Check out the Top Ten Driver Series Countdown on Cage Match, then vote for your favorite. You won’t win anything, but you’ll see some funny pictures! You’ll have to log in if you want to vote, but your information is confidential as it is here on Dvorak Uncensored.

  1. gquaglia says:

    I see a bulk of the incidents involve women drivers. They really are the worst.

  2. hhopper says:

    Har! Somebody agrees with me!

  3. eyeofthetiger says:

    К сожалению, я пока не говорю по-русски.

    [That’s easy for you to say. – ed.]

  4. Mister Mushi Pork says:

    Asians are the worst, you can blindfold them with dental floss. The police call it DWO or driving while oriental.

    # 3 said К сожалению, я пока не говорю по-русски.

    Yeah, no shit!

  5. Mister Catshit says:

    #4, Mister MP,

    How do you blind a Chinaman?

    Put a windshield in front of him.


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