Moved BACK to the top until it runs out of steam!

Brick trinity

I was always told that Christianity was a monotheistic religion but I want to challenge that because clearly it is not. First the definitions:

  • No Gods – Atheism
  • One God – Monotheism
  • Two or more Gods – Polytheism

First, I’m not even going through the “Holy Ghost” thing except to say that “Trinity” means 3 and 3 > 1.

Assuming that:

  1. God is a deity
  2. Jesus is a deity
  3. Jesus and God are individuals

Then God and Jesus are two and 2 > 1.

Therefore Christianity is polytheism.

Polytheism isn’t a matter of belief. I personally am a Realist and I don’t believe any of it. However when one objectively classifies religious beliefs based on the number of gods, I’m counting two. Some would count three, but either is greater than one.

The reference is the Bible. According to the stories Jesus and God are two individuals. God was in the Old Testament, Jesus was not. Jesus was born of a virgin, God was not. Jesus addresses God as a separate individual. They have different stories. They have different roles. That talk to each other the way separate people talk.

The bottom line is – they are both deities and they are two individuals. Therefore Christianity is a polytheistic religion.

  1. J says:

    # 604 Mister Mustard

    “As would be calling someone from South East or East Asian an “Asian”. ”

    No. They are still Asian. Just as people in the Middle East are technically Asian

    “Gosh, they might think you were saying they were Russian, or Indian, or Armenian”

    That is why the descriptors “East” or “South East” are more accurate.

    Both Asian and Oriental are technically inaccurate, but there’s a currently defined “Asia”, and a whole lot of people from Asia are not “Asians” according to your definition.”

    Wow your logic is truly……..well stupid.

    Any one that is a citizen in an Asian country is Asian. Just like anyone that is a citizen in the USA is American. You comment on my reading comprehension LOL Give me a fucking break!!!!!

    “Not once have I used either the term “slant” or the term “slope”. ”

    Oh please forgive me. You have thrown out and justified so many racial slurs that I couldn’t remember whether it was just “slant” or the quote “people with slanty eyes”

    “Jeepers, now there’s a compelling reason not to do something, because it “fell out of favor”. ”

    It is if your not a racist fucking dick

  2. >>Any one that is a citizen in an Asian
    >>country is Asian.

    OK, then we’re back where we started: No accurate way to describe people with slanty eyes (I know you find that outrageously racist, but I didn’t want to make you soil yourself by saying Oriental).

    We have a name for white people, we have a name for black people, we have a name for people with red hair. No name for people with slanty eyes? That’s racist! You bastard! (and yeah, everybody could start saying “East Asian/ Southeast Asian”, but that’s so absurd as to be useless for common parlance).

    >>You have thrown out and justified so
    >>many racial slurs that I couldn’t remember

    Again, your lack of attention to detail takes my breath away. I have never “thrown out and justified” a single racial slur. Other than your conflicted-white-boy theory that Oriental is a racial slur, the only racial slur I have ever used in this post is “nigger”, and I certainly didn’t justify it; it was entered into the record for comparison purposes.

  3. J says:

    # 606 Mister Mustard

    “OK, then we’re back where we started: No accurate way to describe people with slanty eyes ”

    Well if they are Native American then you would call them Native American. If they are from South East or East Asia you would call them East Asians or South East Asians. Why is that so fucking hard for you to understand?

    “(and yeah, everybody could start saying “East Asian/ Southeast Asian”, but that’s so absurd as to be useless for common parlance).”

    So you admit that there IS a way to refer to them other than “Oriental”?

    “but that’s so absurd as to be useless for common parlance).”

    Yeah and people once thought it absurd not to refer to African Americans as “colored”or “nigger”

    Just because it is inconvenient to you doesn’t mean it isn’t racist.

    “I have never “thrown out and justified a single racial slur.” ”

    Oh yeas you have!!!!!

    “Quite a few ethnic slurs may be produced by combining a general-purpose insult with the name of ethnicity, such as “dirty Arab”, “dirty Jew”, “Chinese pig”, “Russian pig”, etc. Other common insulting modifiers include “dog”, “filthy”, etc. ”

    Hum I wonder if “Pushy Jew” is included in that?

    How is that search working out for you?

  4. MikeN says:

    Fell out of favor, because some people like yourself decided to browbeat people into not using a word. Forcing people to switch from Negro to black, then once that was accepted, the switch was on again, and black was banned from network TV. Yet the replacement word African-American si by definition not the same. It’s possible to be white and African-American, and you can be black and not African-American. I’m not sure what your replacement for Oriental is, presumably Chinese, Japanese, Korean, etc.

