Future Darwin Award wannabe.

  1. steelcobra says:

    “And next on the all-suicide channel, the Jump for Jesus!”

    (Paraphrased from George Carlin’s You Are All Diseased)

  2. NappyHeadedHo says:

    Wow, that was real smart. This guy should have been on Jackass, not Jebus.

  3. bobbo says:

    I wonder if this jump was based on faith, or if any pre-jump science went into this?

    Otherwise, yes, a stunt jump cushioned by snow instead of an inflatable air bag. Happens all the time.

  4. Thank You Cheeses says:

    Meanwhile Jesus is vacationing in The Caymans when he gets this urgent interruption. Jesus screams – “don’t do it you stupid attention whore!” Too late…

  5. Jim W. says:

    A “Future Darwin Award wannabe.” would have jumped in summer.

  6. Alphgeek says:

    Plenty of dumbass atheists would have done that too.

  7. eyeofthetiger says:

    Pussy, that wasn’t even the tallest part of the cliff. Jesus would of face planted some pines. Too be Halmark and seasonal and all.

  8. Mister Catshit says:

    The real Hey Zeus would have put some rocks under about 3” of powder snow. Great way to ruin a decent pair of skis.


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