A Turkish lawyer is taking legal action against Inter Milan, the Italian football team, for wearing a strip with “Crusader-style” red crosses that he alleges is ”offensive to Muslim sensibilities”.

Baris Kaska, a lawyer in Izmir who specialises in European law, said that he had lodged a complaint in a local court against Inter Milan, which last month played the Istanbul team Fenerbahce in a Champions League match at the San Siro stadium in Milan. The Inter players wore a new strip – a white shirt with a giant red cross on it – marking the club’s centenary.

Mr Kaska said he was not only seeking damages but was also appealing to Uefa to annul the match, which Inter won 3-0. “That cross only brings one thing to mind – the symbol of the Templar Knights,” he said. “It made me think immediately of the bloody days of the past. While I was watching the game I felt profound grief in my soul.”

Fenerbahce sucked big time. I don’t think lawsuits will change that.

Thanks, Fiver.

  1. Angus says:

    So, I assume the flags of Switzerland and Denmark is offensive to Muslims also? And, any sports teams containing the mascot Crusaders is offensive as well? How about the Flag of the Vatican? Or maybe the Gideon’s Bible sitting in a hotel room?

    Not that Inter Milan is without blame, deciding to use those jerseys to play Istanbul. What were they thinking!?!?!

  2. Aaron_W says:

    Someone needs to do something about these wacky muslims.

  3. Raiva says:

    If we were all atheists, this would not be a problem

  4. Raiva says:

    Hey! I had sarcasm tags around my other post, but they got cut out. In case you were wondering, my other post is a joke…

    [If you want to put <> in comments, you have to use the HTML code for them or they disappear. – ed.]

  5. moss says:

    Ibrahimovic is too bloody tall. News photogs always cut off the top of his head.

  6. Steve Jibs says:

    Would the team care if they had won the game?

    Probably not.

  7. prophet says:

    I am not even a fan of the Inter Milan team, but it makes me want to buy a team jersey. Not because I am against Muslims, but because I am against stupidity.

    And yes, I fully expect that 800 years from now, the Nazi swastika will be used as a decoration on a shirt in Wal-Mart. Oh wait…those dumb asses already used the Waffen Schutzstaffel (the Nazi SS) double lightning symbol on a shirt. Morons.

    Just so you know…the original swastika has been used by ancient civilizations on every continent and probably originated in India written in Sanskrit.

  8. BillM says:

    It seems as though the only thing that does not offend Muslims is strapping on some C4 and blowing up a pizza parlor full of kids!

  9. Zybch says:

    So long as those kids are wearing Inter Milan gear I guess.

  10. Scottelsdon says:

    Its also the flag of England, and besides the crusades were only made to for back the muslims and overthrow their barbaric rule spreading into Europe. Thank goodness they happened or the world would still be stuck in the 14th century with stupid religions ruing people lives and stifling advancements.

  11. Phillep says:

    Heheh, this is almost as funny as the teddy bear.

    Raiva, this is html, so the “less than” and “greater than” signs need special treatment to get them to print.

  12. moss says:

    Stupid religions exist everywhere. They just take turns leading in violence. A womens’ medical clinic in Albuquerque was torched a couple of days ago – and I doubt if it was over football – or by muslims.

  13. Steve S says:

    It seems that many things that we in the west would not think twice about are extremely offensive to many Muslims in the Middle East. I think we need to start an over-the-top campaign to offend “Muslim sensibilities” on a daily basis to desensitize them to being insulted so easily. Anyone for a cartoon of Mohamed eating a ham sandwich?

  14. the answer says:

    …Another rat looking for cheese

  15. Jägermeister says:

    #5 – moss – Ibrahimovic is too bloody tall.

    It’s funny they got him at the center of the image… a guy with Muslim/Christian background. But he’s not religious.

  16. Badtastic says:

    *cough* Hang on a second…. What about the genocide of the (non-Muslim) Armenians by the Turks?

    Seriously, Islam (and all religions for that matter) is like a parasite of the mind that renders its host incapable of withstanding or tolerating healthy debate, common sense and progressive thinking, the stuff that fuels democracy, human rights, and freedom. They take offense for the slightest perceived infraction, yet queue for visas and green cards at the Embassies of the infidel in Ankara in order to migrate to the very countries whose culture they so despise.

    Turks are Tragic.

    Peace / Badtastic

  17. bill says:

    I Islam really a religion?

  18. morram says:

    If it’s the cross then personally I see it as an instrument of death and you’d think that if any group would be pissed off seeing a cross it would be the christian since their hero Jesus was supposedly tortured on one. But hell no they worship the dang thing to the point of making them out of bone, silver, gold and anything else plus hanging them around their necks, arms, butts and ankles some even have them tattooed on their bodies while every Christian organization will build huge ones to display on buildings, signs and any other object in a display of their stupidity. All these groups with symbols are just playing on their childhood ignorance, hopefully all the grown up adults will realize this.

  19. Jetfire says:

    “If we were all atheists, this would not be a problem”

    If we were all Colored blind we wouldn’t have gang color problems.

  20. Rod says:

    St George is the patron saint of Milan, awarded in 930 A.D. before the crusades. He is also revered in Islam under the name of Gherghis or El Khoudi.

  21. Jägermeister says:

    #20 – Jetfire – If we were all Colored blind we wouldn’t have gang color problems.

    And if we were all gay, there would be no problems on this planet.

  22. Angel H. Wong says:


    “Just so you know…the original swastika has been used by ancient civilizations on every continent and probably originated in India written in Sanskrit.”

    Tell that to the Jews crusading to make sure everyone thinks is a Nazi only item.


    The sole reason the Cruzades were created were because the Rich European nobles were running out of money and decided to invent a holy war to distract the populace *coughjustlikebushjr*


    And women who play hard to get would never get laid.

  23. steelcobra says:

    The solution: tell them to fuck off, deal with it, and that we’re offended by how backwards and hateful their cultures are.

  24. Goldenhare22 says:

    #3 At least agnostic.

    Fanatics(fan- addicts) are a problem. Let’s lock em all in room with eachother strap em down to chairs, hook em up to electrodes that shock when a voices are raised and have em all look at each other while they eat, poop, pee, and sleep. That way they’d know that everybody needs to do those things, and that everyones poop stinks.

    Ooo- that’s a bit fascistic, apologies.

  25. chuck says:

    They won the game. So God was on their side.

    [Did you mean Allah? = ed.]

  26. Mister Catshit says:

    #10, Scott,

    Not quite. The English Flag uses the Cross of St. George. The Union Jack is a combination of the Crosses of St. George, St. Andrew from Scotland, and St. Patrick from Ireland.

  27. JimR says:

    “If we were all Colored blind we wouldn’t have gang color problems”

    No, the damn 43% grey people would still be trouble.

  28. the Three-Headed Cat says:

    A dirty, hypocritical “offended” Muslim… bad enough from the git-go…

    A slimy lawyer, as well… how much worse do you need?

    But this “I felt profound grief in my soul.” shit is more than anyone should have to put up with. Could somebody please shove that scumbag out in front of a bus – please?

  29. johns says:

    What exactly doesn’t offend someone? Plain yogurt?

  30. Jägermeister says:

    #23 – Angel

    Only catch is that with everyone being gay, there wouldn’t be much breeding done to get the next crop of gays, would there… 😉

    #26 – chuck – They won the game. So God was on their side.

    The question is which one

    #28 – JimR – No, the damn 43% grey people would still be trouble.

    Damn, there are really that many Government employees?!


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