• Apple working on the Japan rollout of the iPhone.
  • Docomo will get screwed.
  • Big rat found in New Guinea.
  • E3 to make a big comeback.
  • Stop the presses: Internet users Google themselves. Cripes, this passes for news?
  • Intel going open source with new products. Also pushing WiMAX in japan.
  • LCD gaining ground on plasma.
  • Toshiba to do more chips with IBM.
  • UK government loses MORE data.
  • Nintendo laments shortages of Wii.

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  1. moss says:

    I enjoy ragging on government bureaucrats as much as the next guy. But, in the latest data loss bungle in the UK – it’s only the fault of outsourcing to the U.S..

    The loss happened at Pearson Driving Assessments Ltd – in Iowa!

  2. Mark Derail says:

    E3 show returning to the good old days…


    I apologize ahead of time to those that disagree that E3 & booth babes go hand-in-hand.

    Looking forward for another pic spread from Smartalix.

  3. ECA says:

    what would be interesting, is IF, E3 and the REST of those groups, Put down ALOT of money, and built THERE OWN conference center. to be leased out when THEY dont use it.. I dont care if they design it as a Sports convention center.. MOVE it out to NOWERE, put in PARKING from hell, and make ENOUGH room for everyone.

    I havent seen a decent sized gather place SENCE Jarre played in moscow russia to a crowd of 3 million, and THE USA dont even have a location that could house 1/2 that many..


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