Moved BACK to the top until it runs out of steam!

Brick trinity

I was always told that Christianity was a monotheistic religion but I want to challenge that because clearly it is not. First the definitions:

  • No Gods – Atheism
  • One God – Monotheism
  • Two or more Gods – Polytheism

First, I’m not even going through the “Holy Ghost” thing except to say that “Trinity” means 3 and 3 > 1.

Assuming that:

  1. God is a deity
  2. Jesus is a deity
  3. Jesus and God are individuals

Then God and Jesus are two and 2 > 1.

Therefore Christianity is polytheism.

Polytheism isn’t a matter of belief. I personally am a Realist and I don’t believe any of it. However when one objectively classifies religious beliefs based on the number of gods, I’m counting two. Some would count three, but either is greater than one.

The reference is the Bible. According to the stories Jesus and God are two individuals. God was in the Old Testament, Jesus was not. Jesus was born of a virgin, God was not. Jesus addresses God as a separate individual. They have different stories. They have different roles. That talk to each other the way separate people talk.

The bottom line is – they are both deities and they are two individuals. Therefore Christianity is a polytheistic religion.

  1. Mister Catshit says:


    A while back you asked for differences in races that are significant. (or words to that effect, I’m not going to search the exact question) Try these,:

    Northern Europeans have lighter skin. That helps them to absorb more sunlight to make Vitamin D.

    Blacks from Western Africa generally are faster runners than are Whites, or Southern and Eastern Africans. Why is unknown.

    Blacks also generally have smaller sinuses than do whites. This can increase breathing since they don’t need to warm the airflow first.

    Inuit generally have more compact, stocky bodies than non Inuit. Because of their environment this helps conserve heat. Also, Inuit need fewer vitamins than do non Inuit for a healthy life.


    I don’t think any specific group, such as the Chinese, are smarter or less smart than another group. I know years ago there were several Chinese students at my University. They were among the best of the best. So it was no wonder they got such good grades. I assume, their worst would be similar to our worst. I noticed most of the foreign students did better than the local kids for the same reason.


    Because nutrition is important in brain development, I wonder if those from developing countries might not be as intelligent simply because on average, they didn’t get a good diet. That does not mean their offspring couldn’t be as intelligent as someone given a good diet from birth.

  2. J says:

    “Issues, issues, geeze J, calm down. I take it you are an expert so why not post your credentials before telling someone to STFU.”

    You might be surprised. But regardless, I will tell anyone I want to STFU So STFU

    “, I’ve been to the South Side of Chicago many times. It is a very black area. There are also quite a few Eastern Europeans. ”

    South side is pretty big. Sure there are “black” areas too. But there are more Irish Hispanic and Polish than any other ethnic groups.

    “FYI, I’m Irish. I don’t know why you want to paint us as all drunks. That is racist. And bigoted.”

    FYI So am I. Hah! I have been saying that it was a stereotype and is wrong. Nice way to try and turn the table. Your Right it is racist and bigoted. I am glad you see that now.

    “The two are not synonymous.”

    Duh!!!! hence the phrase “FORM of racism” It is a tool to promote racist ideas.

    “Yes, some blondes are stupid and some fat people are jolly. But no more than in the general population. ”

    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! That is just what I have been saying Stereotypes are wrong!

    “Racism, on the other hand, is where one race believes they are superior to another race.”

    Stop using wikipedia and online dictionaries as you only source. Go over to the ACLU and do a little reading.

    “Right. Not everyone went to College. Or even got out of grade school.”

    That explains a lot. Well, I bet you are doing the best you can. Cheer up there are many government programs that could help you.

    “J, you’re a phony.”

    No. I am a Blogy. LOL HA HA HA HA. Back that up with something. What claims about my credentials have I made that you have evidence to the contrary.

  3. TIHZ_HO says:

    #456 “Christianity consider homosexuality sin”

    Where exactly does Jesus say this? Hmmm?

    Please don’t quote the old testament as that was / is Jewish law and don’t bother to quote anything not specifically said by Jesus as Christians are meant to follow only the teachings of Jesus and not people associated with him.

    While you are thumbing through your bible have a thought about how the four gospels contradict each other about Jesus.

    Slam dunk!


  4. TIHZ_HO says:

    #456 Mister Mustard “Uh-oh, you’re toast now! “J” is going to come after you with both barrels! Drunken Irishmen, pushy Jews, Italians who talk with their hands, Canadians who say “oot and aboot”….where will it all end? The horror! The horror!”

