On Point Legal News – 12-17-07:

The city of Duncanville (population: 36,000) enacted its sex club ordinance last month after receiving complaints from neighbors about the weekend parties at Jim Trulock’s split-level home which he hosts for up to 100 members of his “Cherry Pit” swinger’s club.

The ordinance declares the “operation and maintenance of a sex club” unlawful and a “public nuisance per se.”

Trulock attorney Edward B. Klein of Carrollton, Texas, believes the inclusion of the words “or not” makes the Duncanville law so overbroad that “a husband and wife having consensual sex in their home” could face prosecution.

  1. TVAddict says:

    God bless Texas! Yee! Haw!

  2. Ron Larson says:

    And they have the right to tell consenting adults what they can do with each other because why? Jeeze. They act these people are running around pointing guns at people to make them attend their private party.

    People of Texas. Rise up and tell your politicians to butt out and focus on paving roads, stopping real crime, and the other services that goverments are supposed to provide.

    Or perhaps these politicians have solved all their problems and are now looking for new ones to fix.

  3. Angel H. Wong says:

    “Duncanville promotes itself as “The Perfect Blend of Family, Community and Business.””

    In other words, there is plenty of gay sex the wives are willing to turn a blind eye to.

  4. Mister Catshit says:

    Will the local ordinance stand up? In Lawrence v Texas, the Supreme Court held that intimate consensual sexual conduct was part of the liberty protected by substantive due process under the Fourteenth Amendment.

    However, this could end up being a public nuisance as all the people parking congests the neighborhood and cause problems for other nearby homeowners.

  5. hentai_jeff says:

    SN that title is way overblown, I actually go to these from time to time (cherrypit.org BTW) and the neighbors and the city don’t care if we’re having sex of W/E, it’s the fire codes and the congestion of the street. Honestly I’m trying to work with everyone to get the street congestion taken out so we can at the very least get those ppl to give us a break

  6. SN says:

    5. “SN that title is way overblow”

    God, please read the ordinance before mashing the keyboard:

    “Any premises, person or organization that … provides permission, an opportunity or an invitation to engage in or to view sexual activity, stimulation or gratification, whether for consideration or not.”

    In other words, if at your “premises” your husband/wife “provides an opportunity” “to engage in” “sexual activity” with no consideration it is illegal under the ordinance.

    It simply does not matter what the city cares about. That’s frickin asinine. God, since when did utter ignorance become a virtue. What matters is that under the language of the ordinance consensual sex between husband and wife is illegal

  7. hentai_jeff says:

    7.Didn’t mash the keyboard, guess what I’M PART OF THAT GROUP SN. I know better then you what’s at stake. fact is that ordinance isn’t the duncanville one, it belongs to the one out of Phoenix that it’s based on. Next time before quoting an article that was wrong do your own research, be a reporter, we’ll all thank you for it 😉

  8. hentai_jeff says:

    oh and to add on, saying it’s a Texas town is unnecessary, we’re not all backwards rednecks here so no need to feed into the stereotype. Saying it’s a suburb of Dallas is more then enough

  9. Ron Larson says:

    Well if it is a parking and congestion issue the city is dealing with. Then why do they have to mention sex in the law? What if there was traffic and congestion because someone was doing church preaching at his home and had a lot of people in his flock.

  10. hentai_jeff says:

    10. because that’s not the only law they’re using against us. fact of the matter is that law is supposed to be used to prevent sexual oriented businesses from being in Duncanville (moot point cause Dallas with tons of the crap is just a small drive away) they’re trying to call use a business under this law to strengthen the attack. It won’t hold up in court cause not a single one of us is required to give money to Jim or Julie they have a donation pot, I personally give them at least $5 every night I come. but the noise and traffic we may still have a problem with, not too much though as we’re working on that.

  11. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    These people need a good spanking.

  12. KarmaBaby says:

    #11, how many times a night do you come? Sounds like a lot of money. I’d probably bring some credit cards.

  13. KarmaBaby says:

    #11, you pay $5 every time you come? That could add up to a lot of money. I’d better bring some credit cards.

  14. DeLeMa says:

    #8 – #9
    Umm..SN did quote accurately from the article so, I guess I’m cornfused as to your posts ?
    Sorry about your hassles with Duncanville. I got kin in Texas and might be I could send ’em up your way from Houston. They’s akinky bunch.. Texas will always be Texas but, Alaska will always be bigger…

  15. Dallas says:

    They’re just laying the groundwork for Bush when he leaves the office. Nobody is allowed to have sex if he can’t.

  16. Joe in duncanville says:

    Hey. 🙂 i live in duncanville.
    the place where this guys ‘cherry pit’ was around a bunch of familys and kids. its just a knee jerk reaction. over time i’m sure it’ll be worked out and settled down. Duncanville isnt backwater or redneck. its policy makers are like everybody else. they just want to have a safe clean city. i’m sure we can get behind the goal of wanting to be safe and having children being protected from places like the ‘cherry pit.’

    anyways. my 2 cents.
    thanks for reading.

  17. hentai_jeff says:

    15. My issues is the article is wrong, there are many articles that got it right and I wish he could have picked one of those.

    17. I’ve never seen a single child affected by what we do there

    16. He’ll be on the other side of the Dallas area

  18. the answer says:

    They were just jealous they weren’t invited

  19. RickCain says:

    Come on folks, its Texas. I once bought a vibrator for my girlfriend in Texas and it had a freaking WARNING LABEL on it!

    “This device should not be used for leg pain, see a doctor. This is a novelty item and should not be used to penetrate bodily orifices”

    You have to understand that Texas is collectively the mental equivalent of a room full of Down’s syndrome babies.


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