Didn’t get the memo

White House press secretary Dana Perino has been front and center of the White House’s push to continue to label Iran a rogue state for its pursuit of uranium enrichment technology. This comes against the backdrop of a new intelligence estimate positing that the Islamic state abandoned its nuclear weapons in 2003. Turns out she doesn’t know quite so much about nuclear weapons as she supposes. And we’re not talking about Iran.

Appearing on National Public Radio’s quiz show, “Wait, Wait … Don’t Tell Me,” this weekend, Perino admitted a story she’d previously only shared in private: When a reporter asked her a question during a White House briefing in which he referred to the Cuban Missile Crisis — she didn’t know what it was. “I was panicked a bit because I really don’t know about . . . the Cuban Missile Crisis,” said Perino, who at 35 was born about a decade after the 1962 U.S.-Soviet nuclear showdown. “It had to do with Cuba and missiles, I’m pretty sure.” The exchange was first noted in the Washington Post.

“I came home and I asked my husband,” she said on air. “I said, ‘Wasn’t that like the Bay of Pigs thing?’ And he said, ‘Oh, Dana.’ ” Perino was referring to the White House briefing held on October 26, when a reporter asked her, “Do you want to address the remarks by President Putin, who said the United States setting up a missile defense shield in Eastern Europe was like the Soviet Union putting missiles in Cuba, setting up a Cuban missile crisis?” “Well, I think that the historical comparison is not — does not exactly work,” Perino had responded.

Sigh, Oh Dana. I guess its OK, cause she shore is mighty purty.

  1. Angel H. Wong says:

    At least Monica Lewisnky knew how to give good head.

  2. curmudgen says:

    Europe is a country and Hungary is the capital??

  3. Phillep says:

    Catshit, oil would certainly be cheaper. There used to be a bunch of refineries in Cuba.

    They closed up shop when Castro grabbed power.

    Being friends with Castro, though – He and Gueverra murdered a lot of people, including women and children. We avoided supporting one murderous despot, anyhow.

  4. Goldenhare22 says:

    I like the use of “Catshit” I’m stealing it.

    And in reference to Murderous despots- Stop look and listen my friend. They have always been around and something says they lurk everywhere still, maybe even in your own back yard. Beware of wolves in sheeps clothing brandishing crosses( or other religious symbols) surrounded by, crazy people and ignoramus’ albeit pretty ones.

    Also in THE BOOK OF POWER, by Robert Green, one of the laws of power is to always seem dumber than you are. Don’t let the blonde hair fool you. She’s a viper waiting to strike! (Just kidding)(sort of)

  5. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #6 – I don’t care if some random people under the age of 40 don’t know about these events.
    But it’s disturbing when the White House Press Secretary doesn’t know about these events.


    #16 – Yet another example of the dumbing-down of youth by the US Educational system.

    Why is that? Why isn’t it another example of the dumbing down of America by network television reality shows? Or by increased enrollment in Sunday schools? Or maybe you could blame rock music, or sports… or anything… because you have just about as much reason to blame those things too.

    American history is ignored in the curriculum, in favor of “conflict resolution within a peer group” and other new-age liberal touchy-feely crap.
    Thank the NEA for these kinds of citizens!

    Back your bullshit up with facts, or else your just another slack jaw talking out your ass.

    #27 – Is that the standard now, that we are only supposed to know about the history of which we lived through?

    And how many of us “live through” it? Some of us live through little parts of it.. the vast majority of us watch it on TV.

    We interrupt American Idol to bring you a little history happening right here, right now… Use this time to grab a fresh bag of ranch Doritos and some dip…

  6. jlm says:

    looks will get you anything

  7. ECA says:

    someone, FIND THE BIG Q-Tip…

  8. TIHZ_HO says:

    #8 Probably home schooled.

    By the way, what is the deal with home schooling anyway? Aren’t Americans dumb enough?


  9. >>By the way, what is the deal with
    >>home schooling anyway?

    If they school ’em at home, the parents can prevent the kids from being exposed to Darwinism in science class.

  10. MikeN says:

    Homeschoolers are better educated.

  11. TIHZ_HO says:

    #41 “If they school ‘em at home, the parents can prevent the kids from being exposed to Darwinism in science class.”