    LOL Yes you are right. We live in a world full of stereotypes.

    Working in China gives me an opportunity to work with many people from many countries.

    Our Italian distributors always joke about standing back when they get excited when talking otherwise I might get hit by the flailing hands!

    A Canadian guy who is in shipping told me when we met he knew I wasn’t Canadian as I didn’t get pissed off being called an American and how I pronounce “About”.

    Two Irish graphic designers in Shanghai always joke about their stereotypes – religious, drunk and large families. Brings to mind on how the drink “Irish coffee” got to be named.

    A Chinese friend of my wife in the US jokes about being in real estate and not working in a Chinese restaurant. (Koreans now do the laundry thing it seems)

    The list goes on…

    I think the more worldly people are the less they worry about their stereotypes and are able to have a laugh at their own. This is what I think.

    J needs to slow down and enjoy life before he has a stroke or heart attack from being a bitter and twisted person who can’t laugh at himself.


  5. TIHZ_HO says:

    #423 J “…and that is offensive. and no better than “oriental””

    Well better get on the horn to the Mayor of Shanghai about the naming of Shanghai’s famous landmark “The New Oriental Pearl TV Tower” in Pudong.


  6. Mister Catshit says:

    #576, J,

    You might be surprised. But regardless, I will tell anyone I want to STFU So STFU

    Yup, juvenile issues at that. Be glad you don’t live in my neighborhood. You might end up with an attitude adjustment.

  7. TIHZ_HO says:

    #512 “(Sniffs underarms) Why is it everyone wants to leave whenever I arrive at a party?”

    Two words… “Tic Tacs”


  8. Brock says:

    # 577 – Read 1 Cor 6:9

    (ASV) Or know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with men,

    (BBE) Have you not knowledge that evil-doers will have no part in the kingdom of God? Have no false ideas about this: no one who goes after the desires of the flesh, or gives worship to images, or is untrue when married, or is less than a man, or makes a wrong use of men,

    (CEV) Don’t you know that evil people won’t have a share in the blessings of God’s kingdom? Don’t fool yourselves! No one who is immoral or worships idols or is unfaithful in marriage or is a pervert or behaves like a homosexual

    Seems pretty clear to me.

    Regarding the 4 gospels contridicting each other, I’ve heard this before, but don’t see it. I would be very leary of them if they repeated each other verbatim, chapter and verse. That would be indicative of fabrication. They were written over a period of 40-50 years and reflect varying levels of detail, individual points of view and interests of the individual writters.

    Big deal.

  9. J says:

    # 579 TIHZ_HO

    “The New Oriental Pearl TV Tower”

    If it is an object it is fine. There have been many posts here covering that already but I don’t bllame you for not reading them. It is overwhelming.

  10. J says:

    # 580 Mister Catshit

    “Yup, juvenile issues at that.”

    Yeah I agree. Most of this is juvenile myself included.

    “Be glad you don’t live in my neighborhood.”

    I am because I bet your poor.

    “You might end up with an attitude adjustment.”

    Is that a threat? Look at me so afraid. STFU For all you know I fought in the UFC. So STFU. Yeah many people have tried to adjust my attitude. As you can see unsuccessful at that. Mostly, because they ended up flat on there ass. Don’t forget some good advice. “Be like water my friend.” and there is always someone bigger stronger and faster. A lesson you were obviously never taught. But if you ever want to challenge me…..just let me know tough guy.

  11. Brock says:

    Regarding racism, at least progress has been made in the last 100 years…

    WIKI – “Human zoos were an important means of bolstering popular racism by connecting it to scientific racism: they were both objects of public curiosity and of anthropology and anthropometry.[33][34] Joice Heth, an African American slave, was displayed by P.T. Barnum in 1836, a few years after the exhibition of Saartjie Baartman, the “Hottentot Venus”, in England. Such exhibitions became common in the New Imperialism period, and remained so until World War II. Carl Hagenbeck, inventor of the modern zoos, exhibited animals aside of human beings considered as “savages”.[35][36]

    Congolese pygmy Ota Benga was displayed in 1906 by eugenicist Madison Grant, head of the Bronx Zoo, as an attempt to illustrate the “missing link” between humans and orangutans: thus, racism was tied to Darwinism, creating a social Darwinism ideology which tried to ground itself in Darwin’s scientific discoveries. The 1931 Paris Colonial Exhibition displayed Kanaks from New Caledonia.[37] A “Congolese village” was on display as late as 1958 at the Brussels’ World Fair.”

