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  1. bs says:

    Nice.. I like it.

    Almost as good as the FED mortgage bailout hack.


  2. Mark Derail says:

    This is VERY DANGEROUS for the kids that will surely try this.

    And of course find out it isn’t true, spilling battery acid all over the place – very nasty.

    Then again kids have been known to put a .22 caliber bullet in a vise, then try to open it.

  3. Angel H. Wong says:

    “Amazing Battery Hack”

    I thought it was about James Hill when he starts attacking others with substanceless one liners.

  4. eyeofthetiger says:

    For about 2.5 seconds I was thinking “why are there batteries in the battery?”

  5. Jake says:

    I don’t see anything except for an empty white area.

  6. Jake says:

    Are you sure it’s working? I right-click where something is supposed to appear, and it says “Movie not loaded”. Then I went to the source URL of the embedment and had the same problem there.

  7. Joshua says:

    someone **hacked** your pic.

  8. Mike H says:

    I spot a trend… IE – nothingness. Firefox – video appears!

    Not a good trend, but something that can be addressed, I trust.

  9. ECA says:

    This site does not condone your DIEING, or going to the hospital.
    What is suggested is a terrible THING to do.
    Battery acid on your SKIN, can TAKE THE SKIN OFF, in only a few minutes. IF you get it INTO a wound, it will TEAR your insides UP. YOU WILL DIE.

    [ECA, it’s a JOKE! – ed.]

  10. bs says:




    The average DU reader would not be tempted to open a lead acid battery with a screwdriver. At least unless it was a choice of watching another Des Moines Register presidential debate or being permanently scarred by acid.. Then it is a toss up.

  11. laineypie says:

    haha. i was thinking this was true good thing i read these comments. then again, i suppose the old-school gameboy and the unicorn references should have made me assume it was for laughs only.

  12. George W Bush says:

    Hey, I got ripped off!
    I opened the battery in my car, and I found the AA batteries, and the Gameboy… but where is my unicorn???

    Besides, this is lame… now I have to go out and buy a new battery for my car since I broke the one that I had!

    Does anyone know if motorcycle batteries are filled with AAA’s?

  13. OmarTheAlien says:

    Damned good idea; I, uh, borrowed a few batteries from an undisclosed location, now my wireless xbox controllers will never run out of batteries. Marble Blast rules!

  14. sam says:

    Does that mean I can buy 1,500 AA batteries and repair my dead car battery??? I have an old gameboy with tetris already! Anyone have a spare unicorn I could have?

  15. Jake says:

    I’m confused about what the video is supposed to be about. I can’t see it, so can someone fill me in? This has been bugging me for HOURS!

  16. natefrog says:

    Augh! My eyes! The goggles, they do nothing!

  17. ECA says:

    i would rather give a general warning, then to EXPECT some of the current KIDS to know WHAT is inside an Acid core battery.
    Iv met persons that Didnt know they had to change/check the water, oil, transmission, steering fluid, Air filters in a CAR. Only after it Stalled and I assisted, did they know that there was a Latch to the HOOD of the car, and that THERE WAS STUFF UNDER THE HOOD. They bought the car 5 years before. NEVER changed the oil, or checked anything. Oil didnt even read off the stick, Tranny was VERY LOW, Wiper fluid was empty, and Radiator, was 1/2 full..

  18. tresho says:

    I heard a couple of amateur radio ops reminiscing about burning old car batteries in a heap to collect the lead, which would melt & form a large puddle that solidified. Sure they inhaled a lot of lead fumes & other toxins, but they aren’t dead yet.

  19. koen says:

    I love the disclamer at the end. That’s even funnier than the cool stuff at the beginning. LAME

  20. Jake says:

    WTF! It’s been a whole day, and you still haven’t fixed it. I have never had a problem with any other videos on here–only with this one and the other one that hhopper posted yesterday.

  21. hhopper says:

    Sorry guys, it took me a while trying to find what the problem was. I added a link to the post.

  22. Jake says:

    Cool vid, thx.


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