A Roswell police officer was removed from school campuses after turning a pregnant 18-year-old student over to immigration authorities.

Police Chief John Balderston defended the action by Officer Charlie Corn, a 10-year veteran who was working at Roswell High School as a student resource officer.

But he said Roswell Independent School District Superintendent Michael Gottlieb had asked for Corn’s removal “because he didn’t want the officer checking on the immigration status of the students.”

The district and police department decided to remove all school resource officers.

Why commend a cop for doing his fracking job? Right?

  1. GF says:

    I wonder what the cops will do when you have a shooter on campus?

    They’ve been busy checking hanger 18 when, as it turns out, the aliens are at the high school.

  2. bamf says:

    this sounds like the school needed the police for security but didn’t understand that a police officer is an officer of the law, not a school security guard.

    the responsibility of his badge had to come first here.

  3. Jennifer Emick says:

    Because the cop is an asshole completely lacking in compassion or common sense?

    Seriously, a pregnant kid? WTF?

  4. comhcinc says:

    i’ve got to agree with this. harassing kids in school isn’t the way to solve things.
    now before people start attacking me read the whole story.
    he pulled this girl out of class over a parking ticket and a driving without a license. kids should not be pulled out of class for minor traffic violations, anymore than you or i should be pulled out of our jobs. there were no warrants for this girl’s arrest. she should have been left alone.
    that said i have no problem with the fact that she was deported. she didn’t have a right to be in this country and now she is gone.

  5. Janky-o says:

    Cops will be cops. If you invite them into your school you have to expect law enforcement and tasering.

    A little difficult to feel sorry for an illegal immigrant who is dumb enough to drive without a license. If you’re going to be illegal, it’s best to keep a low profile.

  6. MikeN says:

    Why shouldn’t you deport a pregnant kid? Presumably the parents were deported too?

  7. MikeN says:

    I can sympathize with the school board. They are in the business of providing education, not being an arm of INS or ICE or DHS or whatever it’s called now. Suppose I helped someone out and took them to a hospital. I would hate for them to start hassling him over his immigration status and calling the cops.

  8. rfk says:

    Meanwhile, she was dumb enough to drive w/o license when NM will issue them to illegals – thanks, Guv.

    Then, the state, country and city were not only picking up the tab for education – I imagine pre-natal care was part of the package. For once, they’ll pass on ER calls, ob-gyn checkups, delivery, post-natal care, welfare check when she’s on her own after graduation [if she was on track to graduate].

    Let me know when we get to the part about common sense.

  9. moss says:

    Being an honest cop is tough enough without having to check the local rulebook to see which federal laws are “allowed” by the city council, bored of education, council of churches and deputies in charge of electoral graft.

    Easy enough – and correct btw – to pass any federal violations you witness along to the appropriate federal office. That’s all this copper did. The rest of the discussion is over the “feel good” side of politics. Not job performance.

  10. McCullough says:

    #9. agreed, also, since when is 18 years old still a “kid”. She is an adult. The cop did his job, its time to stop coddling illegals.

  11. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #7 – I can sympathize with the school board. They are in the business of providing education, not being an arm of INS or ICE or DHS or whatever it’s called now. Suppose I helped someone out and took them to a hospital. I would hate for them to start hassling him over his immigration status and calling the cops.

    You couldn’t be more right about that.

  12. bobbo says:

    Why should hospitals or schools be free zones for illegal immigrants?

    Change the scenario==you bring a serial killer to said place. Would you hate to see this killer caught and brought to justice?

    Oh, I get it. You don’t like the law itself? THAT does not cure your defective logic. Argue the law is bad, not the actions taken.

  13. None Human says:

    [Message deleted – See Comment Guidelines. – ed.]

  14. the answer says:

    This story rubs me the wrong way. NO Where else does ANY cop go out of their way to detain an illegal alien. In jersey they walk around openly and no one cares as long as they behave I.E. don’t break the law. Apparently he wanted to go “something good” for all the times he probably went around beating up drunks. Granted aleins should go through the right channels before coming here, but this country is about second chances and the “Huddled Masses”. Bobbo is right. Hate the law not the enforcement. We need immigration reform.

  15. clever says:

    Talking as the illegal immigrant that i am i cant really be in her side for driving without a license, i waited until i recieved my torch so i could legally drive. She was dumb enough to get deported, BUT THEM AGAIN SHE WAS IN SCHOOL. Every person has the right for an education. ITS THE LAW. ICE, or any other us agency isn’t allow to go into any school and start asking all the students for their immigration status. Why this police officer did it inside the school????. He should at least had waited until she got out of school.

  16. tchamp2 says:

    Good riddance. Invade my country and you have no rights. Mexico shoots illegal “immigrants”.

    This cop should be commended.

    As to what someone else said about this is what you get with police – spot on. We’ve gotten to the place where we need police in schools and what do police do? They handle violent offenders. It’s a sad day when teachers can’t even touch a child without fear of prosecution, but then people are outraged when a 5yr old is handcuffed.

    What’s the other option? A quick spank? God forbid! Child abuse! The only option the poor teachers, principles and cops have is normal law enforcement because we’ve banned child rearing.

  17. bobbo says:

    #14–Uncle Ben==you must be speaking Bnglish, while I am stuck with American? There SHOULD BE a two tiered system as you describe it.

