Associated Press – December 21, 2007:

A high school official made a mistake by telling a student to cover up a lesbian-themed T-shirt or face suspension, the school’s principal said Friday, a day after the ACLU demanded the school apologize to the teen.

Bethany Laccone, 17, said she was asked to cloak a logo of two interlocked female symbols while attending a hotel management class this month at I.C. Norcom High School in Portsmouth. She’s a senior at nearby Woodrow Wilson High School, where she has not faced a similar ultimatum.

“What’s happening to Bethany Laccone is a clear-cut case of unconstitutional censorship,” said Kent Willis, executive director of the Virginia chapter.
On Friday, Norcom Principal Lynn Briley said the school would comply.

“Yes, we did make a mistake,” Briley told The Virginian-Pilot newspaper of Norfolk.

  1. the Freaky Tiki says:

    Wow. Slow news day, huh?

  2. Thank You Cheeses says:

    What is it with carpet munchers and fudge packers that they have to flaunt their lifestyle? Just do it and STFU. ACLU had them apologize to the teen. What did they say to her, “sorry you’re a fat lesbian?”

  3. SN says:

    “Wow. Slow news day, huh?”

    Wow, when high school lesbians become passé on this blog, you know it’s time to move on.

  4. the Three-Headed Cat says:

    Well, shee-it. What’s news ain’t the apology, it’s the fact the the friggin’ ACLU did actually did something halfway meaningful for a change. Probably accidental, and they’re even now looking for ways to make sure it doesn’t happen again.

  5. moe29 says:

    I thought children were supposed to go to school to learn… not make sexual orientation statements.

  6. SN says:

    “I thought children were supposed to go to school to learn… “

    And she did, she learned that even schools have to follow the law. Good lesson.

  7. the Three-Headed Cat says:

    #5 – moe29

    “I thought children were supposed to go to school to learn…”

    That’s right. One very important thing for children to learn is to not become passive, compliant sheeple.

  8. Mister Catshit says:

    #5, Moe,

    I thought children were supposed to go to school to learn…

    Good point. So I guess we should stop any student wearing any clothing with NIKE, or OLD NAVY, or even a LEVIs tag. They all show something NOT in harmony with learning. Then again, wearing something advocating a cause is usually part of the learning experience. How else will children learn tolerance? From the dipshits like you?

  9. RockOn says:

    Where is the ACLU on the case where the girl was expelled for having a steak knife? If she had a steak knife she obviously liked to eat meat…

  10. BillM says:

    Do you think the ACLU will stand behind a student that shows up with a T shirt that has the lesbian image with a big red X across it? Not a chance. They love freedom of speech as long as they agree with what is being said.

  11. chuck says:

    umm, any video footage available? That would be hot.

  12. Mister Catshit says:

    I believe the school and Principal should be commended for the apology and admission that the initial action was wrong. Admitting you were wrong takes a big person. Not admitting a mistake has been made is one of the greatest problems in our society.

  13. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    #10 BillM, I like your suggestion of the big red X as a test, but let’s modify our test a little. If I wore a T-shirt with a big red X over a picture of Jesus, would you consider that just another *yawn* shirt, or would you think it was intentionally inflammatory and antagonistic to Christians? Personally, I wouldn’t be offended by someone wearing a T-shirt with a picture of Jesus, but I bet the anti-Jesus T-shirt would be too provocative for a peaceful school environment.

  14. RBG says:

    Can you now wear a T-shirt with a pro Intelligent Design message to science class?


  15. BillM says:

    I think you are right. The school would ask her not to wear the anti-Jesus shirt. The ACLU would send in the lawyers and force the issue. The school would halve to relent and allow the shirt. But I am certain the ACLU would not spend a nickle to defend a student’s right to wear the anti-lesbian shirt. Like I said…Freedom of speech as ling as the agree with the speech.

  16. Mister Catshit says:

    #15, BillM,

    Why would you suggest the ACLU would not defend someone with a message they disagree with? What is it about the ACLU that makes you so certain of their reaction?

    It is usually the causes and speech that disagree with the norm that cause the problems. It would seem to me that a “Hey Zeus” or “Bush” shirt would cause little or no commotion. It is the antis that cause the commotion, not the pros.

    Yes, it has been 30 years since the ACLU defended the right of the KKK and Nazis to march through Skokie IL. But is has only been about five or six years since a Judge allowed the KKK to have a gathering in Elkhart IN, citing the Skokie ruling. I sure hope you don’t think the ACLU is sympathetic to the KKK’s philosophy.

    Ok, I get it now. You’re just trolling. Throwing accusations out there that have no relevance. Trying to incite some controversy. Ok, my bad.

  17. Janet says:

    Glad to know! Good that the ACLU jumped in and made the school apologize! Go girl go!

  18. lindsey says:

    and staright people don’t flaunt there lifestyles? so a staight guy can where a shirt talking about girls but a lesbian cant were some symbols on here shirt?


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