    I wonder what a person in 2107 will think about the beliefs common in 2007. We can only hope progress continues.

    I worry that the Al Sharpton’s of the world, hinder rather than help progress. Now there’s a racist.

  12. TIHZ_HO says:

    On the topic of NAZIs and Jews do any of you know that Hitler got a lot of his inspiration for racial purity from the US! LOL!

    One must remember the US at that time was segregated into White and Colored only areas and well into the study of Eugenics. Hitler was impressed with the advances of Eugenics by the US and gave him confidence to pursue ethnic cleansing in his own ideology and had wrongly assumed the US would embrace NAZI ideology. Had it not been for the study of Eugenics Hitler would not have come up with it on his own many have thought.

    The NAZIs did not only target Jews, homosexuals, gypsies, blacks, Poles, Russians and so on.

    Yep the US has a long and ‘proud’ history that is not as well known as it should be.

    I recall as a child hearing “Don’t point your finger at someone as you have three fingers point back at you.”


  13. TIHZ_HO says:

    #583 “If it is an object it is fine.”

    So let me understand you, if the term “Oriental” is used for person then it is offensive unless it is used for an object then it is not.

    So therefore according to you it is quite alright to have “The New Chink Pearl TV Tower?” or if it was coloured black “The New Chink Nigger Pearl TV Power”.

    Ok then… (?)


  14. MikeN says:

    So J I guess you consider the United Negro College Fund racist? You should start your letter writing campaign now. Be sure to include any TV networks or newspapers that show their ads.

  15. >>No because MANY IQ tests are biased toward
    >>people with better educations. Plus how would
    >>what you posted so any racial influence?

    Golly. So there’s just no way to every distinguish the dummy from the brainiac, the wise from the foolish, the smart from the stupid.

    And regarding comparative intelligence, there’s no testable hypothesis that could ever be formulated, so whether or not Group X is more or less intelligent than Group Y is unknowable.

    You have an opinion, I have an opinion, everybody has an opinion, they’re all different, and there’s no way to reconcile them.

    Sounds like you got yerself a religion there, boy!! You could name it The Church of Political Correctness. And solicit donations online, payable with a major credit card, cashier’s check, or through PayPal.

    Felicitaciones, m’hijito, ¡misión alcanzada!

  16. the Three-Headed Cat says:

    #567, 568 – M Scott

    “no one is qualified to judge their own intelligence”

    There you go again, making up categorical declaration on topics you know nothing about.

    Guess it’s never occurred to you, but higher intelligence equals a greater ability to figure things out. Smarter people are better able to guage their intelligence than stupid ones.

    Stupid people say they’re smart. Smart people say they’re smart. Only one of those groups is incorrect.

    And here’s another fact for you: a genius who is unaware that he is a genius – is NOT a genius.

    • • • • • • •

    “Pro (any particular ethnicity) is as racist as anti (any particular ethnicity).”

    No it isn’t. Your saying so fails to make it so. I prefer, as do all normal people, to associate with people I like and approve of.

    “How about just being for equal respect for and treatment of all? I suspect you are for that, based on your posts.”

    Then you’ve been making more unfounded assumption of facts not in evidence. FUCK “equal respect for all.” I reserve my respect for those worthy of it. I respect Richard Branson. He deserves to be respected, having succeeded in life through his own work, and without taking advantage of others. I spit on, and would just as soon push off the nearest bridge, G.W. Bush, who has befouled the lives of millions of people and is a miserable failure at everything he’s ever done.

    Are you going to tell me you respect those two people equally? If not, then spare us the “equal respect” horseshit.

    “So, why be pro-Semitic rather than “equal rights” or whatever term you prefer? Jews are no better or worse than anyone else.”

    Oh, they’re not? Go take a gander at how overrepresented they are in the arts and sciences. Compare how many Nobel winners are Jews to their proportion in the gen pop. Then come back and tell me that they haven’t contributed more than their proportionate share to human knowledge and culture. And that makes them better than numerous other groups.

    More of that irrational, dogmatic “everyone is identical to everyone else” line o’ shit. No they aren’t.

    For a self-professed ‘misanthrope’ (meaning a self-hating anti-human bigot), you sure do think everyone is wonderful, despite all the evidence to the contrary.

  17. TIHZ_HO says:

    #588 No, using the term “Negro” is perfectly acceptable according to “J”. This is so as he stated that “Oriental” is an offensive term for a person but the New Oriental Pearl TV Tower in Shanghai is not because its not a person but an object. Therefore one could say “United Nigger College Fund” because that is not a person and therefore it cannot be offensive.

