Daily Kos:

This Florida based Gulfstream II jet aircraft # N987SA crash landed on September 24, 2007 after it ran out of fuel over Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula it had a cargo of several tons of Cocaine on board now documents have turned up on both sides of the Atlantic that link this Cocaine Smuggling Gulfstream II jet aircraft # N987SA that crashed in Mexico to the CIA who used it on at least 3 rendition flights from Europe and the USA to Guantanamo’s infamous torture chambers between 2003 to 2005.

This updates our previous post from Sept, where a couple of our readers had already suspected a connection.

Here are the problems Dvorak Uncensored has with this Daily Kos post. First of all where exactly are the tail numbers? There is not one picture that shows them. And with a messy crash like this why wasn’t coke splattered all over the place. All the bags remain intact it seems. That’s weird. And do we see even one bag cut open? Why not? There is something extremely fishy about this story. Finally with such an experienced pilot how did he run low on fuel? How does that happen to a seasoned “CIA” pro? And, of course, why hasn’t the major media done anything at all with the story? As for the supposedly disappearing coke how about this for an idea. Since the useful load capacity of a G-5 is 6500 pounds (3.25 tons) people are trying to match the story to the reality of the plane. Oh wait this was a Gulfstream II!! That has a maximum payload of 5456 pounds or 2.725 tons. Watch how the number goes down further!

  1. BillM says:

    I guess the last question is “With all of this BS wrapped around the story, why even blog it.” Sort of like Hillary’s aid saying he sorry about the rumors of Obama’s COCAINE USE. There just isn’t any reason to bring up unfounded stories about past COCAINE USE. We shouldn’t even being talking about the COCAINE story. Did I say COCAINE? I’m sorry.
    So you don’t believe this story but it provided a great opportunity to say CIA Torture again.

  2. Captain Bullshit says:

    No really, I believe it. Would I lie to you?

  3. RBG says:

    I think the story is a full-out crock. Or possibly that the aircraft is a civilian aircraft open to anyone who would charter it.

    None-the-less, I think I possibly can see an N number on the engine cover.

    The max payload figure calculation is interesting and true but if you read that the maximum take-off weight is 65,499 pounds and subtract the jet’s empty weight, 28,594 pounds for a difference of 28,594 pounds, it appears you could trade-off fuel for load, which could explain the crash.

    specs: http://tinyurl.com/2rahot


  4. Nate says:

    Even if true, the CIA had nothing to do with it. It’s likely a charter aircraft used by illicit traffickers — drugs, prisoners, whatever you need to haul — and the company that owns it would promise not to keep records.

  5. Whatever says:

    What’s really surprising is that Dvorak Uncensored finds this “fishy” but is perfectly willing to accept the commercial jetliner/Pentagon vaporization story. That’s weird.

  6. Ron Larson says:

    4 tons?!? The first thing I thought of was if this plane could even carry that much cargo. That figure alone makes this story sound like BS.

    Second, if I were flying the plane, and really low of fuel, I’d dump the cargo. Perhaps the cargo was too large, or there was no way to dump it since it seems to be a passenger plane versus a cargo plane.

    Third, the CIA angle has nothing to do with the drug running of any capacity. The plane was obviously contracted. So the owners fly for the CIA one day, and Columbian drug lords the next. So what?

    Bottom line, sounds like tin-foil-hat crap.

  7. JPV says:

    You can get low on fuel, in a small plane, if your only opportunities to land are in areas with bad weather.

  8. Angel H. Wong says:

    You need all that cocaine if you’re going to torture people.

  9. AdmFubar says:

    Somebody better check their units of measure.
    4 tons dry weight (emperial) is 3.62 metric tons.
    i have the feeling this is where the problems lies in the reporting..

  10. Joshua says:

    This has to be true….because we all know that ANYTHING reported in Daily Kos or Solon is the gospel truth. 🙂

    (hack, cough, puke, gag)

  11. Ref what RBG said:

    …………The max payload figure calculation is interesting and true but if you read that the maximum take-off weight is 65,499 pounds and subtract the jet’s empty weight, 28,594 pounds for a difference of 28,594 pounds, it appears you could trade-off fuel for load, which could explain the crash.

    specs: http://tinyurl.com/2rahot ……

    Not trying to sound liek a know-it-all folks but I have flown as co-pilot on a local GII quite a it and these airplanes will DEFINITELY HAUL even more than the legal useful load of 28,500+ lbs. No doubt about it.

    I’m a retired state trooper and I’m oneof the first to be skeptical, but here are some links I found that DO show the n-number to this airplane. The paint job matches that in the photos, and I’ve already had some aircraft mechanics tell me that the crash photos do definitely show a GII aircraft.

