The gunman believed to have killed four people at a megachurch and a missionary training school had been thrown out of the school a few years ago and had been sending it hate mail, police said.

The gunman was identified as Matthew Murray, 24, who was home-schooled in what a friend said was a deeply religious Christian household…

I wouldn’t consider this for posting except for the boring crystal ball brigade commenting at some news websites. Finally, specific info appears.

Colorado Springs police said the “common denominator in both locations” was Youth With a Mission. The training center maintains an office at the 10,000-member church.

“It appears that the suspect had been kicked out of the program three years prior and during the past few weeks had sent different forms of hate mail to the program and-or its director,” police said.

KUSA-TV in Denver reported Monday that Murray posted several rants on a Web site for people who have left evangelical religious groups… Murray wrote, “You Christians brought this on yourselves” and “All I want to do is kill and injure as many of you … as I can especially Christians who are to blame for most of the problems in the world.”

The station said Murray’s posts were removed from the site after Sunday’s killings, and that authorities were aware of them and investigating.

An interview with a former roommate at the missionary school revealed the dude was having conversations with the voices in his head. Isn’t that how God always talks to his disciples?

  1. J says:

    “Why would he be changing the dialog boxes?”

    Well someone is posting as J and claiming to be me.

    “And why would he have “J” in the box in the first place? ”

    To pretend to be me. Probably because they have a fascination of some sort.

    “Presumably, the only person who would have “J” in his dialog box at all would be “J”. ”

    One should be able to presume that shouldn’t they? Too bad they can’t

    “I set my dialog box to my name (Mister Mustard), and haven’t had to enter anything in it in the years since the first setting.”

    You sure about that?

  2. Hoo boy, son. You know you’ve hit rock bottom when people start fake-posting under your name. At least with me, they just steal the “Mister”, and add stuff like “Ketchup”, “Condiment”, “Catshit”, etc.

    I guess I’m not surprised, but I can only shake my head in revulsion.

  3. J says:

    “I guess I’m not surprised, but I can only shake my head in revulsion.”

    Well i am glad you don’t approve of such things. Are you saying you would never do such a thing? You know pretend to be someone else so you could defame them

  4. #39 & #52

    Thankyou, I just can’t stand their hipocrisy and the way they discriminate others, I stopped going to Church when it became a fashion show..

  5. >>You know pretend to be someone else so you
    >>could defame them

    That’s right, “J”. I would never pretend to be someone else so I could defame them.

    You can ask your secret power-broker friends at Microsoft, or even subpoena John C. Dvorak. You won’t find out anything I haven’t already told you.

  6. Mister Catshit says:

    #60, J,

    My guess would be that it is “mister catshit” and that he just forgot to remove the J from the dialog boxes befor he sent it.

    I think once again you are inventing crap. If you want to say something then beware, you could open yourself up to a libel suit.

    Second, both Mister and Catshit are proper nouns and as such deserve to be capitalized.

    #63, MM

    At least with me, they just steal the “Mister”, and add stuff like “Ketchup”, “Condiment”, “Catshit”, etc.

    We are laughing with you, not at you. Besides, I gave you the hint where “Catshit” comes from. Uuhh, the name not the other stuff. But I think I like it so I’ll keep it.

  7. J says:

    # 66 Mister Mustard

    That’s right, “J”. I would never pretend to be someone else so I could defame them.”

    That’s good

    “You can ask your secret power-broker friends at Microsoft, or even subpoena John C. Dvorak. You won’t find out anything I haven’t already told you.”

    My friends at Microsoft are not “secret power-broker”‘s

    “You won’t find out anything I haven’t already told you.””

    I won’t bother jumping at your carrot. You being a Protestant and all I wouldn’t want to put any children at risk

  8. J says:

    #67 mISTER cATSHIT
    “I think once again you are inventing crap. ”

    I didn’t invent anything. Some one was posting as “J” and claiming they were me saying things I would not say.

    “If you want to say something then beware, you could open yourself up to a libel suit. ”

    You want to sue me go ahead. Why don’t you give Mr. Mustard a jingle. He seems to think he knows where I am. LOL

    On that note.

    Mr. Mustard.

    I typed my IP into a few IP locators. None of the cities you picked come up. Oddly enough Lombard IL comes up. That would be about 12 or 13 miles west of me. Well maybe South West a little. So if I were you I would look into that again because whatever IP you think you have is probably not mine. Comcast is a big network and without a subpoena you wont get anywhere near my info. And since you have no legal right to that info I doubt seriously you will ever know where I live. That is unless I give it you and I will if you want it. I won’t even make you beg. Just ask nicely

    You see. You don’t scare me. Even if you or your lawyers showed up at my front door, if you got past the gate, I wouldn’t even so much as sweat. Now I have given you plenty of clues. Either shit or get off the pot! Stop guessing Chicago land suburbs in an attempt to make me think you know where I am because your random guessing is tiresome I assure you. You don’t. You need to ask nicely.

  9. >>My friends at Microsoft are not
    >>“secret power-broker”’s

    Well heck, they must be! Why else would they have access to and illegally give you Secret Information on me?

    If you can come up with the Secret Information, let’s see it.

    Otherwise, admit that you’re an insufferable, whining, effeminate pantywaist, and go the fuck home.


    Sr. Mustard

  10. J says:

    # 70 Mister Mustard

    “Well heck, they must be! Why else would they have access to and illegally give you Secret Information on me?”

    See there you go making assumptions again. Who said they would do anything illegal? How do you know they are not corporporate lawyers who would review my complaint with post-haste. Have you been paying attention to the laws that have been past lately?

    “If you can come up with the Secret Information, let’s see it.”

    a subpoena of this nature requires a court visit and just incase you are un aware the cook county courts a very busy this time of year.

    “Otherwise, admit that you’re an insufferable, whining, effeminate pantywaist, and go the fuck home.”

    Ok you are an insufferable, whining, effeminate pantywaist. There you go using that term which refers to a little boys cloths. what the fuck is wrong with you. get some help.

  11. Lone Ranger says:

    Liberal hate speech. That’s the only explanation.

  12. Bob Braun says:

    Really thanks, i will come back with my news

  13. Yagnaroopaya says:

    I couldnt resist commenting.

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