
PHILLY ANCHOR Alycia Lane is scheduled to appear on TV tomorrow night in “Celebrate the Season,” an annual special highlighting holiday cheer in the Delaware Valley. Not so fast. The suits at CBS 3 and the CW Philly may have to reconsider broadcasting the special since Lane was arrested early yesterday on charges of punching a New York City cop in the face. According to the police complaint, the Emmy-winning anchor yelled at the female police officer, “I don’t give a f— who you are, I’m a f—ing TV reporter, you f—ing dyke,” according to Philadelphiawilldo.com, a Philadelphia Weekly blog.

Lane, 35, her current honey, Q102 morning host Chris Booker, and another couple were in a cab behind a slow-moving unmarked cop car, the New York Post reported. One of the males jumped out and headed to the police vehicle, screaming, “I don’t care if you’re a cop, drive faster!” the newspaper said. The officers got out and identified themselves to Lane and company, and Lane began to take photos, according to the paper. The female cop asked her to step back and that’s when Lane lost it, according to the Post.

Lane made national headlines in May when the New York Post reported that she had e-mailed bikini photos of herself to married NFL Network anchor Rich Eisen, which upset his wife, Suzy Shuster. Lane said she and Eisen had been platonic friends for 10 years. Lane was charged with one count of assault with intent to cause physical injury to an officer, Nieves said. The 10th Precinct officer suffered laceration wounds to her face, Nieves said.

Sounds like one tough broad.

  1. sadtruth says:

    I’d Still Do Her™

  2. Froggmann says:

    ummm… I need to see proof of those bikini photos…

  3. TVAddict says:

    Yeah. I’d do her in a New York minute.

  4. Ron Larson says:

    You can’t tell me that her bosses aren’t loving this. They can’t say so publicly, but they are. People will watch her show to see what the hub-bub is all about.

    Local news has been in the toilet for so long now that the management ought to just give up and drop all their pretenses of professionalism, quality, and ethics.

  5. No Kidding says:

    I wouldn’t touch her with a toilet plunger. Sounds like a real c**t.

  6. gquaglia says:

    Don’t worry, she probably wouldn’t touch you either.

  7. No Kidding says:

    #6 – Maybe not but she’ll punch a cop in the face.

  8. T.J. says:

    This is good stuff. Instead of the usual cop tasering a citizen for jay-walking we have a cop getting beat down in the street! Good for Alycia. 🙂

    You know that officer probably did something to deserve a good beat-down recently. Probably karma catching up with her.. heh

  9. nice punch says:



  10. muddauber says:

    Too bad you changed your website and blog to an almost illegible Italics fonts. This “new look” is a step backward in viewing experience.

    I can barely read 1/2 your articles now. Oh, well, the photos look purty.

  11. outrage says:

    Lane allegedly called the cop a “dyke”????

    IS she an Arian princess? What the Fuck?

    Lane is Puerto Rican. She should know better than to pigeon hole a class of women called lesbians. She as a Puerto Rican should be more sensitive. Dykes are blacks, Jews, Whites, Asian, Latina etc.

    What makes Lane so above anyone else that she can hurl an epithet reminiscent of pre-civil rights era?

    If Lane can allegedly utter ‘you fucking dyke,’ then she probably has no problem saying, ‘you fucking dyke jew hater, you fucking dyke spic, you fucking dyke n–r.”

    Lesbians come in all colors, shapes and sizes, ok? We are all human beings and Lane is not above anyone ..NO ONE

  12. T.J. says:

    #11 – Please shut up. All cops need a good beat-down ever now and then to keep them in check. Go gargle some Drano now.

  13. gquaglia says:

    What makes Lane so above anyone else that she can hurl an epithet reminiscent of pre civil rights era?

    She’s on TV, thats why. False sense of entitlement and total arrogance. Fuck this bitch. I hope her station cans her.

  14. I kinda wish the cop had given her the taser treatment. She definitely would have deserved it.

  15. Glenn E. says:

    Lane is probably one of the Republican media elites. So she not only feels entitled, but also “fire” proof. Don’t be surprised if she gets the same gloved treatment that Rush Limbaugh got after his drug abuses. Or for that matter, Don Imus’ racial slander.

  16. gquaglia says:

    Odds are, she is a democrat.

  17. Mister Catshit says:

    From the sounds of it, Lane was defending herself although she denies actually hitting the cop. Lane was taking pictures of an verbal altercation between a companion and the driver of the car. Apparently Lane, and possibly her companions, did not know the other car were plain clothes police. It sounds like the female cop pushed Lane and Lane pushed back.

    But, it was a cop and we all know cops like to be treated special. If Lane was truly guilty, I doubt they would have released her without bail, especially with a felony assault count.

  18. butt says:

    was the cop BLACK? Alycia is homophobic and probably racist to boot. Anyone who calls a cop a dyke bitch is probably harboring other feelings besides homphobic ones like racial ones?

  19. oops says:

    BREAKING: ALYCIA f—d Married Station GM Peter DUnn

  20. jeff says:

    Alycia Lane sucked LArry Medte’s d–k while his wife Dawn was pregnant

  21. snoop says:

    HMMM. Famous di–ks— (I mean, faces) Alycia LAne has DONE: Larry Mendte, Chris Wragge, Dino Calandriello, Peter Dunn, Jay Adkins, Governor Rendell, Senator VInce Fumo, DJ Chris Booker. Are we missing any more di–cks?

