A Roswell police officer was removed from school campuses after turning a pregnant 18-year-old student over to immigration authorities.

Police Chief John Balderston defended the action by Officer Charlie Corn, a 10-year veteran who was working at Roswell High School as a student resource officer.

But he said Roswell Independent School District Superintendent Michael Gottlieb had asked for Corn’s removal “because he didn’t want the officer checking on the immigration status of the students.”

The district and police department decided to remove all school resource officers.

Why commend a cop for doing his fracking job? Right?

  1. Mister Catshit says:

    #25, Arriane,

    Immigration laws should be enforced, of course. But treating illegals as “sub-human” is a dangerous path we should not follow.

    I agree. Yet, there is nothing to suggest she was treated as a sub human. She was probably handcuffed and placed in a jail cell. Something almost every accused criminal does.

  2. comhcinc says:

    #30 Mister Catshit
    you may be right and the law may differ around the country, but it seems at that point, days after the tickets have been issued, it’s a matter for the courts. to me though this could have been handle alot differently. as someone else stated if he would have just waited until she got back in her car, giving him a reasonable reason to question if she has a license then this would not be a story. i understand why the school board did what it did.

  3. bobbo says:

    #30–Catshit==first totally wrong thing I have seen you post.

    Cops do NOT have the authority to arrest anyone to check their identity. They can only arrest on the reasonable suspicion that a particular crime has been committed by that person.

    Was that a brain fart?

  4. Mister Catshit says:

    #35, bobbo,

    You are correct. They may, however, only ask you to identify yourself if there is reasonable suspicion they have committed a crime. Writing a ticket requires you to identify yourself. If you can not identify yourself, they may arrest you.

    If you take the first sentence with the second sentence it will make more sense. I do understand your confusion though.

  5. sam says:

    Mexico does not give illegal immigrants in their country any rights what so ever. In fact on Mexico’s southern border they shoot border jumpers. Some Mexican states are at war with native Indian populations. All Mexicans should be deported diversity=death. All it takes for evil to triumph is for Whitemen to do nothing.

  6. comhcinc says:

    #37 the reason i hate the south.

  7. MikeN says:

    Yeah I like Uncle Ben’s policy.
    Once they’re here, give them citizenship. That includes if they are arrested at the border by Border Patrol. Anyone who can get to America should be allowed to become a citizen.
    Also, I think a border fence is a bad idea, it projects a negative image.
    Plus the border patrol shouldn’t be shooting people running toward the border. That’s just cruel.

  8. Angel H. Wong says:

    #18 Bobbo,

    Here’s two examples of a two tiered system:

    a) The pre civil war USA with its african slaves.


    b) The pre Holocaust Germany.

  9. Phillep says:

    #38, the most rabid racist haters I ever met were in the North.

    The weirdest racists were in the Universities; they assumed anyone not a white hetero male was unable to behave like a mature human. (They are the most extreme White Supremists I’ve /ever/ seen.)

  10. ArianeB says:

    #28 I rushed what I was trying to say, and I was trying to be more “big picture” broad rather than specific. So here is specific.

    If a child of the right age comes to school, the school is legally obligated to teach that child, regardless of immigrant status, or the immigrant status of the parents. Schools are not allowed to even ask. This is federal law, held up by multiple Supreme Court cases.

    The philosophy of schools is that the students are safe to come to school and not be questioned by the police over things that it is not even in their jurisdiction to question. How safe do you feel sending your child to school knowing they may not return because their visa expired?

    The hatred and vitriol I see growing over illegal immigration in this country is clouding the view of the “big picture”. I live in Arizona, and I see it everyday. Pristine desert destroyed to build worthless border fences. Border checkpoints miles north of the border harassing citizens. Blatantly unconstitutinal state and local measures specifically designed to harass illegals to go somewhere else.