    Bank robbers should live in fear going to Taco Bell for a meal.

    Illegal Immigrants should live in fear being in america.

    Can you rephrase your concern, or do we just not understand the other persons point of view?

  18. gquaglia says:

    What do you expect. Education is made up almost entirely of touchy, feely, liberal types. The cop did his job as he is required to do under law.

  19. uteck says:

    #14 What’s wrong with a 2 tiered system? Why should I have to work and pay taxes so people can sneak across the border and get a free ride?
    I favor the Starship Troopers approach, the book not the movie. 1st class citizens have to earn it through military or civil service. Everyone else is 2nd class.

  20. comhcinc says:

    The Cop DID NOT DO HIS JOB. his job was to give the girl a ticket for illegel parking and driving without a license. not to pull her out of class to see if she had a license yet. after he issued the tickets his job with the girl was over. he had no right to pull her out of class(at a later date) and continue questioning her.
    Divorce yourself from the illegal alien thing for a moment and think about how the story would read:”Police officer tickets teenage girl for illegal parking and driving without a license, several days later cop pulls girl from class and demands to see driver license, when one is not produced, cop arrest girl”
    you can’t think that is the proper way to handle things.

  21. Mister Catshit says:

    #18, bobbo

    Well put.

    Mister Uncle Ben, why grant someone a “right” to citizenship when they have already broken the law? They have demonstrated their lack of respect for our institutions already.

  22. edwinrogers says:

    #19. said, “The cop did his job as he is required to do under law.” And now the school is doing what it is required to do under the law to protect it’s students.

  23. lmj3325 says:

    >>> Because the cop is an asshole completely lacking in
    >>> compassion or common sense?Seriously, a pregnant kid? >>> WTF?”

    How about when the baby is born, the hospital sends the bill to Jennifer Emick?

  24. ArianeB says:

    “Rights” spelled out in the constitution are granted to the “people”, which means anyone in this country, citizens, legal residents, and even illegal residents.

    Traditionally rights are “God given” or “Self Evident” and cant be taken away without dragging the country into tyranny.

    This is what the Constitution is all about! Tyrannical behavoir towards illegals eventually leads to tyrannical behavior towards everybody.

    Immigration law is the job of the FEDERAL government, it is not the job of state or local police, but we have let it so because of the crappy job the federal government is doing in this regard. We are letting the police play this role ultimately at our own peril. Soon we will become a police state.

    We treat the injured in our hospitals regardless of immigration status because it is the human thing to do. We educate the young regardless of immigration status for the good of society.

    Immigration laws should be enforced, of course. But treating illegals as “sub-human” is a dangerous path we should not follow.

  25. bobbo says:

    #21–comhcinc == I think you are correct procedurally. Given the cop in fact caught a guilty person, kind of a toss up on what interest should win out?

    I agree. Forget about the illegal status and substitute serial killer. We would applaud the cop for protecting us and using good aggressive police work.

    Now, probably, purely technically, he might have been on more solid ground to wait until she got into the car==but then still needed resonalbe suspicion to ask for her license==or maybe not?

  26. gquaglia says:

    #21 You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Best stick to what you know best, NOTHING.

  27. bobbo says:

    #25–ArianeB, been awhile since you posted so sloppily. Each line offers its own inanity, I’ll list the errors in sequence and you can challenge as you wish.

    “All People have constitutional rights?” /// pretty sure that is not correct. May have some/most, just not sure they have all. Irrelevant to the article and all the postings so this is IRRELEVANT.

    Tyranny is the first step past some “right” being taken away? /// What right are we talking about?–Be specific.

    Immigration law is Federal. /// Yes, but the enforcement is shared. Here, the officer referred the case to the Feds as required by law. So–again, what is your specific complaint?

    Hospitals to treat regardless of immigration status./// Yes, and that was done here.

    We educate the young regardless of immigration status for the good of society. //// Well there I disagree. When we offer free education to illegals, we offer an incentive for them to come. Just the wrong thing to do. Deportation would save our school system and society. Much better alternative than you suggest.

    How is mere enforcement of immigration laws treating those folks in a sub-human manner? Try to reason thru this without talking out of both sides of your mouth.

    Fun when emotions run so far ahead of clear thinking?

  28. GigG says:

    #16, “Every person has the right for an education. ITS THE LAW. ICE, or any other us agency isn’t allow to go into any school and start asking all the students for their immigration status. ”

    And where exactly is that written? Other than your post and now mine.

  29. Mister Catshit says:

    #27, gq,

    #21 You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Best stick to what you know best, NOTHING.

    so what is wrong with #21’s post? It appears you don’t know either. But you already post about what you know. NOTHING.

    #21, comhinc,

    A police officer may arrest a person at any time in order to verify their identity. He does not “just have to write a ticket” as you suggest. Because he gave the girl time to produce the license and she didn’t, he was well within the bounds of law enforcement to arrest her. Or, would you accept that anyone may produce phony ID for the cop to write the ticket against. What if the ID she had was in your or your mommy’s name?

  30. comhcinc says:

    #26 bobbo-
    yeah i see what you are saying and i think we agree kinda. if he would have approached the girl after she got into the car i would have no problem with this.


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