Associated Press – December 15, 2007:

A teenager was arrested after a leader of the Church of Satan turned over to the FBI an e-mail the high school student had written to the sect in which he threatened to kill his grandparents, authorities said.

Andrew Culver, 18, told police the e-mail detailing his intention to kill his grandparents and steal their money and car was a joke, said Bazetta Township Police Chief Charles Sayers.

Culver sent the message Wednesday to Peter Gilmore, the high priest of the New York City-based Church of Satan, Sayers said. Gilmore alerted the FBI, which notified local police. Culver was taken out of class Thursday and questioned by police, Sayers said.

Gilmore said his church discards most of the hundreds of e-mails it receives daily. But Culver’s message stood out, he said.

“I thought it could be a joke, but with recent events in Colorado and Nebraska, I thought it was better to play it safe,”

  1. DavidtheDuke says:

    what a bunch of hypocrites!

  2. Spook says:

    This is less shocking than you might think; so far as I can tell, the Church of Satan seem like pretty decent people.

    Peter H. Gilmore

  3. TIHZ_HO says:

    Better the devil you know… 😉


  4. comhcinc says:

    what kind of world do we live in when even the satanist are turning you in to big brother. really this is too funny.

  5. bwaymark says:

    I remember in high school reading LaVey’s “The Satanic Bible”. An interesting read on two accounts: one, is it’s rejection of Christianity is pretty much a rejection of restraint in favour of hedonistic living and two: I’d say LaVey’s view on Satanism is pretty much in line with what most modern westerners believe: its better to live a self serving life of hedonism that to follow a path of repressed self denial.

    These guys certainly aren’t the ilk of Satanists that carry out human sacrifices and through their babies to the fire. They are more like Wiccans with a slight edge.

    Still, I reckon the Satantic Bible is one of those things that everyone should read in their lifetime (along with the collected works of Kurt Vonnegut Jr., The Holy Bible, The Anarchists’ Cookbook, The Prose and Poetic Edda’s, and The No 1. Botswana Ladies Detective Agency sieries…. and of course, the collected work of S.E. Hinton starting with ‘Rumblefish’).

  6. dvorak fan says:

    i can see i’m going to have to start blocking images from this site to continue reading it at work.

  7. Beonarri says:

    Well, I say more cute devil girl tits!

  8. FSM Fan says:

    Merry Xmas everybody!

  9. Mazinger says:

    Haha… I’ve always wondered how do they pickup the pictures for the posts… some are really funny. Way to go John.

  10. bwaymark says:

    Hiya FSM Fan:

    Is there an evil counterpart to FSM? I suppose antipasta could be considered offensive….


  11. Angel H. Wong says:


    At least they don’t go out screaming they’re the bastions of morality only to be found asking for gay sex in a restroom.

  12. igor says:

    seriously, must start posting names of the girls in picture -.-

  13. hhopper says:

    If that’s a photo of the devil I hope I get sent straight to hell.

  14. Mikey Twit says:

    Her name is Alison Angel, an amateur porn star. Nice choice of image!!

  15. DeLeMa says:

    Ok, how’d you know her name and do you have her phone number..?

    #6 –
    You shouldn’t be doing this at work anyway..unless it’s what you do..but then, your boss shouldn’t be offended..

    Pics like those always give me a craving for warm, buttered popcorn…ok,maybe just the warm butter.

  16. Too soon to form statistics, since I don’t know enough about this church, but, is it possible that this gives them a better record for stopping violence rather than starting it than the more mainstream Judeo-Christian-Islamic sects?

  17. You may think that this is what the Church of Satan would want to encourage, but you’d be wrong. The philosophy of Satanism is pro law and order. As a religious organization it is opposed to popular religions sheltering criminals, like the Catholic priests who protect illegals from deportation, or Catholic hierarchy protecting child molesting priests. This is just used as example. For forty years they have been above board, and made a stance that religion is beholden to the law of the land, not above it.

  18. Mister Catshit says:

    They are still a religious group that follow some belief in a supernatural being as the cause of everything. It doesn’t matter if the kid was turned in by these religious nuts or some nuts from the Fraternal Order of Cashews and Filberts. Some people just can’t take a joke. (And some people can’t tell a joke.)

  19. “Mister Catshit”,
    No, they aren’t. They are epicurian atheists. They have no creation myth, they rely on science to inform their worldview.
    Non-biased source:

  20. “Mister Catshit”,
    No, they aren’t. They are epicurian atheists. They have no creation myth, they rely on science to inform their worldview.
    Non-biased source:

    You say some people can’t take or tell a joke, but put yourself in the situation? What would you do if you ran an organization or business ans someone wrote to you threatening to kill their grandparents, signing their real name, giving factual background data, etc. You’re telling me that’s an obvious joke?

  21. Mister Catshit says:


    Satanism is the worship of a “force of nature”. That suggests there is something supernatural in their beliefs.

    The offender claims it was a joke. Either he can’t tell a joke or the recipient can’t take a joke.

  22. jitender says:

    u r go to the hell. jesus watch u r work.

  23. Mortimer says:

    This is as vile as calling compliments and complimentary whistling “hassling” and insinuating it’s “sexual”, this is a lie from an evil spirit called the Liar Lucifer and his demons and those who call the “cops” banish others,jail,etc. are going to hell unless they repent and get rid of this diabolical,useless,etc. law.


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