LewRockwell.com Blog:

What would it cost to buy the support of just about every nationally syndicated neocon talk show host in America? About $19.5 billion, which is what Mitt Romney’s private equity firm, Bain Capital, and Thomas H. Lee Partners have agreed to pay in a leveraged buyout agreement with Clear Channel Communications, the largest radio station owner in the country. This is part of a negotiation that has been pending for over a year. Clear Channel owns more than 1,100 full-power AM, FM, and shortwave radio stations, twelve radio channels on XM Satellite Radio, and more than 30 television stations in the United States. Premiere Radio Networks, which is the largest syndication company in the United States, is a wholly owned subsidiary of Clear Channel and is home to Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, and many others. Sean Hannity recently signed a large multi-market contract with Clear Channel, as well.
From an anonymous email:

“I’ll bet those hosts won’t reveal that conflict of interest, but it’s worth noting when you hear them begin hyping Romney, which has already begun. A lot of GOP supporters will support whomever they are told to support, so be prepared for a big push for Romney. On the bright side, Romney has more vulnerabilities than Rudy, based on his record. Look at this as the GOP establishment doing us a favor. Rich men can bankroll their own campaigns (a la John Kerry), but it takes a special breed to use investors’ money to buy entire networks that can operate as passive wings of a presidential campaign.”

It should be noted that Mitt Romney, while no longer the CEO, remains a silent partner of Bain Capital.

What do you think?

  1. Kevitivity says:

    They print some really nutty stuff at LewRockwell.com. Whats really silly is this notion of monolithic “neocon” group that all vote the same way. In general, be very skeptical of anyone that uses the word “neocon”, too.

  2. bobbo says:

    Well, I think “neocon” can reasonably be thought of as any conservative nut job willing to spew talking points as if they were the 11th Commandment, and that certainly describes the nut jobs mentioned.

  3. Angel H. Wong says:

    They’re preparing their microphone guns just in case the Democrats win the election.

  4. Stu says:

    Orwell was an optimist.

    Get out a dictionary and look up the word “fascism”.

  5. Phillep says:

    CNN got ripped off. How much free advertising did they give Clinton?

    Hey, Bobbo, I didn’t get my copy of the neocon talking points. Mind posting them here?

  6. steelcobra says:

    So glad the Rock station here in Colorado springs (94.3 KILO) isn’t owned by those dicks at clearchannel. Then again, they also play much more awesome music, such as Mandatory Metallica, but only the stuff from back when they were good.

  7. sam says:

    This creature has called himself a neocon on several occasions. In fact you can find youtube video of the father of this hatchling bragging about being a neo trotskyite. He is an Iraq war monger and is also pushing very hard so your sons and daughters will go to war with Iran. According to this evil being enough American lives or American dollars will ever be spent serving isreal. http://youtube.com/watch?v=_8NfnfVzMIs

    William Kristol (born December 23, 1952 in New York City) is a Jewish American conservative pundit, analyst and strategist. He is the son of Irving Kristol, one of the founders of the neoconservative movement, and Gertrude Himmelfarb, a scholar of Victorian era literature, both of whom are secular Jewish Americans.

    In 1997, Kristol and Robert Kagan cofounded the Project for the New American Century (PNAC). Kristol is a member of the board of trustees for the think tank Manhattan Institute. Kristol is also a member of the Policy Advisory Board for the neoconservative think tank Ethics and Public Policy Center. Additionally, Kristol has been an attendee at Bilderberg Group conferences.

  8. MikeN says:

    I think one of Clinton’s buddies Ron Burkle is in the process of buying the Enquirer and other tabloids.

  9. sam says:

    Why is the controlled media so scared of RON PAUL? http://tinyurl.com/2tm5kv

  10. steelcobra says:

    Sam(#7): As an Iraq vet who’s going again fairly soon, I’ll say this: Blow it out your ass.

  11. JPV says:

    You mean like the Christian Science Monitor?


    Wake up! Your head is buried way too deep in the sand.

  12. JPV says:

    steelcobra said:

    As an Iraq vet who’s going again fairly soon, I’ll say this: Blow it out your ass.


    Have fun fighting for the security of Israel. I’m sure that they appreciate it very, very much.

