Footy fans are snapping up toasters in club colours which brand slices with their team’s initials at the touch of a button.

Ipswich Town was the first club to stock the £45 novelty appliance and sold out in two days.

Ipswich’s head of retail Elaine Hull said: “I knew it would be a winner as soon as I saw it.”

Can you guess what I just suggested to the toaster company?

Update, 12/26: Rec’d an email back, this morning, saying they’d consider my suggestion for the next holiday season. :)

  1. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    “Can you guess what I just suggested to the toaster company?”

    Hmmm, does it have anything to do with a certain lovable virgin and her “Reason for the Season,” miracle-working son? Well, hark ye herald angels, I was thinking the very same thing, Eideard!

    Jesus toast — slather it with plenty of real butter and get to see the savior even sooner!

  2. Mike Voice says:

    Slaps forehead…

    Image of the Blessed Virgin™ toast, of course!

    Got to get my mind out of the gutter…

    Here I was thinking they should brand the toast with “STFU” or “Eat Me”

  3. gquaglia says:

    More stupidity out of fucked up old England.

  4. god says:

    #1 – you could sell these things by the truckload in Atlanta. Suitably branded, of course.

  5. eyeofthetiger says:

    Great there goes the Catholic market on after market toast. Is it a virgin slice once it gets buttered?

  6. Joshua says:

    #3….sorry, but the toaster or an American version was being advertised on t.v. the other night. Our version comes with slide out plates that have different thing’s on them to brand the toast. If I remember correctly, sport’s teams weren’t one of them but heart’s and saying’s like **I love You** and animal head’s were the plates shown. You could have a Mickey Mouse head on your toast(or your kid’s) if you like. 🙂

  7. JPV says:

    Soccer is an idiotic sport anyway. Stands to reason tht it’s fans would buy an idiotic product.

  8. Jbuttitta says:

    Germany’s St.Pauli FC has been selling a toaster that burns a skull & crossbones into the toast for years.

  9. SJP says:

    This is one of those simple, cute ideas that will take off and leave me shaking my head saying why didn’t I “invent” that?

  10. SJP says:

    BTW: Did the Pez MP3 player ever get marketed?

  11. jpl says:

    Love that pez mp3

  12. BubbaRay says:

    If you just can’t wait for your toast, check out this wonderful device:,3160.0.html

  13. the Three-Headed Cat says:

    “Can you guess what I just suggested to the toaster company?”

    What? That ITFC are a bunch of wankers? 🙂

  14. the Three-Headed Cat says:

    I’ll order the one that pops up a sacreligious image of the Prophet.

    Islam = Religion of Pieces of Toast


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