Moved BACK to the top until it runs out of steam!

Brick trinity

I was always told that Christianity was a monotheistic religion but I want to challenge that because clearly it is not. First the definitions:

  • No Gods – Atheism
  • One God – Monotheism
  • Two or more Gods – Polytheism

First, I’m not even going through the “Holy Ghost” thing except to say that “Trinity” means 3 and 3 > 1.

Assuming that:

  1. God is a deity
  2. Jesus is a deity
  3. Jesus and God are individuals

Then God and Jesus are two and 2 > 1.

Therefore Christianity is polytheism.

Polytheism isn’t a matter of belief. I personally am a Realist and I don’t believe any of it. However when one objectively classifies religious beliefs based on the number of gods, I’m counting two. Some would count three, but either is greater than one.

The reference is the Bible. According to the stories Jesus and God are two individuals. God was in the Old Testament, Jesus was not. Jesus was born of a virgin, God was not. Jesus addresses God as a separate individual. They have different stories. They have different roles. That talk to each other the way separate people talk.

The bottom line is – they are both deities and they are two individuals. Therefore Christianity is a polytheistic religion.

  1. >>Thus far, your pushy Jews comment has
    >>definitely been racist.

    Well, it’s been fucking accurate, n’est pas? As a Noo Yawk Schitty resident, I’m kind of surprised that you object to it. Are you, by any chance, “of Hebrew decent (sic)”??

  2. >>since 90% of all murderers ARE male.

    Yeah….yeah…yeah…but what about the other 10%?? Fuck a duck! I’m a man, will everyone consider me to be a rapist? Jesus Christ, it’s bad enough that “J” keeps calling me a homo; now everyone I know is going to think I killed someone?


    Is there a class-action lawsuit I can join?

  3. bobbo says:

    #532–Scott=== You said, and I respond:

    You should be aware, of course, that IQ is not a valid test of intelligence, right? /// Last I heard, several IQ tests were “valid.” As with anything else, not 100% in every case and claims of bias to class or education is and will always be made? I know my sister is a dumbshit and sure enough she scores lower than me, and I’m not as smart as my wife, and she scores higher than me. So–IQ scores have it right on the three of us.

    We genuinely do not know how to test the intelligence of members of our own species. /// Not true. Take J and Mustardo for example. Tell J that Mustardo is pimping him, and J continues the argument while Mustardo keeps the pimp going. We do know who is smarter right?

    We know how to test knowledge. /// Many would disagree there as such measurements are limited to the cultural context. An extensive knowledge of drug running won’t show up on general knowledge tests for instance.

    Intelligence, if thought of as raw brain power, is extremely difficult to test for.” /// As a general measurement, I disagree. For specific issues, sure. You know some dumb people, you know some smart people. Somehow you measured it.

  4. the Three-Headed Cat says:

    #536 – M Scott

    “I think we don’t have a good working definition of intelligent or smart. All we have are tests for knowledge and specific mental functions. I don’t think we have anything that can really be called an intelligence test.”

    That’s because you have no more knowledge of psychometrics than the average layman, and because you – EXACTLY as anti-evolutionists with zero knowledge of biology nevertheless “think” that bioscientists are wrong – “think” that you know more than professional biometric scientists, because the brand of dogma that you find the most attractive says, with equal absence of fact, that they’re wrong, since their scientific research does not support your politicallly dictated, predetermined conclusions.

  5. J says:

    # 541 Mister Mustard

    “Just because Jews are pushy, that’s not a diss”

    And that is why you don’t understand that your statements are stereotypes and racist.

    “It’s not like I pulled Mel Gibson, and said they started all the wars!”

    I like Mel and he has apologized. Perhaps I forgive him because there is a history there that isn’t printed in the papers.

    “Hey, I hate to burst your bubble as the Grand And Glorious Director of All Political Correctness, but the term “white trash” is racists, discriminatory, and anti-African-American. ”

    It is not anti-African American you Dolt. and yes it is “racists, discriminatory” I agree and I aplogize for it’s use. Now will you appologize for your racists, and discriminatory statements? You are such a Dolt! and so so simple.

