Who could have guessed? Check out other the nutball signs and labels created as a result of lawsuits.

The $250 second place was given to Carrianne, Jacob and Robby Turin of Greensburg, Pa., for a label they found on an iron-on T-shirt transfer that warns: “Do not iron while wearing shirt.”
Honorable mention went to Cyndi LaMonde of Traverse City for a label on a letter opener that says: “Caution: Safety goggles recommended.”

Ya know, I think it’s time for me to retire and oddly, my beer mug doesn’t have a warning label on it. So, who can I sue?

  1. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    I wonder if this simplistic approach could possibly work on the incredibly sophisticated, finely-tuned minds of extremist Muslims embracing the concept of suicide bombing.

    “Danger: Appearance of actual virgins may vary from prior representations, due to a recent scarcity of attractive, untouched young women.”

    A few accompanying photos might clinch the deal.

  2. John S says:

    Funny thing about these warning signs. They help keep makers of equipment out of being sued. But probably does little to keep stupid people from doing those things they are not supposed to.

  3. rob nee says:

    The letter-opener sefety goggles one is great. Does this mean a laptop manufacturer can include a warning that says, “Warning: fireproof suit recommended?” That way if anyone is burned from an exploding battery (or simply trying to use a MacBook Pro on their lap) the manufacturer could simply ask if they were wearing their fireproof suit at the time and escape liability.

  4. DeLeMa says:

    I dunno…I’ve operated those darned contraptions shown and I think they should add something for the beating you get when you’re driving the damm thing !
    Might be great practice for bronc riding but it ain’t anyway to make a living.


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