  5. >>Why is that so fucking hard for
    >>you to understand?

    It’s not hard to understand, it’s just idiotic. Why would someone want to use a ridiculously convoluted term like “East Asian/ Southeast Asian”, when “Oriental” serves the same purpose, and people know what it means. And if you can’t tell an American Indian from an Oriental, you’re too stupid to believe.

    >>Hum I wonder if “Pushy Jew” is
    >>included in that?

    Hard to say. I guess that depends upon whether you think “pushy” is something to be ashamed of, and constitutes a form of denigration if you’re called pushy. As one of the pushiest kids I’ve ever seen, you would be able to determine that better than me.

    >>How is that search working out for you?

    What search would that be? When I seek, I usally find, so without having any idea what the fuck you’re talking about, I’d say it’s probably going pretty well, but that’s just par for the course.

  6. >>Yet the replacement word African-American
    >>si by definition not the same.

    Darned tooting there, Mikey. The only real “African-American” guy I know (from Ghana, became a US citizen) laughed when I ask him about this. He said “I’m an American. And I’m also black”.

    All this hocus-pocus gibberish is just a way for people who feel guilty (like our own Master “J”) to fill the empty hours while other people are living their lives.

  7. J says:

    # 608 MikeN

    “then once that was accepted, the switch was on again, and black was banned from network TV”

    That’s because racist fucks like yourself keep taking the words and using them in racist speech. Just like the swastika. Until the 20th century it wasn’t an offensive symbol at all. The problem is we don’t live in the 19th century, well at least some of us don’t, and certain phrases take on certain meaning over time based on how they are used.

    “It’s possible to be white and African-American”

    No shit? I bet Charlize Theron and Dave Mathews would agree. You fucking DOLT!

    “and you can be black and not African-American”

    Really? Wow! You are a breath of knowledge. I guess you really understand the history of the “negro” races. DOLT!

    “I’m not sure what your replacement for Oriental is, presumably Chinese, Japanese, Korean, etc.”

    Well yes if you know they are from China then Chinese would be correct Just as Japanese would be correct for a person from Japan. If you don’t know what country they are from and you need to describe those “people with slanty eyes” Then East Asian, South East Asian, or Native American should probably cover it.

    # 609 Mister Mustard

    “And if you can’t tell an American Indian from an Oriental, you’re too stupid to believe.”

    Your the one saying that “Oriental” described people with an epicanthic fold. Native Americans have it to so your justification was unfounded and inaccurate. Why can’t you admit when you are wrong? I do!

    ” guess that depends upon whether you think “pushy” is something to be ashamed of,”

    Well since it is defined as

    “obnoxiously forward or self-assertive.” and “Disagreeably aggressive or forward. ”

    Yeah I guess it is a negative.

    “As one of the pushiest kids I’ve ever seen, ”

    LOL I guess you define kid as anyone younger than 50.

  8. J says:

    As to the remainder of your #609 post. Listen up numb nuts.

    There are only a few possibilities here.

    You have an IP or you Don’t

    If you have an IP

    A: You got it illegally or
    B: You got it from DU or
    C: I was correct and you scanned the logs of your site and filtered out a few IP address and are fishing
    D: You got it because you are an employee of Comcast

    If you got an IP illegally

    A: I will own you!
    B: I will enjoy the thought of you getting raped in prison

    If you got an IP from DU

    A: I was correct about your name and address.
    B: No worry because you are poor and therefore no threat to me. or
    C: Du isn’t very smart and is putting themselves in legal jeopardy. Which I doubt they are that dumb.

    You got an IP because I was correct

    A: I was correct about your name and address.
    B: No worry because you are poor and therefore no threat to me.

    You got an IP because you are an employee of Comcast

    A: You are about to loose your job.
    B: I will own you!
    C: I will enjoy the thought of you getting raped in prison.

    If you don’t have an IP

    A: You are a dolt!
    B: Your religion is that of a pedophile.
    C: You are fishing the Chicago area Comcast Hubs. Downers Grove and Tinley park are 2 of them. There are few more. Keep looking

  9. J says:

    # 610 Mister Mustard

    “The only real “African-American” guy I know (from Ghana, became a US citizen) laughed when I ask him about this. He said “I’m an American. And I’m also black”.”

    yeah I know a guy from Ghana too. He ran for them in too separate Olympic games. So what? I also know a lot of black people who would agree with your friend. So what? How does describing a person from South Africa as white, if they are white, help you understand who they are or what their cultural history is? DOLT!