    The “Big Picture” is this: The powers that be are all too happy to use people’s hatred of “illegals” to slowly chip away at the freedom of all people in this country. Real ID is coming because of fear and hatred of illegals. New police powers are being added because of fear and hatred of illegals.

    An excellent book on this is “The End of America: Letter of Warning To A Young Patriot” by Naomi Wolfe.

  11. bobbo says:

    #42–so everthing you said about tyrannies and sub-humans is —what?

    The end of the slippery slope I take it?

    So, in order not to be indecent tyrants, GOUSA must have an open border policy. Ok, very non-tyranical and human loving of you. Should democractic majority rule be the guiding light on this, or should a minority view control?

    See, “Wisdom of Crowds” for my answer. Just the issue democracy was meant for.

  12. stiffler says:

    @39 – Awesome policy. Clearly you haven’t paid enough taxes to support everyone that’s come across the border and now driving slow in the fast lane of the freeway paid for with my taxpayer dollars. And who cares about a negative image? Put your ego on hold. And NO, just because you made it to America doesn’t mean that you should be offered the right to citizenship. That unfairly biases it towards those with a geographical advantage. I’ve got plenty of Indian friends who would love to come here, but guess what? The citizenship quota is too long. I guess that they were just born in the wrong part of the world by your logic.

    @40 – piss poor example. You are confusing racial discrimination with citizen/immigrant status. Come to think of it, EVERY country has a two-tier system under your definition. It sounds like you should have been going to class with the illegal here.

    @42 – No, sorry, the school does not have the *obligation* to teach illegals. Medical care is one thing, general government services is another.

  13. Arpie says:

    Amazing how these issues always cause typical stupid knee-jerk reactions.

    Fiction: The constitution only applies to citizens.

    Fact: The constitution applies to all people living in the USA. Period. Citizens have a few extra rights, most importantly the right to vote. Look it up.

    While my initial reaction is to think that information should be shared across all branches of government, things are not that simple.

    Why should there be separation between, say, immigration and law enforcement? What if there’s a crime and instead of calling/ reporting it to the police, illegal immigrants just let it slide afraid of getting involved and then deported? That would just create chaos. Thus, law enforcement should be separate from immigration checking. If someone commits a crime, sure, deport his a$$… Oh, wait… is the crime heinous enough to deserve prosecution and punishment within the US? Will the criminal be punished enough by deportation alone… will he be punished accordingly within his own country? Starts to look a little less simple, doesn’t it?

    Why should schools teach any children? Because education leads to better understanding, appreciation and integration in society. Would you rather have immigrant kids just stay home while their parents work their a$$ off? What do you think would happen? More likely than not, they would look for and find trouble. From stupid childish pranks to joining gangs. It’s a BAD IDEA.

    Typical American xenophobia is usually just a matter of “It’s not fair, I’m lazy and stupid but I’m still better than the (illegal) immigrants, for no good reason other than I was born here, so I have more rights and deserve more. I belong here and they don’t, so out with them.” That is just a plainly imbecile attitude.

    Moreover, the country is in a position where it actually depends to a large extent on those illegal immigrants. For jobs, IRS revenue, social security, consumption, all sorts of things.

    BTW, a border fence is just a stupid PR stunt where a few people will fill their pockets with taxpayers’ money and for some politicians to rally idiots around the idea. If you support the idea, just be honest to yourself and think: “Do you support it because you’ve looked into the issue, what the *real* plans are and how it’s being handled, or just because it sounds good to you and makes you feel warm and fuzzy because something is “being done” about those pesky illegals?”

  14. bobbo says:

    #46–Knee jerk? I guess so when you make up your own straw man opponents.

    No one said constitutional rights apply only to citizens, except by implication, you. good job.

    Illegal immigration in USA because of attitudes/propaganda like yours has already created chaos. Being an “Illegal Alien” is a crime enforcement issue, as in its illegal? To avoid a kneejerk label, wouldn’t one have to balance the cost/benefits of both approaches off one another rather than just boldly assume one position is untenable?

