Eco-boat powered by human fat attempts round the world speed record | the Daily Mail — A new solution to the high cost of energy.

The fastest eco boat on the planet will attempt to break the round the world speed record using fuel made from human fat.

Pete Bethune, the New Zealand skipper of Earthrace, said the attempt to circumnavigate the globe would begin from Valencia in Spain on March 1 next year…Earthrace is a 78 foot alternative fuel powered wave-piercing trimaran, it can carry 3,000 gallons of fuel, and weighs 23 tonnes when fully fueled

Demonstrating further commitment to the cause, Bethune underwent liposuction and donated enough to produce 100ml of biofuel, while two other, larger volunteers also had the procedure, making a total of 10 litres of human fat. This in turn produced seven litres of biofuel, which could help the boat travel about 15km.

Earthrace is fuelled on 100 per cent biodiesel and has a net zero carbon footprint.

  1. Glenn E. says:

    A marine engine that runs on human fat? Why does this strike me as a bad idea? Long before there was any sort of fueled engines, the Romans powered their naval vessels with slaves at oars. Improvements in sail and bow designs eliminated this needed power source. Thankfully. Now we’re entertaining a backward step of sorts. Harvesting human fat for fuel. How long before they just toss the fatties straight into the firebox? Will overweight americans become the fuel source of the future? Think about it.

  2. Glenn E. says:

    Oh and BTW, the “Eco Boat” looks like something the devil might pilot around in. It’s very demonic looking. Like something you’d see in a movie about the future, where the devil’s pleasure craft ran on human bodies. Maybe there’s a reason for this ominous impression.

  3. Sc00bs says:

    Who needs solar power, all we need to do now is find a way to hook cars directly up to people’s blubber and the Kiwi’s will have solved 60% of the American populations fuel requirements.

  4. Mark T. says:

    Ah, now Richard Branson will probably try to circumnavigate the globe fuel only by Rosie O’Donnell.

  5. This is what we need, fast cool vehicles running on alternate fuels to make them sexy. I’m not a big fan of biofuels for the long term, however. Used fry grease is a good source of biodiesel. However, anything that puts feeding poor people in competition with rich people driving their hummers is not likely to solve anything.

    Oh, and here’s my idea for a better use of liposuction.

  6. moss says:

    As much as I oftimes enjoy and agree with your comments, MS – your #5 is a lazy agreement with the premises pitting farm products raised for food with any other use.

    The US, for example, still has a subsidized surplus of corn – while speculators use the myth of competing biofuel use to drive up prices. It’s pretty much a crock.

    No doubt there are greedy agri-biz barons who will fit your shiny Oil Patch mold – for that’s who works at spreading this crap; but, overall, the production of crops for renewable energy benefits us all, rich and poor alike.

    Now – go read the really interesting bits about the technology of this venture. And the danger and discomfort. This ain’t no romp through a Walt Disney surfer movie.

  7. Eco Sailor says:

    “Eco-boat” my ass! A true ecological boat sails powered by WIND! Not bio-diesel. When will people learn…

    Since when is sailing around the world in 65 days a world record? In 2005, Bruno Peyron and his crew sailed Orange II around the world in JUST 50 DAYS!

    Check the World Sailing Speed Record Council:

  8. tcc3 says:

    They call it the Durden engine.

    First rule of Earthrace: do not talk about Earthrace.

  9. the answer says:

    So it’s the offspring of fat camp and a cruise line?

  10. gregallen says:

    That’s a super cool looking boat but it can’t beat 5,500 year old wind propulsion technology for being eco-friendly!

  11. #6 – moss,

    Please go back and actually read my post. Thanks.

  12. GetSmart says:

    Soylent Green IS DIESEL!!!! So now all us lard butts really are FUEL SCREWS! Fuel Screws are any more or less sentient beings that are figuratively ( And now LITERALLY) fed into the engine of society to power it. SHOW ME YOUR OCTANE !!! BURN, BABY, BURN!!!
    10,000 Pharaohs and 6 billion tallow candles.

  13. Mister Catshit says:

    They plan on doing a whole season of the “Biggest Loser” for this trip. If the boat doesn’t sink first from the contestants.

  14. First of all the design is incredible. Amazing what the human mind can engineer. But I must agree, Rosie’s head could power the boat around the earth several times!

  15. Based on studies about teens in the US, we should be able to power the Navy Fleet on body fat……..


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