Yea for our side, boo to the other side.

    This is societal group think already present in the ex-jock pool of talent the PD recruits from. More than “not encourage it” it would have to be actively selected against and rooted out–ie, ain’t gonna happen.

  8. MRN says:

    Looks like we’ll soon be seeing “Rambo: More Blood -Global War on Terror Edition”

  9. Gasbag says:

    How about “To taser and protect”

  10. Rabble Rouser says:

    RE:Whatever happened to the motto “To Serve and Protect”, and when exactly did we become the enemy?

    The motto went out when we became a police state. Were you sleeping at the time?

  11. eyeofthetiger says:

    Top cop of his class is top asshole. Smells like fascism.

  12. MTV generation meets the taser generation.

  13. A.D.D. Tod says:

    Whatever happened to the motto “To Serve and Protect”, and when exactly did we become the enemy?

    Why, we became the enemy when the TRAINERS decided the only good people were cops.

    We became the enemy when the local, Circut Court, and Federal JUDGES decided the cops were more truthful at all times (common saying: “In a court, who’s the judge gonna believe, you?, or the cops?”).

    Basically, as near as I can tell, late ’70’s to early ’80’s….

  14. Improbus says:

    Just another reason to hate cops.

  15. Li says:

    I would say this this is another reason to pity cops, as they are being deceived into actions and ways of thinking that bear a high karmic burden. But, in the end, it is the responsibility of the citizenry to enforce the motto of ‘serve and protect,’ even if our leaders are making this increasingly difficult.

  16. Mister Catshit says:

    I think the entire class should be sent for remedial training. After their psychological re-evaluations.

    The first time one of these cops busts someone for a felony, the defense lawyer will pull a Mark Furnman on him. If the cop is unbiased, he will promptly (oops, too late) distance himself from the slogan.

  17. raiderz7 says:

    A.D.D Tod said it no better..i guess me serving for iraq twice in a forward unit means that if i ever travel to idaho to I should expect to receive some PTSD…so could so many miss that up to grad day??? pathetic


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