• Google in the news, again. First with the FCC conflict of interest, then with the Wikipedia clone, then with the Blackberry-Google calendar mashup.
  • Meteor show peaks tonight.
  • Look for increasing stories about the invention of the transistor. It’s the 60th anniversary!
  • Wii sales higher than ever. Record-breaking November.

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  1. Richard says:

    In the 1960’s there was an article in Physics Today with a photostat of a patent application from the early 1930. The Physics Today article described how the device functioned & it was what a ‘transistor’ does.
    Anyone else remember this ?
    Was that the first ‘transistor’ ?

  2. Angel H. Wong says:

    Not bad for a Gamecube on steroids, I wonder if the US version of the Wii Fit accesory will support 300+ lbs users.

  3. Stan Getsla says:

    Hey! If the transistor was invented in 1947, it would be SIXTY years old now.

  4. Mister Transistor says:

    Isn’t it incredible that after all the years of having vacuum tubes that someone just happened to dope germanium and silicon junctions to make the transistor? Go figure…


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