    Nothing appears difficult in the dilema that confounds you. Prosecute felonies here to be sure crime is punished, and deport all illegal aliens–simple. Or if the job is too much for you, then deport all aliens who get caught on misdemeanors. Again, simple.

    You assume illegal aliens should be integrated into society. No. They should be deported. Again, simple if you don’t have a kneejerk reaction to the absolutely inhuman condition of being born in a poorer country.

    No good reason other than I was born here? I thought you respected the Constitution? Sorry, my kneejerk.

    The country does not depend of illegal immigrants for a workforce. Slimy business corporate pukes like you do.

    Fences make good neighbors–as in, you can keep the unwanted out. Heaven has a wall and so should we. You aren’t against heavens security plan are you?

    Knee jerk would be a deminimus description of anyone posting as you do. Dolt!

  15. stiffler says:

    @46 – “Because education leads to better understanding, appreciation and integration in society.”

    Well said. Then they should be attending school in their country of legal residence. Already got a green card? Welcome. Just came across the border? See ya.

    “It’s not fair, I’m lazy and stupid but I’m still better than the (illegal) immigrants, for no good reason other than I was born here, …remainder deleted for sanity

    No, it’s not that we’re lazy OR stupid. We simply want a fair system and are tired of paying to educate/treat everyone with a heartbeat that manages to drag themselves far enough north.

    “Moreover, the country is in a position where it actually depends to a large extent on those illegal immigrants. For jobs, IRS revenue, social security, consumption, all sorts of things.”

    Hmmm, and if those were to suddenly go away?! Why, the free market just might have to go to work (as it always does), and hire people to perform the work. And no, it won’t be at illegal immigrant prices; but you know what? I’m willing to pay extra for my fruits and veggies if it means paying less tax dollars to educate those that shouldn’t be here anyways! And as for those, those IRS and social security contributions; they have sure been bolstering the US economy!

  16. damontsar says:

    well said #48

  17. MikeN says:

    Schools don’t have to teach everyone that walks in the door. There is a residency requirement. Perhaps people who are not legal immigrants might not be meeting all the residency requirements?

  18. MikeN says:

    Why the fence is just a PR stunt. I guess the lower levels of immigration where fences have been put up is just a PR stunt too.

  19. MikeN says:

    I agree that the anti-immigration trend is helping to create a larger police state. Real ID act, and longer lines to get drivers licenses and other items. The SSN is being turned into a defacto extra ID card. Try getting a bank account without one.

  20. Mister Catshit says:

    #52, MentalMidgetMikeN,

    It is the IRS that requires Banks keep your SSN on file. Interest paid on your savings is taxable.

  21. TomB says:

    The Fed should handle the immigration issue.

    The local school board should determine if they have enough money in the budget to teach those who don’t pay their taxes to support the district. If they can’t, they should check for green cards — that’s what they are for.

    To be honest, I am shocked at how lax some districts are. Mine, you have to show a valid driver’s license and child birth certificate and shot record and proof of residency in the district before you can enroll your kid.

    Personally, I find it infuriating that the ones who do slip through look at me as though I am an ass for not wanting to pay for their child’s education. That’s $6500 per kid per year here.

    But, that’s the welfare state for you — the tax money doesn’t belong to you.

  22. Afront says:

    The US Constitution makes it and laws made pursuant to it superior to any inconsistent local law or policy. Local police officers do not have a duty to enforce federal criminal immigration law [illegal entry is a federal criminal offense under 8 U.S.C. 1325, the first offense being a federal misdemeanor and subsequent ones a federal felony], but do have the right to take lawful action when confronted with a apparent violation of federal law. The officer’s superiors can instruct an officer not to take into custody reasonably suspected violators of federal laws. However, the officer, as does anyone, has a right to report suspected violations to fedral officials. Any local law restricting that right or any government actor (including a public school) attempting to subvert, discourage or sanction its exercise acts in derrogation of federal law, which prevails as the supreme law when in conflict with local law or policy.