    “Implicit in the term is the notion that most “trash” are not white (i.e., they are black), and therefor are needing a special term to distinguish them from “regular” trash.”

    No only you think of “black” people as trash. When I see the word “trash” I think the stuff I disguard in my waist basket. But once again you have shown your true colors.

    “Kinda like a “male nurse” thing.””

    Wow you have some serious sexual hang ups.

    ““J”, you are BUSTED. You’re a “hidden racist”. ”

    No I made a singular racist statement and I appologized. Maybe you should put on your big boy pants and do the same.

    “So solly.”

    Hum I wonder how that sounds if I said it. I wonder what you meant by that? Once again you show your true colors.

    # 542 Mister Mustard

    How does “primarily Irish and Hispanic” turn into “majorty” Oh I forgot the Polish. Holy Cow How could I forget the Polish????? They may actually be the largest. Debate someone else about the number of Irish in Chicago. The fact is you never lived in Chicago and don’t really know much more than what you can read online.

    “The guy’s name is “Miguel”, not “Michael”. ”

    Really? I bet that would come as a surprise too him.

    “And wtf do you mean by that comment “until there (sic) divorce”??? ”

    Sorry wrong form. it should read their

    “Do you imply that Hispanics are congenitally destined for divorce? ”

    No and only one of them is hispanic. DOLT!!!!

  6. bobbo says:

    #543–After a basic mistake, you make a good point.

    The mistake: “Stereotypes come into being from repeated observations of a given trait, phenomenon, whatever.” NO> I think the stereotype that J is complaining of, as we all should, is the stereotype that is created as a matter of prejudice or outright propaganda that does NOT have a statistical grounding. Kinda like Jews are pushy. When Mustardo comes up with the percentage of Jews who are specific as you did with percentage of male murders, then we move from the more traditional “sterotype” to the analytical “statistics.”

    I think you are redefining the standard defintion of stereotype in that it mostly is not statistically based? Mustardo meets a “few” pushy people, assumes they are jews, and then stereotypes all jews that way. Not very statistically based.

  7. J says:

    # 545 Mister Mustard

    “As a Noo Yawk Schitty resident,”

    Yeah just like you lived in Chicago for 10 years. Your not fooling anyone. Seeing as How NONE of the thousands of New Yorkers I know refer to it that way.

    I will tell you what. You record Channel 2 in NY tonight. I will ask you a question from that broadcast. If you get it right I will believe you.
    Don’t worry I live in Chicago and have no plans for NY for at least 4 months.

    # 546 Mister Mustard

    “Jesus Christ, it’s bad enough that “J” keeps calling me a homo;”

    I never called you a “homo” that is your word. One more show of your hand.

    “now everyone I know is going to think I killed someone?”

    Be very careful about what you admit to online. I think it could be used as evidence LA LA LA LA LA LA LA I never heard you say that.

    “Is there a class-action lawsuit I can join?”

    I am sure there are plenty. Why don’t you consult the leaders of your church for some info.

  8. >>Perhaps I forgive him because there is a
    >>history there that isn’t printed in the

    What, his father was a “Revisionist” who inculcated his religion into his son that the Holocaust never happened?

    Sorry, that’s been in the papers.

    >>No only you think of “black” people as trash.

    Oh, no I don’t. I married one. And she (along with many other “African-Americans”) think that the term “white trash” implies that all who are NOT white are trash, therefore requiring a qualifier “white” to distinguish trashy folks who are white form regular trash.


    >>The fact is you never lived in Chicago

    Heh heh. Entre nous, I think I’m the only one in this “conversation” who has ever lived in Chicago. Your continuing protestations only serve to solidify that claim. Mister Downers Grove.

    >>Hum I wonder how that sounds if I said it.

    I don’t know if your pronunciation skills are any better than your grammar, but I suppose it did. It reflects the fact that Chinese people who are non-native speakers of English often pronounce “So sorry” that way.

    Holy Hanna Montana! What am I going to say next! That redheads have red hair??