    MikeN I can’t understand Chinese logic either and I live here and have a Chinese wife. Come to think of it she has problems understanding Chinese logic as well so there is no hope for us! LOL!!


  18. >>This is so as he stated that “Oriental” is an
    >>offensive term for a person but the New Oriental
    >>Pearl TV Tower in Shanghai is not because its
    >>not a person but an object.

    How about the NAACP then? The very name of that organization refers to COLORED PEOPLE. No objects there, just PEOPLE. They must be “hidden” racists.

    The horror! The horror!

  19. #590 – Catberos,

    “no one is qualified to judge their own intelligence”


    Stupid people say they’re smart. Smart people say they’re smart. Only one of those groups is incorrect.

    My point exactly. No one is self-qualified to determine whether or not they are incorrect. If IQ is a valid test, being told an IQ score can help to clear things up a bit.

    And here’s another fact for you: a genius who is unaware that he is a genius – is NOT a genius.

    I think the relevant definition of genius, from is, ‘a person having an extraordinarily high intelligence rating on a psychological test, as an IQ above 140.’

    Personally, I’d set the number at 160. I think geniuses are not people I work with every day writing code for some financial company. Geniuses make real discoveries about the world (if they are geniuses in the science field) or real wonderful art or other such achievement. To work with half a dozen or more people that test above 140 everyday in a regular professional job lessens the meaning of the word.

    The important point is though that the genius need not know s/he is a genius in order to be one. That’s just your definition in the same way that the definition about making real discoveries is mine. The actual definition leaves a whole bunch of working schmucks as geniuses.

    “Pro (any particular ethnicity) is as racist as anti (any particular ethnicity).”

    No it isn’t. Your saying so fails to make it so. I prefer, as do all normal people, to associate with people I like and approve of.

    Wow!! Since I specified ethnicity, and then you made your statement, do you actually mean that you approve of certain ethnicities more than others??!!? If you do not take ethnicity into account when making that decision then your statement is a total nonsequitur.

    “How about just being for equal respect for and treatment of all? I suspect you are for that, based on your posts.”

    Then you’ve been making more unfounded assumption of facts not in evidence. FUCK “equal respect for all.” I reserve my respect for those worthy of it.

    How about if I change my question to “How about equal respect and treatment for all ethnicities?” Certainly individuals need different treatment. Some need special care.

    Are you going to tell me you respect those two people equally? If not, then spare us the “equal respect” horseshit.

    Correct. No, I meant that the decision would not be based on ethnicity. Sorry if I wasn’t clear.

    “So, why be pro-Semitic rather than “equal rights” or whatever term you prefer? Jews are no better or worse than anyone else.”

    Oh, they’re not? Go take a gander at how overrepresented they are in the arts and sciences. Compare how many Nobel winners are Jews to their proportion in the gen pop. Then come back and tell me that they haven’t contributed more than their proportionate share to human knowledge and culture. And that makes them better than numerous other groups.

    More of that irrational, dogmatic “everyone is identical to everyone else” line o’ shit. No they aren’t.

    A couple of the most racist induhviduals I’ve ever met went by exactly that logic to come to the conclusion that Jews were superior, and hence that, as Jews, they were as well. In their cases though, they were both complete fucking blithering idiots. Racists still come in all shapes sizes colors and creeds. And racism, even when logically backed up by such wonderful rhetoric is still totally fucking stupid.

    For a self-professed ‘misanthrope’ (meaning a self-hating anti-human bigot), you sure do think everyone is wonderful, despite all the evidence to the contrary.

    Actually, I prefer to think of myself as a misanthrope in the sense that I hate humanity. I do not hate all individuals. Xenophobia and racism are two of the reasons I hate our species. Mass extinctions and a total trashing of the planet are a more major one. So is breeding like rats. But, I still try as hard as I can to treat all ethnicities equally. Once I know a person and have determined that they are unworthy of such treatment it is not prejudiced, by definition. Prejudice involves making such decision based on assumptions about a person due to their ethnicity.

  20. TIHZ_HO says:

    #592 MM

    DAMN! That’s right! Being PC is as complicated as being religious.


  21. Mister Catshit says:

    #590, Mister THC,

    And here’s another fact for you: a genius who is unaware that he is a genius – is NOT a genius.

    So I guess I’m not a genius.

    Shit !!!

  22. Mister Catshit says:

    Can we hit 600 by noon?


  23. >>DAMN! That’s right! Being PC is as
    >>complicated as being religious.

