I’m listing some of these devices. You can click through to the article and read about them all.


Rock My Teeth – whiten your smile!

iBeam – put your eye out

iPod Socks – keep your iPod warm [wha?]

Hammacher Schlemmer’s iPod Speakers [$4000]

Doggie iPod Dock

The LG iPod Washing Machine

iPod Thong


  1. That’s the ugliest female Hungarian (’cause of the facial hair) lip model.

  2. Mike Potter says:

    What’s an I-pod?

  3. ColdCanuck says:

    Sadly, I would consider buying the iPod sock because I live in a part of Canada where in the winter it gets down below -30c on a regular basis and at that point I have to start worrying about the hard drive in my iPod getting too cold and starting to malfunction or becoming damaged.


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