Concerned prof worried sick over citizens reporting what they see

Unfettered citizen journalism too risky |

Supporters of “citizen journalism” argue it provides independent, accurate, reliable information that the traditional media dont provide. While it has its place, the reality is it really isnt journalism at all, and it opens up information flow to the strong probability of fraud and abuse. The news industry should find some way to monitor and regulate this new trend.

The premise of citizen journalism is that regular people can now collect information and pictures with video cameras and cellphones, and distribute words and images over the Internet. Advocates argue that the acts of collecting and distributing makes these people “journalists.” This is like saying someone who carries a scalpel is a “citizen surgeon” or someone who can read a law book is a “citizen lawyer.” Tools are merely that. Education, skill and standards are really what make people into trusted professionals. Information without journalistic standards is called gossip.

In this ridiculous article he says that it is just a matter of time before someone fakes a Rodney king beating. Oh, you mean like NBC faked an exploding pickup truck? Or how Dan Rather reported on a phony memo? Or how hundreds of hoaxes are constantly reported as news by the major media? You mean like that? While I do not think much of the idea of citizen journalism per se, it is protected by the Constitution and if someone sets up shop as a reporter then it is fine with me. I’ll deal with the quality without a licensing board, thank you.

found by Bubba at the Cage Match

  1. eaze says:

    Yeh! and fuck the bbc!!

  2. KD Martin says:

    Who’s going to take my money for a “journalism license”, to what purpose will the money be used, and just what exactly are my benefits? A really nice “Citizen’s Journalist Membership Card?”

    Just what I need — a “blogger license.”

    Is this guy a total looney? I’ll bet he qualifies for Hopper’s UKKMA and BubbaRay’s BRDDA.

  3. pierre larsen says:

    We can expect more “warnings” like this from professional journalists.

    The Internet is changing the media world profoundly. You either comply or become obsolete.

    MSM have only themselves to blame for the current state of affairs. Journalists used to report the news with limited bias. Nowadays news has become entertainment and most journalist opine instead of reporting actual events.

  4. In the days of Fok Snews, are bloggers really any less reliable than some of the “journalists” out there today?

    Seriously though, I think that even people who can’t get your order right at McDs will, with a bit more time, or probably already can, evaluate the source well enough to decide whether to trust a blog story.

    Besides, even if not, is it any worse than the Weekly World News, National Inquirer, or The New York Post?

  5. Improbus says:

    I trust the MSM about as far as I can throw them. They are little more than propaganda generators for the government and corporate interests.

  6. And you wonder why newspapers are in trouble.
    Truth in reporting ? Credibility of sources ?
    You would think that they would see open reporting as an asset instead of a threat.
    You cannot stop the tides of the ocean an you cannot stop the spread of more decentralized , on the ground , news sources and publishing.
    Imagine what it took 10 – 15 years ago to publish a news source. Now any kid in his basement with a free blogger account can do it.
    Imagine what it took the recording industry to put out a record album . Imagine the abuse the musicians and fans took. No again any kid can do it. They can even print album cd covers on a home deskjet or color laser printer.
    It just like the Canadian car industry trying to keep out Canadian make and subsidized cars , exported to the states under Nafta rules from coming homes – at less cost to the consumer. Somehow the Canadian ( and foreign car companies ) are painting these cars as unsafe and painting the buyers as unpatriotic and selfish.
    The world has become a smaller place. You cannot lie and / or live high off the hog off your position or percieved power as you climbed up the corporate ladder to get ( or earn in your mind) your perks.
    Most 14 year old kids can beat you.
    Imagine working , as a “yes” man as an employee and having such jerkoff , clueless bosses , supervisors and management.

  7. MikeN says:

    You know, I don’t think we can trust citizens with voting either. We need to leave that to the professionals.

    Same with education and health care.

  8. the answer says:

    I kind of believe this guy. Most Blogs are B.S. A lot of them do have a personal slant which can skew the information. Even Michael Moore is said to “have an agenda” And some do. “blogs” like which take news media and allows people to talk openly are great. But when you have someone who just crawls around websites getting information, and regurgitating it on their sites with their slant and skew, it (to me) becomes The Onion, only unfunny. And honestly I don’t want to hear about people’s problems as some blogs are, but you do need to vent,a nd it’s good to have an objective audience ( at times ) No one has it 100% right, but all outlets need to be open. I guess all you can do is find the news outlet that you trust and stick with it. That’s what I do. That and of course podcasts, but podcasts are basically the new “public access” television. I grew up on public access so I love it.

  9. eyeofthetiger says:

    I bet he spends his time between classes in front of a mirror quoting “your fired.”