  13. RoboCop says:

    Talk radio is successful when it provides listeners with information they want to hear. Conservative talk radio is especially successful because the audience for political discussions on radio largely agree with the opinions of the hosts of these programs. The humiliating failure of Air America demonstrates there is no comparable demand for liberal views on talk radio, anywhere in the country, at any time of day. Conservative should thank Mr. Soros for flushing millions of his unearned dollars down the drain to help us prove that no one wants liberal voices on the radio.

    There is tremendous synergy between Fox News, conservative blogs, and conservative talk radio, and they now act as a balancing force against the overbearing liberalism of the main stream media, like Dan Rather’s CBS and the NY Time’s MoveOn.org discount advertising. Since the rise of conservative alternative news, liberal lies no longer go unchallenged, and conservative truths are no longer spiked by venal editors.

    But, it is far too simple, and typical of liberal thinking, to suggest that conservative talk show hosts will skew their commentaries toward Romney because he is an investor in the company that syndicates their shows. Popular hosts earn the right to be independent by virtue of the economic value their audiences bring to the stations that air their programs. What exactly are these investors going to do to a host if he or she says things that are unfavorable to Romney, or favorable about a primary opponent? And remember, this is a leveraged buyout; Romney’s buddies won’t really own Clear Channel, a bunch of banks will.

    As we proceed through the primary season and the general election, the conservative media will be looking for the most conservative Republican candidate who can prevent the Democrats from taking over the executive branch of government. For many conservatives, the only candidates in the current field who fit that description are Romney or Thompson. And with Fred having difficulty in the early caucus and primary states, there doesn’t have to be anything fishy about a conservative radio host who likes Romney.

    If I were the snide liberals who have turned DU into a MoveOn.org blog for geeks, I would be more worried about a political party that wants to give the country a choice between the most hated woman in American politics and Farrakhan’s favorite US Senator.

  14. stiffler says:

    That the capital group bought ClearChannel should be an indication of its profitability, and the underlying support that it receives. Good business decision.

  15. steelcobra says:

    #12: Have fun fighting for the security of Israel. I’m sure that they appreciate it very, very much.

    Trust me on this, the Iraelis don’t really need us to protect them that much. A country that defeated all of its neighbors at once in a single war and invents better gear for the environment than we do doesn’t really need physical help.

  16. bobbo says:

    #13–Robo==what you say is true. There is no mass audience sufficient to support liberal talk radio. You seem to think that is a bad thing? Funny.

  17. bobbo says:

    #5–Phillep==you are too smart not to be pulling my leg, but I’ll give you the first one that comes to mind as I last heard on the news.

    Lets see – – – –

    Oh yea, “The Democrats want to raise your taxes.” Sounds bad doesn’t it until you ask the Repugs how to pay for all their deficit spending or what programs they will cut. Name the last President to balance the budget===and yes, Newt had alot to do with it. But the issue is talking points. That is only #1 on a list you already have.

  18. Jim says:

    This is all ado about nothing. For Pete’s sake, Clear Channel was losing money everywhere by stockpiling all these broadcast properties. If you read the trades, the “Clear Channel Hatchet Storm” traveled to nearly every market where CC had a station and cut personnel—from program directors to producers to marketing people. They thought they could run this huge empire and make a ton of money. Uh-uh. And Bonneville–which is OWNED by Mormons–owns a ton of radio stations across the country—and they only deal in CASH. But they’re not trying to press any agenda on anyone. They just know how to operate a broadcasting empire…unlike CC (formerly Jacor)’s suits.

  19. floyd says:

    #19–just adding a bit more to what you said. I think that Clear Channel, besides the slant of their talk show hosts and apparent mismanagement, also has lousy playlists on their music stations. With any luck, no one will be tuning into any of their stations and they’ll go out of business or sell them all to companies that know more about broadcasting.

  20. MikeN says:

    >how to pay for all their deficit spending

    Read that sentence again and you might come up with an answer.

  21. MikeN says:

    Robocop, their is a huge audience for liberal talk radio. It’s called NPR.

  22. Douche Limbaugh says:

    “I didn’t get my copy of the neocon talking points. Mind posting them here?”

    here’s all of ’em for ya’;
    Democrats bad republicans good.
    Democrats bad republicans good.
    Democrats bad republicans good.

