• Duke Nukem Forever back on track?
  • Firefox 3 version 2 now out. Meanwhile IE 8 beta 1 shipping.
  • Survey says Mac users more likely to buy music online.
  • Orkut worm discovered.
  • Vista awarded “the most disappointing product” from PC World.
  • Silverlight in the news.
  • Oracle in the news.
  • IBM in the news with stupid predictions.

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  1. Mark Derail says:

    Speaking of upgrades…

    John, you missed the chance to link this great story, The Advantages of Upgrading From Vista To XP. not really surprising, but well written.

  2. ECA says:

    iTunes a GOOD product?? OW!!!
    Its a nice product, but its gotten TOP heavy and WONT load on win2000 in the last few versions…

    GREEN?? not if they cant make money on it…Esp if it FAILS faster.

    Cellphones with THAT MUCH data, and info on YOU?? I dont want… Loose the thing and it has ALL your numbers and data. Loose your Purse, and it has cards and cell in it…TRY to fight a Charge, when its From your CELL and YOUR card..

  3. Les says:

    HE he he tee heeeeeee haaaaaa haww [maniacal laughter] Duke Nukem Forever back on track?

    [more maniacal laughter]

    [Gentlemen with a long sleeved coat takes him away.]

  4. steelcobra says:

    Survey says Mac users more likely to buy music online.
    Mac users also are willing to pay a premium for pretty hardware that is slower than an equally priced PC model.

  5. ChrisMac says:

    #2 – I’m pretty sure ECA is a family of twelve posting as one.

  6. Glenn E. says:

    Silverlight, WMV, WMA, etc. Microsoft makes these things up for their proprietary advantages. Not because they’re going to be better formats.

    I hope that they restore the “third party cookie” blocking feature to the Firefox menus, in some version of FF3. I’m still using version 1.5 until they do.

    Microsoft won’t accept the award. But that clueless PC guy on the Mac Tv commercials would.

    IE8? Just another PR bumping of the version numbers, to keep up with Apple and Open Source software. When IE reaches version “10”, they’ll make a big deal about it by calling it “IEX”! Which could be out late next year, at this rate. What’s next WMP12?!

  7. julieb says:

    HahHa! John would make a great Walmart greeter!


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