  10. bac says:

    Journalism licensing will come true just like lawyer, doctor and trade skills licensing. This will give journalism associations great power which all associations seek. To report news you need to be licensed, educated at an approved school and be admitted to the appropriate association. The people reporting the news without these credentials will be stop by authorities and fined. Much like law and medical fields today.

    The government will allow this because of the big pockets of the journalism associations. This will also give the government the ability to manipulate the news with greater effect than they do now.

    Bloggers will have to state clearly that what is on their site is nothing but opinion.

  11. MikeN says:

    That guy looks a lot like Dvorak.

  12. B. Dog says:

    Calling journalism a profession is like calling bowling a sport. We do it out of kindness, I suppose.

  13. GF says:

    An example is the hard hitting reporting regarding Britney Spears and Paris Hilton. Bloggers just can’t be trusted to report on such things. By the way Britney has an album coming out which our parent companies subsidiary releases tomorrow. Go buy it sheep.

  14. ECA says:

    The trick comes with Alternate opinions…
    AT LEAST with everyone HAVING ONE, and posting it, you MAY get a better idea of whats happening.
    NO “Shush” money to keep things quiet…
    But, very little background checking.
    sorting thru the CRAP and figuring WHATS REAL will be the Fun part.

  15. Mister Catshit says:

    What a bunch of morani. Not this professor, the idiots commenting here.

    Look back 100 years ago and the state of the newspaper industry. Every city had at least two papers and many had more than 10. New York, at one time, had over 20 papers. There were no “Journalism” schools. And guess what !!! Every single one of them was as slanted and opinionated as the worst. There was very little attempt to corral bias. Anyone who could afford a printing press would publish a newspaper, often weekly and little more than a single broadsheet.

    Each political party and most interests had their own newspapers. Each presented the “news” to benefit their own spin. Scandals about the opposition were trumpeted and concerning their friends played down or ignored.

    With the competition of radio and later television, the newspaper not only winnowed out the worst, but journalism improved and schools were created. Today, very few cities have more than one newspaper but there are several other, electronic, news sources available. There are also several news companies; AP, AF, Reuters, Bloomberg, and UP, that gather news for other outlets. In other words, news gathering has cleaned up its act only to see the professionalism under attack.

    So we have come almost full circle. Instead of the cost of a printing press, one only needs a computer and server. And you may post YOUR bias at will. “Citizen Journalism”? Gee, I don’t know what that is. Could someone point me to an article or story broken by one of these “citizen journalist”?

  16. DeLeMa says:

    Hey M.C.S. –
    I don’t blog but, I got some breaking news !
    I dropped my coffee cup ?

    I seem to remember reading that there have been events reported by bloggers that never got any attention from the pro’s ? I guess if I had time I could probably find the mention, it’s the net after all and nothing dies..

    News like #13 posted is about what I see as the state of your professionals. Granted, blogs are worse..whatcha gonna do ?

  17. ECA says:

    IF’ you look, you will FIND those Biased papers STILL around, as well as on the net.
    Major journalism has become TOOTHLESS. Even 60 minutes HIDES a few stories, that MAY NOT be PC..
    1. write up 60 minutes did, took 5 years to be released. IF you didnt know.

  18. RickCain says:

    Old media gasping its last breath no doubt.

  19. B. Dog says:

    I apologize for insulting all journalists and bowlers.

    The current (last week’s) Cranky Geeks show has a Quad-Squad of fine journalist/bowler types and was for me at least, one of the most enjoyable so far.

  20. Mister Catshit says:

    #18, Rick,

    It is less about “old media” and more about good journalism.

    Yes, yes, there is the Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, etc, shit. There are also responsible journalist reporting what is happening with your City Council and a specific court case and a flood in Florida. Things that bloggers either rely upon these same reporters for their information or don’t report accurately.

    I have yet to read about a story that “bloggers” have reported on that was relevant.

  21. Oz says:

    “Information without journalistic standards is called gossip.” That’s bullshit and insulting.

    But at the same time it’s true.

    What’s the difference between gossip and a media conglomerate thats made a news corporation its bitch?

  22. The educateing of humans is at an all time lower than any form of rotting matter.Curiosity in all degrees discuraged with recognitionto grade point stupidity!!!As a result the absents of education to a recognitioning position of witness to most any subject the vocabulary is so misused only a discusion of convuludity is exoerianced ie(peace talks, budget agreements or scheduals) In essance journalism is not understood and the function of conseption and that witness voided!!!This is all an indirect effect of misuse of vocabulary in a very general sense.. SPREAD THE TERM HONESTY AS A MEASUREMENT OF CURIOSITY ENCOURAGE SPONTAINIOUS GENEROSITY HUMAN TO HUMAN!!!!!!


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