A native of Brazil’s Rikbaksta tribe records the canoeing competition during the IX Indigenous Nation’s Games in Olinda, northeastern Brazil.

My kind of mixed media.

  1. Esteban says:

    If only he had an OLPC to edit the video. 🙂

  2. bill says:

    You forget that the only difference between all people is he has a HD video cam in his hands and you do not.
    Oh, he probably has a new jet ranger II helicopter in the front yard paid with the mineral rights on the tribal lands.. and they are listening to WGN -9 Chicago Cubs games on the satellite. (true story by the way)
    Talk about culture shock… we felt like the poor miners… they had real class…

  3. eyeofthetiger says:

    Bill are you Brazil Mike in real life?

  4. bill says:

    Nope…. I worked for a SF based Engineering Co. and the ‘Natives’ were in New Guinea,,, We were walking thru the jungle and I heard Chicago Cubs Baseball… wierd! really wierd!! Never mind the time/day difference… The old guy in the ‘hut’ knew all about baseball.

    We always treated the elders with extreme respect!!!! No matter how poor they appeared to be.

  5. Ron Larson says:

    Ha ha… any one remember “The Far Side” cartoon where a bunch of “primitive” natives are running around their grass huts hiding their satellite TV systems because National Geographic was coming to take photos?

  6. Joshua says:



  7. Li says:

    Good catch. He’s got an excellent stance for the work.

  8. Greg Allen says:

    I remember landing in India about ten years agao and seeing a donkey delivering a satellite dish.

    I had to laugh. After a while, I just got used to those tech clashes.

  9. J says:


    Racist bastard. Laugh at a Native American man. What do you find funny? The stereotype? You think all Native Americans are too stupid to own and operate a camera.


  10. Rick says:

    HEY #9
    your mouth missed the joke twit. The joke is that the WHITES are too oblivious of life around them (which they are there to study) to consider that the natives are intelligent and so the natives take advantage of white stupidity- don’t flame.


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