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Nice.. I like it.
Almost as good as the FED mortgage bailout hack.
This is VERY DANGEROUS for the kids that will surely try this.
And of course find out it isn’t true, spilling battery acid all over the place – very nasty.
Then again kids have been known to put a .22 caliber bullet in a vise, then try to open it.
“Amazing Battery Hack”
I thought it was about James Hill when he starts attacking others with substanceless one liners.
For about 2.5 seconds I was thinking “why are there batteries in the battery?”
I don’t see anything except for an empty white area.
Are you sure it’s working? I right-click where something is supposed to appear, and it says “Movie not loaded”. Then I went to the source URL of the embedment and had the same problem there.
someone **hacked** your pic.
I spot a trend… IE – nothingness. Firefox – video appears!
Not a good trend, but something that can be addressed, I trust.
This site does not condone your DIEING, or going to the hospital.
What is suggested is a terrible THING to do.
Battery acid on your SKIN, can TAKE THE SKIN OFF, in only a few minutes. IF you get it INTO a wound, it will TEAR your insides UP. YOU WILL DIE.
[ECA, it’s a JOKE! – ed.]
The average DU reader would not be tempted to open a lead acid battery with a screwdriver. At least unless it was a choice of watching another Des Moines Register presidential debate or being permanently scarred by acid.. Then it is a toss up.
haha. i was thinking this was true good thing i read these comments. then again, i suppose the old-school gameboy and the unicorn references should have made me assume it was for laughs only.
Hey, I got ripped off!
I opened the battery in my car, and I found the AA batteries, and the Gameboy… but where is my unicorn???
Besides, this is lame… now I have to go out and buy a new battery for my car since I broke the one that I had!
Does anyone know if motorcycle batteries are filled with AAA’s?
Damned good idea; I, uh, borrowed a few batteries from an undisclosed location, now my wireless xbox controllers will never run out of batteries. Marble Blast rules!
Does that mean I can buy 1,500 AA batteries and repair my dead car battery??? I have an old gameboy with tetris already! Anyone have a spare unicorn I could have?
I’m confused about what the video is supposed to be about. I can’t see it, so can someone fill me in? This has been bugging me for HOURS!
Augh! My eyes! The goggles, they do nothing!
i would rather give a general warning, then to EXPECT some of the current KIDS to know WHAT is inside an Acid core battery.
Iv met persons that Didnt know they had to change/check the water, oil, transmission, steering fluid, Air filters in a CAR. Only after it Stalled and I assisted, did they know that there was a Latch to the HOOD of the car, and that THERE WAS STUFF UNDER THE HOOD. They bought the car 5 years before. NEVER changed the oil, or checked anything. Oil didnt even read off the stick, Tranny was VERY LOW, Wiper fluid was empty, and Radiator, was 1/2 full..
I heard a couple of amateur radio ops reminiscing about burning old car batteries in a heap to collect the lead, which would melt & form a large puddle that solidified. Sure they inhaled a lot of lead fumes & other toxins, but they aren’t dead yet.
I love the disclamer at the end. That’s even funnier than the cool stuff at the beginning. LAME
WTF! It’s been a whole day, and you still haven’t fixed it. I have never had a problem with any other videos on here–only with this one and the other one that hhopper posted yesterday.
Sorry guys, it took me a while trying to find what the problem was. I added a link to the post.
Cool vid, thx.