  9. J says:

    # 552 Mister Mustard

    “What, his father was a “Revisionist” who inculcated his religion into his son that the Holocaust never happened?

    Sorry, that’s been in the papers.”

    No there is much more to it than that.

    “Oh, no I don’t. I married one.”

    Sure you did.

    “And she (along with many other “African-Americans”) think that the term “white trash” implies that all who are NOT white are trash therefore requiring a qualifier “white” to distinguish trashy folks who are white form regular trash.”

    Yeah in Bizarro World. It in no way related to African Americans Try reading Uncle Toms Cabin. Something you didn’t do in high school apparently.

    Your logic is truly dizzying

    “I think I’m the only one in this “conversation” who has ever lived in Chicago”

    I think you are the only one claiming to and has never lived in Chicago.

    “Your continuing protestations only serve to solidify that claim. Mister Downers Grove”

    You already guessed there. Keep Fishing. As soon as you get close I will let you know. You would do better to go with street names because I live in Chicago. I even gave you hints as to which part. Here is another one. It isn’t on the south side. I will just tell you if you want. All you need to do is ask.

    ” don’t know if your pronunciation skills are any better than your grammar”

    Yeah that coming from a guy who has at least 3 spelling errors per post.

    “What am I going to say next!”

    That should be a question mark. LOL try and correct my grammar. Hypocrite

  10. the Three-Headed Cat says:

    bobbo –

    Stereotypes ARE statistically and probability-based. The stereotype is a shorthand generalization of the most common, most likely case. It arises from observation.

    Do you think that stereotypes just pop up out of nowhere? “Hey, let’s stereotype Germans as being emotionally volatile, violent and superstitious!” “How about we incorrectly characterize the Italian people as being reserved, and obsessively conformist?”

    Stereotypes invariably have their roots in perceived reality. Note that I said ‘perceived’, because stereotypes are the averaged-out and tacitly agreed-upon common perceptions of the masses, and sometimes a group characteristic is noticed but misinterpreted out of the ignorance of the common masses. They spot the trait, but misunderstand the reasons behind it.

    Are Jews “pushy”? I wouldn’t say that; I would say that a significant number of American-born Jews exhibit the personality trait of being more aggressively extroverted, relative to American Gentiles.

    I have lived a long time in South Florida, which has the highest per capita concentration of Jews outside of Israel, and I have known plenty, of every variety, Orthodox, Reform, Hassidic, converts to and from, you name it. And there’s a certain sort of Jewish girl I find completely irresistable. Catnip of a sort.

    So, having extensive exposure to many Jews in a wide variety, many of whom are / were exceptional people, I can state confidently that no one in his right mind who knows me would consider me other than pro-Semitic. And that qualifies me to say, yes, a higher percentage of them, compared to the Goyim, could be characterized as “pushy”. The question is: So fucking what?

  11. >>No there is much more to it than that

    Oh, and let me guess. You’re not going to tell us?

    >>I think you are the only one claiming to and
    >>has never lived in Chicago.

    Nope, but YOU may be the only one. Who the fuck, other than an insufferable, effeminate, pantywaist, living in his Momma’s bedroom, would ever tray and claim such a thing?

    Hmmm, honey?

  12. J says:

    # 555 Mister Mustard

    “Oh, and let me guess. You’re not going to tell us?”

    Yep. If you had as many Jewish friends as you say you do you might already know.

    “Nope, but YOU may be the only one. Who the fuck, other than an insufferable, effeminate, pantywaist, living in his Momma’s bedroom, would ever tray and claim such a thing?
    Hmmm, honey?”

    A member of a religion that is known for pedophilia? Did I guess right?

    Do you suffer from transference?

    My mom died a long time ago. I do own her old house but I don’t live there. $14,000 LOL you poor fucker

  13. >>Yep.

    I’m not surprised, sweetheart.

    Nightie Nite.

    Love and Kisses

    “Lovey” Mustard

  14. itdincor says:

    At , Pagan Origins of the Christ Myth, one may find easily understood explanations of one simple fact:

    Christianity is, in fact, ancient Mediterranean Basin Paganism, to the last detail.

