Can Kramer get on testosterone therapy to get that castrati voice to trend a bit more towards tenor? Geez.

Today is Ron Paul’s Tea Party Day. Another round of donations coming. In some bizzaro world way Ron Paul is analogous to Eugene McCarthy back in the day.

found by Adam Curry

  1. Cramer, with a “C”.

  2. Shawn says:

    Ron Paul is analagous to Joseph “Eugene” McCarthy? And I guess Mitt Romney and the other “manufactured” candidates are analagous to Thomas E. Dewey. And by that I mean “What the hell do you mean?” I don’t see any analogy.

    Who writes this fribble for the website? Oh… I guess it’s probably a writer from the “Peoples Rublic of Berkeley” California. Nice try though, but thanks for the free press.

  3. Higghawker says:

    If it takes a “Tea Party” to get this guy elected, so be it! He has raised $12,600,000.00 so far. How refreshing to finally have a candidate you can feel good about.

  4. Mrs. Paul's says:

    Ron’s wife makes the best fish sticks!

  5. Zybch says:

    Gosh. Who knew that Bob Goldthwaite had his own finance show!

  6. ArianeB says:

    This is what I like about Ron Paul. He has Zero chance of getting elected, but his campaign is bringing up these never discussed important issues like Federal Reserve oversight, the role of the military, American Imperialism, etc.

    I believe people like Ron Paul represent the future of the Republican party once we get rid of the discredited neo-cons and the worthless Theo-cons. Ironically, he is actually representing the past too. If Barry Goldwater were around, he would be a huge Ron Paul fan.

  7. doug says:

    what I want to know is – why just disband the Fed, go back to the gold standard and stop there? why not revert to trading wampum? or cowrie shells?

    Ron Paul’s true virtue is that, although a nut, he seems to be a sincere nut.

  8. Jägermeister says:

    #5 – Zybch

    You beat me to it… My first reaction was… Is Cramer dude related to Zed in the Police Academy movies?!

  9. B. Dog says:

    Yeah, what’s with the Fed? Anyone got a teapot?

  10. Mister Catshit says:

    I would so much rather all the Republican candidates be analogous to Senator Eugene McCarthy than to his namesake, Senator Joseph McCarthy. Instead, so many Republicans resemble Charlie McCarthy.

    Ron Paul is just another flake. If he ever becomes President, we will ALL pine for the day of the Neo-con and theo-cons. His biggest problem is that he actually believes his crap. Please, some sensibility here. Someone decent with convictions like Obama, Richards, Bidden. Kusinich, or Edwards.

  11. T.J. says:

    Ron Paul is the only candidate worth voting for.

    Kick their asses, Ron! 🙂

  12. Liam says:

    why is he shouting? just talk ffs

  13. lokota says:

    The federal reserve is neither federal nor a reserve. The last six federal reserve chairmans have been Jews. There is much Religious scriptures about the Israelites Possessing all the wealth of the gentiles. In fact check book of Isiah much about stealing from us. They want to suck our breasts and much more. The whole system is very crooked. They have been behind the phrase “global economy” and such. An American bank should be run by Americans same with cinema and everything else. We must deport all jews to israel!

  14. Dorksters says:

    Ron Pauls website says: “…the Federal Reserve, our central bank, fosters runaway debt by increasing the money supply…”

    I guess Ron believes the money supply should not increase, therefore, our country should not grow at all (even though our population is growing). Unless I’m missing something fundamental, this is an unworkable policy.

    I can’t believe Americans are stupid enough to give money to this moron’s election fund.

  15. the Three-Headed Cat says:

    I call upon all Democrats (or maybe ‘all anti-Republicans’ would be bettter) to support Paul’s campaign. With a lot of effort, and a little luck, Paul could perfom the same “service” for the eventual GOP candidate that Nader did for Gore…

  16. Joshua says:

    Ron Paul has been a RINO for years. He was once the Libertarian candidate for President and when that didn’t pan out he came back to the Republican party.
    He’s raising money because he say’s what a lot of people actually think, the difference being that most people just think it and know it’s not really a good idea or will ever happen, but Paul believes it. If the folk’s who scream for Paul and send him money woke up the day after the election next year and found that Ron Paul had won they would blow their brain’s out, the only reason they support him is why a lot of people always support third party or maverick’s, just to stick it too the big guy’s a little, they don’t actually hope or even want to win.
    When so many thing’s are wrong, as they are now, whacko idea’s start sounding less whacko, and let’s face it, neither major party has any interest in changing the way thing’s are done. The only real difference between them and their platforms is in the degree of screwing they plan to give the ordinary folk’s of this country.

    Now, you wanna see something screwy going on then look at McCain’s campeign…..yesterday the Boston Globe, one of the top 5 Liberal bastion’s of the media endorsed him, along with the Des Moines Regisitar, and today Senator Lieberman endorsed him.

    I’m shooting for a McCain/Obama ticket. 🙂

  17. stormcoder says:


    Oh yeah people give money to candidates that they don’t want to to win all the time. The people giving money to the Ron Paul campaign are ordinary people not corps or special interests. Your talking out your ass.

  18. Dorksters says:

    #17 – So you want to have an idiot for president? Boo-yah!

  19. Mister Catshit says:

    #13, fucking racist bastard.

  20. RickCain says:

    Ron Paul is quite electable. The problem is with the GOP voters themselves. Generally speaking they are the biggest idiots of the century, swayed by idiotic wedge issues like stem cell research and are influenced by the siren song of an easy war and love to hate “lesbians, liberals, and treehuggers”.

    Ignorance abounds. These same folks laughed at Europe and now we are rapidly becoming a 3rd world state like Russia…..a weak nation with nukes.

  21. truthseeker says:

    Do we want another budget busting war monger for President? Yes – I do.

    I like paying 3 bucks for gas now – ideally I would like to pay 6 or 7 bucks a gallon- but will wait patiently until we invade Iran. Gas was just too cheap before we invaded Iraq.

    I am not worried about the 9 trillion dollar debt either or the fact that we owe another 55 trillion or so in unfunded programs. After all it is just paper money. If we have a problem we can print more – or we can borrow it from other nations. Why worry?

    I like things how they are but – I would prefer invading 2 or 3 more Muslim countries during the next President’s tenure.

    I could pay more taxes but would rather not – preferably I would like my kids saddled with the debt- they need to learn how to sacrifice more for freedom.

    If we can get another 20 million or so illegal immigrants in the country – then hopefully we can tax them and send them off to war too- for citizenship- I think that makes a lot of sense.

    History is full of successful countries that have deficit financed wars with paper money and everything worked out fine.

    There are too many crazy ill-informed citizens in this country today – I prefer more of an authoritarian ruler – like Bush. Let’s find someone with his views and get him in office ASAP.


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