Since the Wiimote uses Bluetooth to communicate with the Wii, it can be used with any computer that can receive Bluetooth. Johnny Chung Lee wrote a program for Windows that is a start toward doing what Microsoft’s $10,000 Surface can do.

  1. Beonarri says:

    That’s really cool. My artistic mind is aflame with ideas of getting a cheap tablet PC/draw-on monitor. Since I have a Wii and probably won’t be able to get a Cintiq any time soon.

  2. Balbas says:

    Reminds me of IBM’s $10,000 word processor minicomputer back in the early 1980’s.

    Why buy a $1000 personal computer with a $400 word handler when you can have IBM quality and service — yes! at a premium price to reflect that quality!


  3. Badtastic says:

    Dont you just love it when someone comes along and “torpedoes” an expensive corporately produced solution by creating something cheaper, that integrates with existing hardware and is a heck of a lot more fun than some big-ass table.


  4. Jägermeister says:

    Nice work! \m/

  5. Nik says:

    Badtastic said all I wanted to say. I suppose this post is pointless then. 🙂

  6. GregA says:

    So wait, he still needs a special stylus, and this doesn’t “see” what you are putting onto the surface, so this doesnt really torpedo the surface at all. It isn’t even that much like surface at all…

    Although it is certainly a game changer for the whiteboard business.

  7. ChrisMac says:

    Wait until it can do it with chat rooms an texas holdem..

  8. Ron Larson says:

    Rather than pens with an LED stuck on the end, how about mounting the LEDs on the tips the index fingers of a pair of gloves. Strap the battery to power the LED’s to wrist, or on the body.

    Then you can truly point and interact without having to hold a stylus/light pen.

  9. Steve-O says:

    #8 RL – Now you’re talking.

  10. rudedog says:

    #8 and 9 follow the link to Jonny Chung Lee’s web site to see his two finger application using a LED IR array and some reflective tape.

    Very impressive….. I’m off to radio shack so the kids and I have a cool project to show off at Christmas!

  11. thepenguin says:

    I already picked up everything i need. just need to pick back up my soldering skills


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