He may not be all he seems online

Seductive Russian chat bot tries to steal your private data
From Russia, the land well-publicized for bringing the Internet questionable music service AllofMP3.com and mafia-related bank scams, comes a new kind of chat bot.

Called Cyberlover, the program is an application that claims to intelligently fabricate chat room dialogue that seduces its victims into sharing personal photos and phone numbers. In half an hour, the program can supposedly secure 4 to 6 “contacts.”

The product is said to automatically create profiles for each person it chats with, which include the photograph, e-mail address, and phone number obtained from the girl –it’s targeted at females, but can be tailored to males. The bot is sold for $24.95 USD.

  1. Ron Larson says:

    An article in Scientific American’s Podcast talked about this. In the article, a professor of Artificial Intelligence was duped for months. What tripped up the bot was that once “she” mentioned that she had gone for a walk in the park with a friend. He looked at the weather report for her city and saw that a snowstorm had hit that day.

    So he decided to send “her” emails of total gibberish. She failed to notice and responded with her normal conversation. That is when he knew for sure that he had been talking to a bot.

  2. Babygirl says:

    My name is Babygirl
    iam 21 years old
    i live in texas
    i live with my dad

  3. Neil Harrell says:

    I knew we were kindred souls. I would rather poke my eyes out than go shopping. I can just tolerate book shopping, and must tolerate food shopping but the screaming infants in Sainsbury’s mean that I have to go and lie down with a wet towel on my head afterward. I like the sound of your lifestyle; I am a born hermit myself.


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