  22. sonia says:

    I worked with wacko LANE in Miami and she acts like she owns the world. GIve me this, GIve me that. She is such a stuck up biatch. God Bless the next station that hires her. THe GM will probably will just wanna fuck her and then toss her out after he realizes what a bad lay she is@@@

  23. boop says:

    Funny how ALycia Lane used the dyke epithet since she was shcacking up with her news director susan schiller who is a bisexual. the two were having sleepovers at lane’s washington squaer apartment while Schiller went thru marital problems. Was Lane trying to cover up the fact that she has homosexual feelings?

  24. god says:

    Alycia Lane is a reason why tv news has suffered. Her personal life splattered ALL over the tabloids.
    Guys–she is pretty but makeup and lighting do a LOT for Ms. Lane. There is a REASON why she can’t stay married and let’s NOT blame it on long distance or her ex husband supposedly cheating on alycia behind her back. The reason she can’t stay married is the reason the station doesn’t want the public or the viewers at large to know: Alycia is totally unstable. She can barely hold it together and she shows little respect for people who try to make her look good. Guys- the reason she Can’t stay married is because she is unstable and Alycia “chooses” the worng situations. SHE needs to come clean and admit that she has a problem (not just on DR PHIL) before she wrecks more marriages. G-d only knows how many she has wrecked behind the scenes and Not just the high profile ones we hear about (ie. Chris Wragge and Rich Eisen) Suzy Shuster–G-d bless u for standing up to Alycia Lane.

  25. larry says:

    KYW is a fu–ckng mess. As anyone who knows knows–Susan Schiller, Peter Dunn, Michael Colelran, Mike Archer, Cesar Aldama, Leslie Moonves needs to CLEAN HOUSE AND FIRE their fuckg asses. For god-s sakes, they’re all idiots, Alycia LAne, LArry, and the mumbo jumbo management that misses stories elft and right and tape recordds Channel 6 shows every single day at the behest of News Director Susan Schiller since she don’t know how to run a damn news room. The woman was late sending camera crews to the McGReevey scandal when it broke because–get this–she didn’t know it even happened until channel 2 in NYC called her and tipped her off and til Schiller saw the report on Channel 6. FU–ng Fools. God Bless CBS Idiots

  26. jhn says:

    She was telling trish bergin and everyone around her how she wanted OUT of KYW TV. She even contacted Ken Lindner AGENCY for representation in LA to pursue an acting career to get out of her KYW contract. SO now she’s out. What the hell does she want now?
    What she can’t get an acting job so now she wants to get back into news? Does this CHICK make sense? And she’s only part latina and the station dismissed her on MORAL not ethnic grounds so how is she going to make a case out of that or out of her saying that station exploited her personal life. ALycia went along with it and enjoyed the ride and got paid handsomely by KYW in their re-upping her to 700,000. But she fucked up, so now she wants CBS to pay? She is a looney man. She probably can’t get an acting gig so she has to go back to news and she just didn’t expect to get let go of like this. It’s about ONCE AGAIN ALYCIA LANE NEEDING to control things and END things and START the world on her terms because in ALYCIA;s world she is the BE ALL and END ALL

  27. joe says:


  28. jeff says:

    SSHH. don’t tell anyone KYW TV in Philly is a MESS…KYW is a fu–ckng mess.

    As anyone who knows knows–Susan Schiller, Peter Dunn, Michael Colelran, Mike Archer, Cesar Aldama, Leslie Moonves needs to CLEAN HOUSE AND FIRE their fuckg asses. For god-s sakes, they’re all idiots, Alycia LAne, LArry, and the mumbo jumbo management that misses stories elft and right and tape recordds Channel 6 shows every single day at the behest of News Director Susan Schiller since she don’t know how to run a damn news room. The woman was late sending camera crews to the McGReevey scandal when it broke because–get this–she didn’t know it even happened until channel 2 in NYC called her and tipped her off and til Schiller saw the report on Channel 6. FU–ng Fools. God Bless CBS Idiots.

    31 people either got fired or resigned from KYW TV in a one year span. Beverly Williams fired with only ONE year left on her court ordered 3 year Public Service Show. CBS bought her out. CBS under peter dunn bought out EJ HENDLEY the black female reporter. CBS ousted Esther Piere Black female reporter. CBS kyw TV ousted black reporter Karenm Adams after one year. KYW TV ousts Black anchor Denise Saunders. KYW demotes Susan Barnett female anchor to reporter after one year. KYW harasses and gets rid of Female (at the time pregnant reporter) Karen Scullin. KYW TV ousts Hispanic assignment desk chic Theresa Archenault. KYW TV ousts half HIspanic Anchor Alycia Lane. KYW tv reportedly ousts only Asian reporter Ji young Min. KYW Susan Schiller keeps Old Reporter Dick Standish off air for 3 years for which he contacts an attorney at Alycia Lane’s firm. Susan Schiller at KYW ousts GAY writer Darryl Dupont. KYW TV ousts Black photographer Chris MOnroe after one year. KYW TV ousts GAY creative Services Director Larry Solitrin forced to retire on permanent disability as Peter DUnn gave him a hard time leaving Solitrin Harrassing messages on his home phone. KYW TV ousts Anchor Marc Howard because he has trouble reading teleprompter BUT KYW TV doesn’t want the viewers to know their real reasons

  29. john says:

    alycia lane had a lascivious lesbian affair with her dyke news director susan schiller

  30. swoop says:

    Talk about job security. Michael Colleran, president of Philadelphia’s KYW-3-CBS and WPSG-57-CW, has a good reason to want to keep CW Philly traffic anchor Sean Murphy (right) on his payroll. Murphy and Colleran’s daughter Jennifer are about to have a child.

    But, wait. It gets better. The couple is not married…at least to each other. Murphy, who turns 39 today, is still hitched to local theater professional Deborah Seif.


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