  23. Adam says:

    Um.. This deal was completed over a year ago.

  24. McCullough says:

    #24. And that changes things how……….

  25. Hmeyers says:

    #18 bobbo …

    I gotta say, with the glut of Baby Boomer geezers taht are gonna retire in 10-15 years and this shizhole we call social security, I ain’t very interested in hearing talk about how Republicans waste money.

    I don’t like either party, I think they’ve equally proved they are willing to waste our money and mismanage the country into the ground.

    Both parties are living in fantasia, quite frankly … fiscal doom awaits…

    On the flip side, as a younger person, I sarcastically scoff at money the government wastes because it’s $1 less the government can do something stupid with like the social security pyramid scheme or the proposed nationalized f***-the-young-to-pay-for-geezers health care scam.

  26. bobbo says:

    #26–Hmeyers==I agree with what you say “but” the issue was what are the repug talking points. The point might be that if both parties are basically irresponsible, how do you show/create a difference to get someone to (stupidly) support one party over the other? The answer is “talking points.” That which appears to be a substantive comparison but is really only hiding the salami.

    #22–Mike==yes, thanks. I forgot NPR. I could quibble but I’ll forgo that by just mentioning that as liberal as NPR might be, it misses out on that sycophanticity that is the hallmark of ditto-head radio. noise.

  27. RoboCop says:

    Re #22
    Thanks MikeN, I’ll remember that next time the topic of federal subsidies for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting comes up, currently about $420 million. Oh, and do they say that during their fund raising marathons? Whoops, the mailer asking for money for Public Broadcasting just fell into the recycling bin. Let me transfer that to the garbage, where it belongs.
    Actually, to be honest with you, the Sirius and XM political channels would be an interesting comparison, since you couldn’t ask for more equal access. Of course, the pay radio audience wouldn’t be at all representative of the nation as a whole, but it would still be interesting. Anybody know if that info is available anywhere?

  28. Moderate says:

    Definition of a NeoCon:

    1. They agree with Trotsky on permanent revolution, violent as well as intellectual.

    2. They are for redrawing the map of the Middle East and are willing to use force to do so.

    3. They believe in preemptive war to achieve desired ends.

    4. The accept the notion that the ends justify the means — that hardball politics is a moral necessity.

    5. They express no opposition to the welfare state.

    6. They are not bashful about an American empire; instead they strongly endorse it.

    7. They believe lying is necessary for the state to survive.

    8. They believe a powerful federal government is a benefit.

    9. They believe pertinent facts about how a society should be run should be held by the elite and withheld from those who no not have the courage to deal with it.

    10. The believe neutrality in foreign affairs is ill advised.

    11. The hold Leo Strauss in high esteem.

    12. The believe imperialism, if progressive in nature, is appropriate.

    13. Using American might to force American ideals on others is acceptable. Force should not be limited to the defense of our country.

    14. 9/11 resulted from the lack of foreign entanglements, not from too many.

    15. They dislike and despise libertarians (therefore, the same applies to all strict constitutionalists.)

    16. They endorse attacks on civil liberties, such as those found in the Patriot Act, as being necessary.

    17. They unconditionally support Israel and have a close alliance with the Likud Party.

    “A Foreign Policy of Freedom”
    pg. 262

  29. Dennis says:

    Does anyone even listen to the radio anymore since Clear Channel took over the Airwaves? Especially since its the same station across states, same music, same talk, same crap.
    Why is there surprise that people have not seen the ‘take over’ and raping of the freedoms we used to take for granted, to the point where most did not realize that we were losing them to the FASCISTS NEOCONS? Fascists support the rise of a Corporate Government. (Which is why I am curious to see what an Islamo Fascist IS…considering they have no Corporations). Romney is just falling in line. Too bad no one told him about the Bilderberg meetings that have already picked Bush’s Successor.
    This just cements the way for a cult religion to attempt to gain acceptance in a culture that barely tolerates anyone who is not a Christian.

  30. #16

    “Trust me on this, the Iraelis don’t really need us to protect them that much.”

    But it sure helps to distract Israel’s enemies by making another bigger, clumsier target.


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