  23. jlm says:

    “Why the fence is just a PR stunt. I guess the lower levels of immigration where fences have been put up is just a PR stunt too.”

    the lower levels of immigration is temporary. As it is right now they can just travel around it since there are so many open spots. IF they ever get a fence that covers the entire border you will see that immigration level return back to normal in most areas since immigrants will just use ladders or dig back at their favorite spots. People arent like cattle, a fence isnt going to stop anyone like it does a herd.

    Anyway, good job cop, bad job school.

  24. Betsy says:

    The cop should be kicked out.

    People don’t realize how our rights are being eroded in the name of being “safe”.

    The calls from the control-freaks go out “we have to remove this right or that one to fight terrorism”, or “to protect the children”.

    Once they get their dishonest little hands into position to monitor a situation for specific problems, they use that as a wedge to allow them to look for all crimes — specifically what our pre-existing protections were in place to prevent. We don’t want the police running “rogue” using any power they have to bring down anyone for any crime. They are allowed “special powers” and “special access” to solve specific problems. Having them become “loose cannons” means they can go after anyone for anything. Oops — a teacher’s license tags are expired — lets’ get a warrant to search the car. Or maybe we should have key-loggers attached to all computers for police review. Of course, ostensibly, we’ll argue for the right to fight ‘terror’, or ‘child porn’ or ‘child abuse’, but then they can know every detail about everyone’s lives.

    Do we want police monitoring us for every detail? Do we want such details open for public perusal (if it is part of police record, can’t it become part of public record? If it is at all interesting — you want all your habits –even legal but “in grey moral areas” posted all over your local newspaper?

    At some point we have to say “no” — because the police need to work on and limit their investigations to the work appointed when they are given special privileges to in specific situations.

    We don’t want “unrestrained” police power just because we ask for their help in a specific situation. It is wrong and it prevents having police protection in situations where they should have been able to but had to be excluded because they are not trustworthy by the victims they are supposed to protect.

  25. Mister Catshit says:

    #57, Betsy,

    Nice rant. You even want the cop kicked out, and I assume you mean fired. Only you don’t tell us why. Sure, you rant on about abuse of power, yada yada yada. You don’t say what the cop did wrong.

    When the woman illegally parked, the cop wrote a ticket. She didn’t have her license so the cop her gave a couple of days to get it and show him. When she didn’t, he went looking for her. He found her and demanded to see the license. When she could neither produce a license or proof of identity, he arrested her as is standard procedure with anyone who commits an infraction and cannot identify them self.

    When someone commits an offense, I hope the police will apprehend the offender. I don’t expect the police to be put off by phony ID. I have no idea what you would have had the cop do. I can only assume you feel he should have ignored his responsibility and let her go.

    This case has nothing to do with “rogue police” or “loose cannons”. In my opinion it has more to do with people upset because some criminal was pregnant and got deported.

  26. Illegals Suck says:

    What is the deal she was here in this country illegally, going to school on our tax monies intended for legitimate citizens of this country? If the Mexican citizens want to become citizens of this country, they need to prove it to us by following the laws of this country. I don’t know about anyone else but I’m fed up with our government giving illegals the same privileges as legitimate tax paying American citizens. They don’t deserve it, nor will they till they become a legal productive tax paying citizen of this country, that goes for any children born here by illegal aliens, just being born here in this day and time shouldn’t make them a citizen. With all the problems that this country is experiencing we don’t need the added problem of uneducated, unproductive, lawless, non-English speaking aliens. These illegals are increasing the burden on our cities, states and country, with their third world ways of life and ideology. The cop that done this should be commended not chastised, this is one reason our country is going to crap, stupidity on the part of the lawmakers and individuals. It’s time we close the borders run all the illegal’s out and reclaim our country. Make it as hard on aliens as their countries make it on us, they abide by our laws here or stay where they are!


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