1. john says:


  2. Dave T says:

    Stupidest thing I’ve seen all year. Thank God it’s almost over.

  3. Ron Larson says:


    He SAYS he built this. I think he took his healthy cat, taped him to a Roomba, tossed a mailing box on it, and filmed it.

    Come on. Open the box and show us what is really going on inside there.

  4. Joe says:

    Reminds me of episode on star trek were the guy was in a wheelchair. All the cat needs is the ability to beep “1” for yes & “2” for no.

  5. McCullough says:

    #3. I’m thinking hamsters on wheels.

  6. echeola says:

    I call bs!!

  7. Brandon says:

    Half of the time, all we see the cat do is spin in place (and somewhat fast, too). What kind of cat would like doing that? My cat hates it when I spin him in my office chair.

  8. Tim says:

    The pictures at the beginning make Elvis look like a disembodied head!!!

  9. Sean H says:

    Why encase the cat in a big block of foam? God forbid the cat has an itch on it’s belly that it wants to scratch.

  10. Luther says:

    Sorry guys. This isn’t real. It was an episode of Comedy Central. Read more: http://www.boingboing.net/2005/08/15/partially-paralyzed-.html

  11. Esteban says:

    I like this blog, but I’m getting tired of these urban legend. I’ve always felt this is the kind of site that filters out BS instead of passing it along.

    That’s my two cents, at least.

  12. SJP says:

    #11 Agreed!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. JimR says:

    I knew it was a spoof. Still funny as hell. 🙂

  14. the answer says:

    It has to be fake. I mean how does the cat eat with the box by it’s head. Not to mention it sounded a lot like a radioshack RC car.


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