    So, for what it is worth, they could have hauled twice as much dope as they found and the pilots could have flown this plane 5,000 lbs OVER gross weight if they didn’t care to adhere to regulations as I have seen many pilots busted for doing so in the past.

    My gut tells me that this sure smells and it sure smells like it needs more investigating.

    That’s my two-cents worth but I’m open to ideas. Thanks!


  12. Joshua says:

    oh…well….narconew’s….that HAS to credible.

  13. rinkjustice says:

    Hey Dvorak. I’m diggin’ your Cranky Geeks show on Joost. Keep it up. I’m loving the free tv, but get HP to switch up their ads a bit.


  14. MikeN says:

    I think they are ripping off the plot of Lost.

  15. MikeN says:

    I think in the Left fever swamps, it’s a matter of faith that the CIA brought drugs into the black community.

  16. Greg Allen says:

    >> And, of course, why hasn’t the major media done anything at all with the story?

    There’s a well-known answer to this point: the “MSM” no longer funds investigative reporting.

    To figure out the fact from fiction in this story would take a lot of time, and most media outlets don’t have those resources any more.

    MikeN said, I think in the Left fever swamps, it’s a matter of faith that the CIA brought drugs into the black community.

    The Right is the driver of faith-based politics — from Reagan’s mythical “supply side” economics and devotion to deregulation to Bush’s disastrous tax cuts and bogus Iraq WMDs.

    But the drug smuggling by Ronald Reagan’s Contras? You don’t need faith to believe in that — it’s well documented.

    Read about it here: http://tinyurl.com/ys3ale or just Google it yourself.

  17. Greg Allen says:

    >> The plane was obviously contracted. So the owners fly for the CIA one day, and Columbian drug lords the next. So what?

    So what? How incredibly jaded have YOU become?

    I don’t want my tax dollars going to drug runners!

    True or not, this is a good morality play about why the neo-Cons’ throwing billions of our tax dollars to mercenaries is a horrible idea.

  18. T.J. says:

    Alex Jones has covered the CIA running drugs into the country for more than a decade now on his national radio show and in his many videos. It’s a known fact they do it.


  19. RBG says:

    #20. It’s a known fact they don’t and you are wrong. It’s sure is great that facts don’t need to be backed up with anything.


  20. George W Bush says:

    They just told me last Tuesday that there may be some indicamation that this plane belongs to Obama, and was being flown by Hillary, with Edwards as a passenger. Fortunately VP Cheney was there with his shotgun to take care of buidness. What they told me about this plane last October doesn’t count (because it’s embarrassing to my ‘legacy’)

    Also, this here new information just reinforces what a serious threat Iran is to peace loving Americans. So in order to provide for the prosperity and safety of MY fellow Americans (the top 5% He He!) I will veto any plans to spend more on our people and propose to send more money to the Middle East. The health needs and economic future of America depends on me spending money (even if I have to borrow 100’s of billions)) in places where it can’t be accounted for or traced.

  21. eaze says:

    Damn you lot sure are quick to dismiss the involvement of the CIA with drugs.

    Why do you think that America forced other countries to sign international drug treaties?

    The reason that drugs are illegal is so that these corrupt people control the whole supply chain, and profit from it at every level from mass production down to personal use. Which is what America does with every other war, why would the drug war be any different?

    Obviously when realising that the cat was out of the bag in this case they injected the story with a bit of bull crap so things wouldn’t add up and thats why there are morons above me here saying that the coke had nothing to do with the CIA.

    #20 is right well done for getting it in there mate

    Another reason not to take cocaine, dont be part of the scam. The only way to end the scam is to stop the drug war, it is unwinnable and immoral.

  22. wineguru says:

    I was in Thailand in the early 70’s with Air America. It was well known that we supplied guns for drugs and that the AA planes carried the drugs to god knows where. So I’m not surprised at this story. Tony

  23. Rick says:

    Yep, not surprised in the least. CIA was responsible for the rise of crack among the poor too. CIA funded Osama the first time around when the USSR invaded Afghanistan. CIA had the mob off Kennedy brothers 1 and 2 etc. When are the American people finally going to stop feigning surprise and shock when their government’s true aims and actions are revealed? Before all their rights are erased or after?

  24. J says:

    #23, GWB

    Your post is racist. Making a black man “own” the plane means he was the driving force behind this vicious smear. Come to Chicago and say that. We’ll kick your lily white pimpled butt so hard you’ll wipe your nose with toilet paper.

  25. RBG says:

    I wonder what one of those CIA agents make / month vs what they could make selling their exclusive inside story with evidence to the highest bidder?


  26. Mugatu says:

    All one has to do to find out about cia drug running into the u.s. is research Gary Webb, he was the reporter for the San Jose Mercury News who blew the story wide open.


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