A nationwide manhunt began in Pakistan…after a handcuffed British terrorist suspect escaped outside an extradition hearing at an Islamabad court. The disappearance of Rashid Rauf, accused of involvement in an alleged plot to blow up a dozen transatlantic airliners, placed fresh pressure on the already strained diplomatic relations between the UK and Pakistan.

The country’s interim interior minister yesterday reassured British officials that every effort would be made to recapture the 26-year-old fugitive, whose family lives in Birmingham.

Rauf reportedly managed to open his handcuffs and lose two police guards on Saturday, minutes after appearing at an extradition hearing. The two police officers are being questioned.

Pervez Musharraf, Pakistan’s president, had only just lifted the state of emergency that had been justified in part on grounds of fighting Islamist extremism. Laura Davies, a spokeswoman for the British high commission in Islamabad, said that Robert Brinkley, the UK’s high commissioner to Pakistan, had been assured by Musharraf’s interior minister that the capture of Rauf was “a top priority”. There would be an investigation into how he could have escaped.


  1. Improbus says:

    cock-up, corrupt or complicit?

    Yes. Yes. Yes.

  2. ECA says:

    Only difference between middle east corruption and the WEST…
    Is that we LEGALIZE it, tax it, and sell it.

  3. moss says:

    He’ll be back home for the Boxing Day match between City and Boro.

  4. edwinrogers says:

    I could swear I saw this guy driving a taxi in Karangahape Road, Auckland this morning.

  5. Phillep says:

    Now, if they had said “No, you cannot pray” how much flak would the cops be getting?

    But, there should have been one at the back door, ready to nail that nose of his with a billy club.

  6. eaze says:

    What a load of bullshit that guy was never planning to blow any planes up. They use him for a fake scare story in the UK and US. The system is corrupted in Pakistan right now, this guy was supposed to escape, the corrupt group of people using terroism as a ploy to profit and take our freedoms keep feeding us this shit.

  7. Phillep says:

    eaze, you know this, exactly, how?

    If the feds block an attack, it’s a fake, if they don’t block an attack, it was planned.

    Shiny side out, boy.

  8. gregallen says:

    I am very familiar with Pakistan and I’d have to vote: likely incompetent, corrupt and complicit.

    But there is never any way to unravel these kinds of stories.

    For sure, the friends of this follow could have paid to have this “escape” happen. (either to the police or to their supervisors.)

    For sure, he could have made an impassioned appeal in the name of Islam and some police could have responded.

    For sure, these police — who typically receive next to no training — could have been off drinking tea when he made a run for it.

    Most likely it is some combination of all of the above.

  9. thedude says:

    #3 – He could be a villa or wba fan…

  10. TIHZ_HO says:

    Christians take note, this person is probably how Jesus looked liked and not at all like the white Nordic looking guy commonly portrayed. 😉


  11. TIHZ_HO says:

    Christians take note, this person is probably how Jesus looked liked and not at all like the white Jeffery Hunter looking guy commonly portrayed. 😉



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