    Oh great – Now the US is just like fundamental Islamic countries. No one sees any problem with this? No one looks ahead to a future fundamental Christian generation devoid of lessons from history having control of all the nukes and military?

    Perhaps it won’t be long before the world starts to think about sanctions for the US before these ignorant bible thumpers get going with the crusades reloaded.

    Holy shit.


  12. TIHZ_HO says:

    #42 “Homeschoolers are better educated.”

    Impossible! LOL!!

    Why stop there why not “Home-Hospitals” then?

    Home-Police, Home-Military – oh yeah the US has that already with all the guns…

    That makes me laugh and the rest of the world as well.


  13. >>Homeschoolers are better educated.

    Heheheheh! Have you been nipping at the corn squeezin’s again, MikeN? The only “better education” the get is indoctrination in the cult of anti-Darwinism.

  14. Libertican says:

    #44 Do you advocate that citizens turn over all responsibility of nurturing children, maintaining good health and protecting life and liberty to the government?

    While I agree that many parents choose to home school their children to protect their children from conflicting values (i.e. religion), I do not throw the baby out with the bathwater. If statistics show that home schooled children test better than their peers in community schools, why shouldn’t this be considered a teaching success and not just an ignorant attempt by religious zealots to further indoctrinate a captive audience.

  15. it's simple says:

    it’s simple folks. The White House press secretary is not allowed to know anything that the president himself does not know.

  16. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #42 – Homeschoolers are better educated.

    Some are… Some aren’t.

    But I’m posting to suprise you Mike…

    I’ve met a lot of homeschoolers who have lead me to change some of the ways I viewed homeschooling. I’m not so rabidly opposed to it anymore. In many cases, I rather like it.

    But there is still a legion of homeschoolers from the fundy crowd who are just helping drag down our social progress.

    I think they are balanced out by the ones who do it well.

  17. DeLeMa says:

    OFTLO – I too have met some from both camps, although, the majority around here seem to be those “fundy’s” you mention. I do think they tend to get a better education but, only if there’s a parent able to give their children the time and attention to the details of that education they need as well as actually being able to understand what they’re trying to teach.

    And oh my-my !! I’d do’er too !! If she’s missed out on a bit of history..a few lessons from Kama and Sutra might be just the ticket for her !

  18. meetsy says:

    psshhht, It’s not the fundies who’ve ruined our history textbooks! It’s the political correct morons who make all the mandates about what should and should NOT be in textbooks. The common cry is “less old white men” and “what about the people who weren’t famous”. Yeah, whatever. Betsy Ross sewing the flag, Pocahontas wasn’t a Stockholm Syndrome victim. Amelia Earhart was a “hero”. Women and minorities did EVERYTHING of importance, while those white men who were hanging around were a bunch of bull. Meanwhile, we don’t teach about wars…we don’t teach about the Holocaust, we don’t teach about dropping nuclear bombs on Japan, or about the Rape of Nanking, or any other atrocities that man has done to man in the name of justice or honor. We don’t teach about real turning points of our country. In fact, we don’t teach anything but a bunch of sanitized nonsense because we must protect the children from the reality of our history.
    It doesn’t help their “self esteem” and other happy sheltering horses ass stuff like that. Any actual education died a long time ago in our public schools. Lets face it, we’re a nation of pampered, fat morons.

  19. meetsy says:

    yep, we’re home schoolers. We have to look for older textbooks and college level ones, or just find general books…to use. Because, the new textbooks could not be any worse…they are pretty though. Very, pretty. Useless. Sort of like that press secretary.

  20. TIHZ_HO says:

    #46 “Do you advocate that citizens turn over all responsibility of nurturing children, maintaining good health and protecting life and liberty to the government?”

    If you need to say that then the US is truly in a really sorry place. So much for all the freedom, democracy and all the patriot American hype as according to you it is not working.

    This is why the world thinks the way it does about the US.


  21. Mister Catshit says:

    #49, DeLeMa,

    Good points.

    If you think you would like to “do” her then that is up to you. I personally try not to objectify woman. Then again, regardless of how physically attractive she might be, just knowing her slime ball position would give me a limp biscuit.

  22. hhopper says:

    Excellent rant meetsy!

  23. bobbo says:

    So, who here would do Tony Snow?

  24. Mister Catshit says:

    #55, bobbo,



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