Michael Schumacher can add the unofficial title of Germany’s fastest taxi driver to his other achievements after taking over behind the wheel to get his family to the airport on time.
The retired Formula One champion drove the cab back to the airport himself after a trip out to the village of Gehuelz, near Coburg in southern Germany, left the family short of time to make their flight home, the Muenchner Abendzeitung newspaper reported.
“It was crazy having Schumi driving, with me in the passenger seat,” the taxi driver was quoted as saying.
The seven-times world champion, who stopped racing last year but is still involved in the sport as an occasional tester for Ferrari, gave the driver a 100 euro tip on top of the 60 euro fare, the newspaper said.
I’d pay the 100 Euros to ride with Schumacher.
Yeah, Schumi can drive me anytime.
I wonder if he did this so that if they were pulled over for speeding they would cut him some quick slack 🙂
#3 – Don’t matter. I’m betting the taxi driver would have coughed up the fine..if Shumacher didn’t offer first.
Hmm..maybe a niche market here ? Retired racing drivers as super taxi drivers ? Nah..what would happen if there were two of these guys at the same light ? The mind shudders to think of the ride… YEEEHAAWW !!
Hmmmm… I wonder if he forced anyone off the road in the corners? 😀