• Opera tells EU that Microsoft is hurting the web. Nice try.
  • AMD bringing out the 8 core chip in 2009. I’m disappointed.
  • AMD admits it overpaid for ATI.
  • Is Cisco going to do an OS? Looks like it.
  • 20-percent of all PC’s are infected with rootkits.
  • Sony says it will rock with the Playstation — next year.
  • Carl Icahn trying to bust up Motorola.
  • And I have the origins of the word woot. Maybe.

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  1. ChrisMac says:

    That hurt my brain

  2. chputney says:

    I thought the meaning was “Want One Of Those” like the website http://www.woot.com

  3. udim says:

    * an acronym from “we own the other team”;

    there are more here:

  4. FRAGaLOT says:

    Woot is just another way of saying “yay” when something good or cool happens!

    “I just won the Lotto! Woot!”

    Nothing mysterious about it.

  5. RockOn says:

    There was a song, kinda’ funkish, maybe from the 80’s “woot there it is!” I think they play it ball games?

  6. RoundRoundandRound says:

    RockOn check if you do a wiki-search you’ll find:
    “Whoomp! (There It Is)” is a number one hit single by the Miami bass group Tag Team.

  7. RockOn says:

    ahhh! thanks Roundy! obviously my old rock deafened ears had mis-heard the lyrics. 😉

  8. AlanB says:


    Has the game been lost to scammers? With infection at 20% or more and no good way to detect-&-remove, the podcast makes it sound like game over. Have scmmers found their “Holy Grail” or is this just the start of a new game of cat-and-mouse with security software developers?

  9. SpinLock1977 says:

    Cisco operating system? Assuming that an operating system is that chunk of code sitting between your local hardware and your applications, how does Cisco’s vapor-ware qualify? Their EOS (Entertainment Operating System) is described in the New York Times thusly: “EOS will be a hosted software-as-a-service”.

    Microsoft is famous for re-defining existing industry terms (things like cluster, bug, etc). Is Cisco joining this annoying club?

    – spinlock1977.wordpress.com

  10. Moose says:

    Erm. so clearly IOS doesn’t count?

  11. thadco says:

    Woot actually originated from classic Dungeons & Dragons in the late 70s and indeed is a contraction of “Wow, Loot!”. Note that these were pre-PC days (PC-XT I mean), and therefore the word originally had nothing to do with computer games. D&D was played on paper back then (of course with the requisite dice…)


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