  15. J says:

    “I’m not surprised, sweetheart.

    Nightie Nite.

    Love and Kisses

    “Lovey” Mustard

    That’s better. Don’t you feel relieved that you are out of the closet now.

    If you think I have a problem with homosexuality you are plucking the wrong thread.

    I think it is cute that you have such affection for me.

  16. Heh heh, “J”.

    Mission accomplished.

  17. J says:

    # 560 Mister Mustard

    “Mission accomplished.”

    Well not so fast Mr. Bush. It was a tough road and I am glad I could help you but if we can only get you away from that religion that is rumored to have lots of pedophiles maybe we will have accomplished something.

  18. >>religion that is rumored to have lots
    >>of pedophiles

    Snore. You lost., Jey.

  19. J says:

    “Snore. You lost., Jey.”

    A long time ago in the back seat of BMW 3 Series E30. Sorry but even if I hadn’t…….I am straight. Good luck with that. I bet craigslist might help you.

  20. TheBetterThanPerfectGlobalWarmer says:

    Geez, do we know how to get the hit count up or not?

  21. #548 – CatHeads,

    That’s because you have no more knowledge of psychometrics than the average layman, and because you – EXACTLY as anti-evolutionists with zero knowledge of biology nevertheless “think” that bioscientists are wrong – “think” that you know more than professional biometric scientists, because the brand of dogma that you find the most attractive says, with equal absence of fact, that they’re wrong, since their scientific research does not support your politicallly dictated, predetermined conclusions.

    Interesting. Please provide some links. I’d like to learn more about this field. Perhaps a lot has changed since last I heard about the problems with intelligence testing. It’s true I can’t keep up with everything and am not in the field. Are you in the field or just a particularly interested member of the general population (as I am with evolutionary biology, cosmology, and a few others)?

    While you’re at it, please also provide me with a good definition of intelligence. Being a misanthrope, I’d love to find one that was not designed to specifically put people at the top. If you have one of those, I’d be truly grateful.

  22. JimR says:

    Holy Crap! There’s gotta be a book in here somewhere.

  23. #547 – bobbo,

    Actually, I do know smart people and dumb people. It seems likely that the dumb ones would disagree with the classification. It is not fact. I did not measure it. Since no one is qualified to judge their own intelligence, it could turn out that I am the dumb one. Certainly Catberos and Musty think so at the moment.

  24. #554 – Catberos,

    Do you think that stereotypes just pop up out of nowhere?

    No. Actually, I think they stem from perfectly natural, normal, and abhorrent human xenophobia. This is why such ridiculous stereotypes abound about the penis size of (insert your favorite outgroup here, pun intended). Do you really think there is a statistical basis for such observations?

    So, having extensive exposure to many Jews in a wide variety, many of whom are / were exceptional people, I can state confidently that no one in his right mind who knows me would consider me other than pro-Semitic. And that qualifies me to say, yes, a higher percentage of them, compared to the Goyim, could be characterized as “pushy”. The question is: So fucking what?

    I’ll give you the so fucking what. Are you ready for it? Pro (any particular ethnicity) is as racist as anti (any particular ethnicity). How about just being for equal respect for and treatment of all? I suspect you are for that, based on your posts. So, why be pro-Semitic rather than “equal rights” or whatever term you prefer? Jews are no better or worse than anyone else.

  25. Mister Catshit says:

    #488, J,

    There was a reason there was no march in Skokie asshole!! There were numbers of demonstrations that took place because of it. Why else do you think it moved to Chicago? Because the Nazi party are so nice that they didn’t want to offend any Jews?

    Aahh, here’s the bullshit part. Your story is wrong.

    The Nazis wanted a permit to hold a rally in Marquette Park in Chicago. They were denied a permit. They picked nearby Skokie precisely because of the high Jewish population. When they applied for a parade permit, they were denied. With the help of the ACLU the Stokie march was appealed all the way to the Supreme Court which ruled on as a First Amendment case that the Nazis had the right to march. Just before the march was to take place, Chicago relented and allowed them to have their day in Marquette Park. THERE WAS NO FUCKING MARCH !!!