    “All this hocus-pocus gibberish is just a way for people who feel guilty ”

    I don’t feel guilty. I don’t believe in reparations. I do however think the use of terms that have for some time been abandon as accurate or proper is racist.

    I am not saying you don’t have a right to be racist. You go out there and be the biggest racist you know how to be. Good for you. But don’t expect that there won’t be people who will stand up to you and call you out onto the carpet.

  10. >>You have an IP or you Don’t

    Holy shit, “J”, you’ve really gone off the deep end now. You’re spending waaaaaaay too much time in your fruitless efforts to track me down.

    I guess by “have an IP” you mean “have an IP ADDRESS, and sure I have one. Guess what though…YOU WILL NEVER KNOW WHAT IT IS, fairy godmothers at Microsoft notwithstanding. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    The rest of your unintelligible mumbo-jumbo about scanning the log on my web site…. you REALLY need to up the meds, dude. There’s not a chance in hell you would ever stumble upon my web site. Or find out anything about me.

    At first I was enjoying your self-humiliations, but now I’m starting to feel sorry for you.

    Stop. For the love of God, STOP. I can’t bear to see you make more of a monkey out of yourself than you already have.

    Also, you’re starting to sound like a stalker again. Creepy. Knock it off.

  11. J says:

    “You’re spending waaaaaaay too much time in your fruitless efforts to track me down.”

    Not really trying that hard at all. I just put some thought into why you picked Downers Grove and Tinley Park of all the places in Chicagoland I live. Then I did a little phone call to Comcast network security. They told me that those are hubs in the Chicago area. That is how I came up with my little list and it does cover all aspect of the issue. I now have conformation on two of them. So laugh it up Numb Nuts. Comcast is looking into the issue for me as to not waist my time. Nothing like a huge company with unlimited resources doing my dirty work for me.

    “I guess by “have an IP” you mean “have an IP ADDRESS, and sure I have one”

    No DOLT! I meant an IP address you think is mine. DOLT!

    “Guess what though…YOU WILL NEVER KNOW WHAT IT IS”

    Well ok if you say so. BTW TOR servers won’t protect you from the law.

    “There’s not a chance in hell you would ever stumble upon my web site. Or find out anything about me.”

    Ok once again if you say so. and You say I am paranoid.

    “At first I was enjoying your self-humiliations, but now I’m starting to feel sorry for you.”

    Well thank you.

    “Stop. For the love of God, STOP. I can’t bear to see you make more of a monkey out of yourself than you already have.”

    Another racial slur?

    “Also, you’re starting to sound like a stalker again. Creepy.”

    If you say so.

  12. MikeN says:

    Boom, J just used the term black people. You insensitive racist jerk!

  13. MikeN says:

    There you have it, words need to be changed because people use them in a racist fashion. The problem is the racism doesn’t go away, so the new words become just as racist. If people go around saying bunch of Asians, that would make the use of Asian racist.

  14. >>He ran for them in too separate Olympic games.

    Gosh. You must know just about every famous person alive, huh? Lady Di, Del Close, Olympic athletes. Do you know John C. Dvorak? Maybe he can get you my IP address!

    >>How does blah blah blah

    Aw, shaddup. We’re not talking about doing an in-depth psychological/ cultural/ ethnic study of the guy. Who gives a fuck if the white guy is from South Africa or South Carolina? Or if the black guy is from Brooklyn or the Heart of Darkness? If somebody says “hey, there was a white/ black/ oriental guy in here looking for you this morning”, that’s all I need to know for the moment.

    >>I do however think the use of terms that
    >>have for some time been abandon as
    >>accurate or proper is racist.

    So Iranian people who call themselves “Persian” are being racist?

    >>But don’t expect that there won’t be people
    >>who will stand up to you and call you out
    >>onto the carpet.

    That’s why I hang out with so many Jews, son. So I can pick up some tips on how to be pushy. I can’t really practice on them, because they just laugh when I say anything about pushiness.

  15. MikeN says:

    140 for genius seems low. That would put the current president(125-130) at about 90-93% of genius, and the almost president Gore(133-135) at about 96%.

    OK, the raw scores don’t work that way, but still.