    That’s because Political Correctitude IS a religion, Mr. Ho (no racism implied by use of the word “Ho”; that’s how you sign your posts). Congregants of the PC Church just worship a different god.

    And it’s actually MORE complicated than a regular religion. At least some of us “religious” types just live our lives as best we can according to our beliefs. Political Correctitude, by definition requires that worshippers not only proselytize, but coerce others (ie non-believers) into altering their behaviors to those that are politically correct.

  24. bobbo says:

    Since when is being told you are full of shit coercion?

  25. Counsel says:

    I am amazed that this post was … posted. Just goes to show that:

    1. Ignorance affects everyone (which it does);
    2. Research prior to posting; and
    3. Dvorak is needing more visitors to the web-site. 🙂

  26. >>Since when is being told you are full
    >>of shit coercion?

    When the goal of the statement is to coerce the person into behaving in a way the Overlords of Political Correctitude deem acceptable.

    I’m surprised that a master logician such as yourself didn’t already know that, Mister Bobbalina!

  27. superior one says:

    All of you are morons; all of you – IDIOTS

    You are all not worthy of speaking with nor are your opinions (and that’s all they are) of any worth.

    Oh no, watch out… here come more words from the flamers (you know who you are).

    And for every one of you, two words: subjective perspective. None of you are totally wrong and not a shred of you are fully correct (in your views). Have a nice life!

  28. J says:

    # 587 TIHZ_HO
    “So let me understand you, if the term “Oriental” is used for person then it is offensive unless it is used for an object then it is not.”

    ding! ding! ding! That is correct. Lets see what we have for him Aaron. A BRAND NEW MICROWAVE OVEN!!!! (Applause)

    “So therefore according to you it is quite alright to have “The New Chink Pearl TV Tower?” or if it was coloured black “The New Chink Nigger Pearl TV Power”. ”

    Not at all. Different words have different meanings and histories. You see there was no place called “Niggerland” There was however an area called the “Orient”. But unlike Mr. Numb nuts Idea it wasn’t limited to the places where people have “slanty eyes” It pushed all the way into Persia and northern Africa. So to describe a South East or East Asian person as “Oriental” is not only rude but incorrect. I don’t give a fuck if your wife or any other Asian does it because African Americans use the word “nigger” and that doesn’t change the fact that word is offensive and racist. As far as the term “slant” or “slope” which also have been used by Mr. numb nuts. They are also inaccurate because Native Americans also have a epicanthic fold and I don’t think too many people would call a Native American a “slant” or “slope”

    # 588 MikeN & # 591 TIHZ_HO

    ” No, using the term “Negro” is perfectly acceptable according to “J”. This is so as he stated that “Oriental” is an offensive term for a person but the New Oriental Pearl TV Tower in Shanghai is not because its not a person but an object. Therefore one could say “United Nigger College Fund” because that is not a person and therefore it cannot be offensive.”

    I don’t have the time to explain hot to a 5 year old. So………from wikipedia

    “It fell out of favor by the 1970s in the United States after the Civil Rights movement. However, it is necessary to note that older African Americans from the period when “Negro” was considered acceptable, initially found the term “Black” more offensive than “Negro”. Evidence for this is in historical African-American organizations and institutions’ utilization of the term–such as the United Negro College Fund. In current English language usage, “Negro” is generally considered acceptable in a historical context or in the name of older organizations, as in Negro spirituals or the United Negro College Fund. “

  29. JimR says:

    Seriously, if these 600+ posts were edited they would make for a good study of browbeating.

  30. >>So to describe a South East or East
    >>Asian person as “Oriental” is not only
    >>rude but incorrect.

    As would be calling someone from South East or East Asian an “Asian”. Gosh, they might think you were saying they were Russian, or Indian, or Armenian. Both Asian and Oriental are technically inaccurate, but there’s a currently defined “Asia”, and a whole lot of people from Asia are not “Asians” according to your definition.

    >>As far as the term “slant” or “slope”
    >>which also have been used by Mr. numb

    Goodness gracious sakes alive! The lack of attention to detail in your posts is truly astounding. Not once have I used either the term “slant” or the term “slope”. You’re doing a great job of making yourself look absurd.

    >>t fell out of favor by the 1970s in
    >>the United States

    Jeepers, now there’s a compelling reason not to do something, because it “fell out of favor”. Is that from the Holy Scripture of the Bible of Political Correctitude? I know you can quote chapter and verse! You must have gotten it as an audiobook though, as your comments about “slope” and “slant” make it evident that you can’t read.


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