    So the next time you want to shoot your mouth off about something you know nothing about and just looked up on the internet perhaps you should ask people who were there. You were not so you can’t really say shit about what happened there SO STFU you dumb fucking toto. BTW I still have the piece of brick that hit me. You mutant fucking half wit

    Dumb fucking toto? Now who is prejudging? Apparently that piece of brick is embedded in your brain.

  26. MikeN says:

    So if you had a group of people with IQs measured at 75 and another group measured at 165, you would find no reason to consider one more intelligent than the other?

  27. Please… this article barely deserved 10% of the responses it got.

  28. J says:

    “The Nazis wanted a permit to hold a rally in Marquette Park in Chicago.They were denied a permit.”

    No they originally wanted to “MARCH” in Skokie. Then the park district responded by informing Collin that he would be required to come up with a huge liability insurance policy to cover possible damages at the rally, a requirement the district knew he could not fulfill. Collin then announced his intent to march with his followers, in uniform, in front of the village hall on May 1. On April 27, (This is where the protests took place) the village’s lawyer went to court, and the following day he obtained an injunction to block the demonstration. The village board also enacted three ordinances: Requiring insurance for demonstrations
    Collin announced that he would drop his plan to go to Skokie if he won permission for a rally in Chicago’s Marquette Park.

    “They picked nearby Skokie precisely because of the high Jewish population.”

    Well DUH!!!

    “With the help of the ACLU the Skokie march was appealed all the way to the Supreme Court which ruled on as a First Amendment case that the Nazis had the right to march.”

    Yes and the ACLU was absolutely correct.

    “Just before the march was to take place, Chicago relented and allowed them to have their day in Marquette Park. ”

    “Chicago relented and allowed them to have their day in Marquette Park.”

    Yes and???????


    Yes and???????? They didn’t march they rallied. Ok That is a little different because they stood around and did salutes to each other from what I hear. I wasn’t at that little party from what I remember.

    I am not sure how anything you posted makes my story bullshit. You don’t even have your facts correct.

    “Dumb fucking toto? Now who is prejudging?
    Apparently that piece of brick is embedded in your brain.”

    Prejudging? Care to explain that Mr. I can look something up on the internet and still get it wrong? No the piece of brick is in a box in a closet.

  29. J says:

    # 570 MikeN

    “So if you had a group of people with IQs measured at 75 and another group measured at 165, you would find no reason to consider one more intelligent than the other?”

    No because MANY IQ tests are biased toward people with better educations. Plus how would what you posted so any racial influence?

  30. Mister Catshit says:

    #501, J,

    Oh here we go with the science backs it up bullshit. Are you a DNA researcher? Are you an expert in the measure of human intelligence? THEN STFU

    Issues, issues, geeze J, calm down. I take it you are an expert so why not post your credentials before telling someone to STFU.

    #503, J,

    “Oh yeah? Last time I was there (about 2 years ago), it was primarily “African-American” (Black), ”
    Where the south side? No that would be the South east side. See you never lived her because you would have had you ass beaten because you are such a racist. We don’t put up with your kind of bullshit.

    J, I’ve been to the South Side of Chicago many times. It is a very black area. There are also quite a few Eastern Europeans.

    FYI, I’m Irish. I don’t know why you want to paint us as all drunks. That is racist. And bigoted.

    #513, J,

    Stereotyping is a form of racism. Usually from hidden racists.

    The two are not synonymous. Stereotyping is the prejudging of a characteristic of an identifiable group. An example is “Blondes are stupid” or “Fat people are jolly”. Yes, some blondes are stupid and some fat people are jolly. But no more than in the general population. Racism, on the other hand, is where one race believes they are superior to another race. So suggesting the Irish are all drunks is racist. It implies a moral defect on all the Irish.

    #520, J,

    “Yea, I had a professor once who once a week would look at us and say “You give them books, and they eat the covers.””
    What? LOL I can’t even comment because I don’t know what you mean.

    Right. Not everyone went to College. Or even got out of grade school.

    J, you’re a phony.


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