  16. #610 – MM & 613 – J,

    Actually, you may be missing our evolutionary history. We are an introduced species in the Americas. We’re all African in origin. Therefore, all of us in the Americas are African American.

  17. bobbo says:

    Hey J and Mustardo===since this thread is still going I have a question about South Chicago=====just how dangerous is it?

    I was on vacation in Downtown Chicago and decided to visit the Wright Museum in South Chicago. I looked at the map and took the subway/tram out there. Got off at the last stop and was to walk about a mile in a NE direction.

    About 4-5 subway stops before the end, it got real scary. Nothing but blacks, an asian tourist family, and myself on the train. The Asians were afraid to get off the train and got into a heated non-discussion with the black train conductor.

    Walking NE I went thru a bunch of abandoned public housing blocks of 3-4 story apartments? Here and there a head would pop out and pop back in. I went around a corner and some guy was sitting on the ground. Pants ripped to his waste, skin full of pustules, and he looked drunked. I asked him if he needed any help and he said No.

    I figure he should have died that night or next. Should I have made a call anyway?

    So, how dangerous was that jaunt? And should all the city maps have a warning that “non-african americans” and “anybody that can afford to otherwise” should not go past a certain station on that line? Public safety===where is the basic information?

  18. Scottie, you’re making my point for me. It’s pointless to dance around in circles trying to suss out people’s country of origin.

    The only real purpose of these names is to distinguish among people who differ in distinctive
    physical characteristics.

    If you’re talking about a black guy, just say “there’s a black guy”. If you’re talking about a white guy, just say “there’s a white guy”. If you’re talking about an Oriental, just say “there’s an Oriental guy”.

    For the purposes these terms are used for, it doesn’t really matter if the Oriental guy is from Japan, China, Laos, Singapor, Vietnam, or Cambodia.

    And even “J”‘s painfully politically correct “East Asian/ Southeast Asian” moniker is not only cumbersome and silly, it’s inaccurate. People from Brunei are “Southeast Asians”, but they’re not Oriental. The Prince of Brunei looks more like an Elvis imposter from Chennai or Mumbai; no slanted eyes at all.

  19. J says:

    # 616 MikeN
    “Boom, J just used the term black people. You insensitive racist jerk!”

    Oh you got me. I forgot to use the quotes. I guess that makes me a racist?

    # 617 MikeN”

    “There you have it, words need to be changed because people use them in a racist fashion. The problem is the racism doesn’t go away, so the new words become just as racist”

    You are absolutely correct on that issue.

    “If people go around saying bunch of Asians, that would make the use of Asian racist.”

    No. You obviously can’t see the difference. The terms that use cultural or physical characteristics are the ones that become offensive. That is why it is generally accepted that describing someone by their Nation of origin is the acceptable way. Probably because, just as you stated, There are “white” African Americans. Also, it is not as quick off the tongue like “Pushy Jew” or “Orientals” or “Nigger”. The structure of having to use a nations name is not so easily spit out in a venom filled speech.

    # 618 Mister Mustard”

    “Gosh. You must know just about every famous person alive, huh? Lady Di, Del Close, Olympic athletes.”

    I do know quite a few but no not every famous person. I spent a number of years working in and for Hollywood Studios and you do tend to meet a lot of “famous” people

    “John C. Dvorak?”

    No can’t say I do.

    “Maybe he can get you my IP address!”

    Something tells me he isn’t in the habit of handing those out to anyone. Don’t know. Maybe you should ask him.

    “If somebody says “hey, there was a white/ black/ oriental guy in here looking for you this morning”, that’s all I need to know for the moment.”

    If you are a racist fucking DOLT!!!

    “So Iranian people who call themselves “Persian” are being racist?”

    Boy you really are a dumb ass aren’t you?

    “That’s why I hang out with so many Jews, son.”

    Sure you do. Why do you keep calling me son. Do you have some sick pedophile attraction to me?

    “So I can pick up some tips on how to be pushy. ”

    Maybe you should study the Hispanic community as well. I hear they are far more pushy than the Jews.

  20. J says:

    # 620 Misanthropic Scott

    “Actually, you may be missing our evolutionary history. We are an introduced species in the Americas. We’re all African in origin. Therefore, all of us in the Americas are African American.”

    Yeah I know I just didn’t want to drag that whole issue up with a Religious nut. It usually leads to an “Evolution” debate.

