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As SWAT officers surrounded an Alvarado home in rural Johnson County, they steeled themselves for a confrontation with what they believed to be a drug-crazed man armed with an AK-47 who had already killed his wife, taken hostages and wanted to kill police. But what they found was an innocent 60-year-old trucker.

No bloody crime scene, no assault rifle – only unanswered questions. Authorities soon realized they had encountered a disturbing and dangerous new prank that has been labeled “SWATing.” Four men and a woman have pleaded guilty in Dallas federal court to charges that they used “spoofing” technology and other phone system intrusion methods to alter their caller ID information. Over a period stretching from 2002 to late 2006, they called police in Johnson County and more than 60 cities around the country, pretending to be inside someone’s home, saying they had killed people, had taken hostages and were ready to kill more.

Authorities say that for months, the defendants called and harassed Mr. Proulx, his wife and daughter. At times, callers posed as a police officer, prodding Mr. Proulx before the real SWAT team’s arrival. “These goofballs, when they were calling us, they were threatening us, urging me to come out with a gun,” Mr. Proulx said. “They wanted me to get blown away.” Incidents are also being investigated in California, Florida, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Arkansas, Washington, Oregon, Ohio, New Jersey, Alabama and Michigan. The spoof cards used by the defendants to alter their caller ID information are legal and work like a calling card. The cards, sold at, can also be used to disguise one’s voice on the telephone. They are often used by debt collectors to fool their targets into picking up the phone, or by investigators to hide their identities to gather information. Scammers use them as well, sometimes posing as police or other authorities and extort money from victims.

I guess the old King Albert in a can joke was stale. So if you hear a knock at your door this Christmas, dive under the bed as fast as possible.

  1. Norman J McSweyn says:

    This belongs in the Big Book of Dirty Tricks.. Better than moth balls in the gas tank.

  2. Thank You Cheeses says:

    Even better than dog shit under the car door handles!

  3. gquaglia says:

    I hope these pranksters get a long time in jail to think about this. I wonder if they’ll think playing drop the soap in the prison shower is as funny.

  4. more says:

    This one’s pretty interesting because it looks
    like people who knew the guy convicted have put comments on the blog post.

    [Please use for overly long URLs. – ed.]

  5. SJP says:

    #4 Guadalupe Santana Martinez…Wanna bet this SWATing thing becomes an immigration issue?

  6. NappyHeadedHo says:

    Can you just imagine this poor old guy sitting at home, minding his own business, watching some porn, penis is orange because he’s been eating Cheese Puffs and then these dicks come busting through the door. Tsk, tsk…

  7. Joshua says:

    #6….speaking from experience??? 🙂

    McCullough…uh…just how old are you dude? That King Albert thing was 1950″s……lol 🙂

  8. Airman Basic says:

    That was Prince Albert, you dumb asses. (:)

  9. GF says:

    Abusive telemarketer it figures. I wonder how they like attempted murder charges. They are all very sorry now. Yeah and Bubba is going to be sorry he ripped their asholes too.

  10. ethanol says:

    #9 (BryanP),
    Just happened here in Minneapolis –

    Also I LOVE the spoofcard!

  11. Rickem says:

    This is just too dangerous to be funny. Setting up innocent families to be killed does not sound like a good time to me.

  12. McCullough says:

    #8. The prince grew up and became King.

  13. Ron Larson says:

    My mom and her husband moved into the house they bought in San Diego. One night she thought she heard someone breaking into the back yard, so she called the police.

    A few minutes later the whole damn department showed up with choppers, big guns, lights, everything. Her and her husband had to surrender to the police very carefully.

    Turns out that the guy who had been living in the house they just bought was a heavily armed nutter who would get drunk and then call the cops and demand armed shootouts with them.

    So when she called for service, the computer at the PD flagged the house as dangerous call with a armed, drunk, and angry occupant.

  14. NappyHeadedHo says:

    #7 – yes, it actually happens often. I’ll try and post a picture for you.


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