    # 621 bobbo

    “Hey J and Mustardo===since this thread is still going I have a question about South Chicago=====just how dangerous is it?”

    Well that depends. Should you expect to get shot driving through? No not really. There are some areas that are a bit rougher than others. If you are with a Chicagoan you should be fine in avoiding those areas

    So, how dangerous was that jaunt?

    Yeah not a good area That is the South East side. Those are the Robert Taylor projects and sometimes they even shoot from the windows at cars passing by.
    “And should all the city maps have a warning that “non-African Americans” and “anybody that can afford to otherwise” should not go past a certain station on that line?”


  21. >>Maybe you should ask him.

    I have no interest in your IP address, or the IP address of anyone on this blog. That would be, like…stalking, wouldn’t it? You were the one who has been expressing so much interest in my IP address, my name, my employer, and all aspects of my personal life. In fact, you went so far as to post publicly (until ed. removed it) what you thought to be my name, my address, my employer, and other personal information.

    >>If you are a racist fucking DOLT!!!

    Tee hee! Your neck veins are bulging, your eyes are bugging out, and I’m worried that you’re going to have a stroke.

    If you marry someone, you learn all about their culture, their ethnicity, their history, their family, their most intimate details. If you want to identify someone in a train station or at the receptionist’s desk, white, black, Oriental, or redhead will do just fine.

    Seriously, son. Stop while you’re behind, before you get further behind. I’m really feeling bad for you.

    >>Do you have some sick pedophile
    >>attraction to me?

    Why, are you a little boy? He who smelt it dealt it, son; he who denied it supplied it.

  22. J says:

    # 622 Mister Mustard

    “And even “J”’s painfully politically correct “East Asian/ Southeast Asian” moniker is not only cumbersome and silly, it’s inaccurate. People from Brunei are “Southeast Asians”, but they’re not Oriental. The Prince of Brunei looks more like an Elvis imposter from Chennai or Mumbai; no slanted eyes at all.”

    A couple of things dumb fuck

    There you go judging people buy how they look again.

    2/3 of the population is Malay who descend from the Austronesian people and do have that epicanthic fold you speak of.

    How are they not South East Asian? I think it is accurate as you can be unless you know their country. Which in this instance we do. So we would call them Bruneiese. You fucking Dolt!

  23. >>Those are the Robert Taylor projects and
    >>sometimes they even shoot from the windows at
    >>cars passing by.

    The Robert Taylor Homes are (or were) 16 stories, not 3-4 as in Bobbo’s query. They were demolished.

    You sure you know anything about Chicago?

  24. >>fuck ….. fuck … dumb fuck …fucking DOLT!

    Wowie, “J”. Just wowie.

  25. J says:

    # 625 Mister Mustard

    “I have no interest in your IP address, or the IP address of anyone on this blog.”

    Then why were you poking around and listing the Comcast hubs from Chicago?

    “That would be, like…stalking, wouldn’t it?”

    If you say so. I guess that is what you were doing.

    “expressing so much interest in my IP address, my name, my employer, and all aspects of my personal life. ”

    Never expressed interest. Just posted a name and address of some poor guy that was a link from your name. I don’t care who you work for. As far as your personal life…..Like I give to shits.

    “In fact, you went so far as to post publicly (until ed. removed it) what you thought to be my name, my address, my employer, and other personal information.”

    You told me to let you know when I thought I got it. That was my way of telling you. But like you said I was wrong. herb boy. And if I was you have no legal reason to posses my IP address so your claims that you have it by listing the Downers Grove and Tinley Park Comcast hubs is either a LIE or you did something illegal or you are fishing.

    “Tee hee! Your neck veins are bulging, your eyes are bugging out, and I’m worried that you’re going to have a stroke.”

    Nope just went to the doctor about 3 weeks ago. Fit as a whistle. Perfect weight. Perfect cholesterol Perfect Blood Pressure. Well just plain perfect health except for that pain in my ass called Mr. Mustard

    “Tee hee! Your neck veins are bulging, your eyes are bugging out, and I’m worried that you’re going to have a stroke.”

    Did you read that in a book? LOL HA HA HA HA Man you are so easy.

    “Seriously, son. Stop while you’re behind, before you get further behind. I’m really feeling bad for you.”

    Lets examine this

    “son” “behind” Are you trying to send me signals”? LOL HA HA HA HA That pedophile remark really hit home doesn’t it?

    “Why, are you a little boy?”

    No. I am probably old enough to be your dad I would guess. But I admit I sure am acting like one

    “He who smelt it dealt it, son; he who denied it supplied it.”

    LOL and so are you. LOL

    # 627 Mister Mustard

    “The Robert Taylor Homes are (or were) 16 stories, not 3-4 as in Bobbo’s query. They were demolished.
    You sure you know anything about Chicago?”

    Shows what you know TARD! The last High rise was demolished in March of this year. What is there now are lower 3-4 story buildings and condo like things. Everyone still calls that area the Robert Taylor projects. Just like they call the area on Division Cabrini Green despite there are only 2 or three building left and very few people live in them.

    Looking things up on Wiki doesn’t mean you lived hear. Any TARD can do that! See if you had lived here you might have known that

  26. J says:

    ““Why, are you a little boy?”

    No. I am probably old enough to be your dad I would guess. But I admit I sure am acting like one”

    Fuck I can’t belive I missed that joke. Let me try that again

    ““Why, are you a little boy?””

    Why are you looking to molest me? LOL HA HA HA

  27. >>Then why were you poking around and listing
    >>the Comcast hubs from Chicago?

    I wasn’t “poking around” and I wasn’t “listing the Comcast hubs from Chicago”.

    I was mentioning a couple of dweeb-o suburbs where people like you seem to congregate.

    >>Any TARD can do that.

    Golly. Now you’re moving from being a racist pig to using discriminatory language aimed at mentally challenged individuals. You sure have a lot of hatred stored up inside you, “J”. Have I mentioned that it might be good to get some counseling?

    >>Fit as a whistle.

    I believe that’s “fit as a fiddle”, or “wet one’s whistle”. I hope you haven’t been drinking! You can say and do things you regret if you abuse alcohol. Drink responsibly.

    As to the Robert Taylor Homes (and Cabrini Gree, for that matter), you’re sure spending a lot of time in the ghetto, for a guilty-white-boy dweeb. That could be dangerous for you, son, no matter how pushy you think you are.

    You’re really decompensating here, m’hijito. Calmate. Toma un trago, si ya no estás borracho!

  28. the Three-Headed Cat says:

    Y’know, now that I think about it some more, I guess it is monotheistic!

    …or maybe not. I don’t want to jump to conclusions…

    • • • • • • •

    You must excuse me now, I gotta see how The J & Musty show turns out!

  29. >>I gotta see how The J & Musty show turns out!

    I just hope “J” doesn’t stroke out on us before the closing credits, Gatito.

  30. J says:

    # 631 Mister Mustard

    “I was mentioning a couple of dweeb-o suburbs where people like you seem to congregate.”

    I know a few people from Downers Grove and Tinley Park. I would not conclude that those areas are “dweeb-o”. Actually there are many more dweebs in Lakeview and Linkin Park.

    Wow you must have the most amazing luck then because those are the hubs on the west side and a south side for Comcast. What Luck huh?

    “Golly. Now you’re moving from being a racist pig to using discriminatory language aimed at mentally challenged individuals.”

    Is that why you use TARD? I was just abbreviating your name. I feel very bad for the mentally challenged, That is why I give to charity

    “Have I mentioned that it might be good to get some counseling?”

    No I will not join you in couples counseling. How many times do I have to tell you? I am straight and over 12. I am not your type.

    “I believe that’s “fit as a fiddle”

    So it is. I am not very good with the out dated phrases like you. DAMN ARE YOU EASY!!!!!! LOL LOL LOL

    “I hope you haven’t been drinking! ”

    Never drank liquor a day in my life.

    “You can say and do things you regret if you abuse alcohol.”

    Are you using that as a reason to justify protestants molesting young boys? HOLY FUCK ARE YOU EASY!!!!!

    “you’re sure spending a lot of time in the ghetto”

    No not really. I live in north part of the city which is quite affluent. But this guy that used to live down the street from me, Michael, has a charity that he either started or gives too, I can’t remember, and I donate money to that.

    “, for a guilty-white-boy dweeb. ”

    Well my skin is more olive than white

    “That could be dangerous for you, son, no matter how pushy you think you are.”

    You know what I have never had a problem in those neighborhoods. What makes you think someone should? Because they are predominantly as you call it “BLACK”

    “You’re really decompensating here, m’hijito”

    Again your fascination with “boys” is starting to get really creepy!

    “. Calmate. Toma un trago, si ya no estás borracho!”

    I told you I have never had liquor in my life


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