Moved BACK to the top until it runs out of steam!

Brick trinity

I was always told that Christianity was a monotheistic religion but I want to challenge that because clearly it is not. First the definitions:

  • No Gods – Atheism
  • One God – Monotheism
  • Two or more Gods – Polytheism

First, I’m not even going through the “Holy Ghost” thing except to say that “Trinity” means 3 and 3 > 1.

Assuming that:

  1. God is a deity
  2. Jesus is a deity
  3. Jesus and God are individuals

Then God and Jesus are two and 2 > 1.

Therefore Christianity is polytheism.

Polytheism isn’t a matter of belief. I personally am a Realist and I don’t believe any of it. However when one objectively classifies religious beliefs based on the number of gods, I’m counting two. Some would count three, but either is greater than one.

The reference is the Bible. According to the stories Jesus and God are two individuals. God was in the Old Testament, Jesus was not. Jesus was born of a virgin, God was not. Jesus addresses God as a separate individual. They have different stories. They have different roles. That talk to each other the way separate people talk.

The bottom line is – they are both deities and they are two individuals. Therefore Christianity is a polytheistic religion.

  1. >>Wow, who would have thought that an editor,
    >>apparently too lazy to research his topic,
    >>would get so many responses to a topic that
    >>was meant mainly to bash Christianity?

    Hey, at least he cleaned up the typos in the intro.

  2. bobbo says:

    #513==Yea, I had a professor once who once a week would look at us and say “You give them books, and they eat the covers.”

    Still don’t quite know what that means, “but” to the degree you are being pimped, you don’t know how racist Mustardo is. Thats what pimping means===like Don Rickles.

    You say you know, then you post just like you don’t. And like Mustard, you really shouldn’t define common words in your own way.

    I benefitted from your posting the defintion of oriental. Yes, an objective cornerstone to keep me honest. Stereotypes are part of racism but are not sufficient to make the case. Be more analytical–and have a little more humor about yourself.

  3. Beefcake says:

    Depsite all the points made here, and all the stupid, ignorant misinformation that everyone in this post is making, I still think the Kindle sucks.

    Oh, wait… *&#@!!

  4. Beefcake says:

    Despite all of these outrageous claims made in this post, and the huge amount of misinformation that the majority of you are making on the topic, it doesn’t change my opinion at all. I still think the Kindle sucks.

    Oh wait…

  5. >>Stereotyping is a form of racism. Usually
    >>from hidden racists.

    Either that, or an acceptance of reality. As TIHZ_HO’s wife said “where there’s smoke, there’s usually fire”.

    Suck it in, put on the BB Pants, and accept it. I’ll say this one more time. Jews are generally pushy. Unlike you, most of them are not imbeciles. (I hope it’s not racist to say “most Jews are not imbeciles”).

    I think you’ve shot your wad here, Pagliacci. Time to move on.

  6. J says:

    “Yea, I had a professor once who once a week would look at us and say “You give them books, and they eat the covers.””

    What? LOL I can’t even comment because I don’t know what you mean.

    “Still don’t quite know what that means,”

    Oh I guess neither do you LOL 🙂

    “You say you know, then you post just like you don’t. ”

    Yes I agree but I have never been known to back down from a fight. I see it as weak. Of course their are moments for diplomacy but NOT here and NOT with Mr. Mustard at this point.

    “And like Mustard, you really shouldn’t define common words in your own way.”

    I really try not to. If I am wrong about a definition please point it out and let me know. I will warn you though I might start a semantic debate about the meaning of the definition and how it applies in context. LOL

    “I benefited from your posting the defintion of oriental. Yes, an objective cornerstone to keep me honest”

    There is nothing you have said that I have interpreted as dishonest. I am glad you saw the point. Let me also say this. People who say dumb things like, “Well my wife is Chinese and she doesn’t care” or “they call themselves that all the time.” , have a simpleton argument that is like saying “well black people call themselves nigger so I can call them that too” It is ridiculous

    “Stereotypes are part of racism but are not sufficient to make the case.’

    You and I just don’t agree on that. I think it is because of our backgrounds. Hidden racists commonly use stereotypes to propagate so called “truths” about races. Like Jews have big noses or African Americans have big lips or even Jews are pushy. While any of these things may be true for some they are not true for most or all. To keep saying things like that we create this mythical belief and expectation that every one we meet must have those traits.

  7. J says:

    # 518 Mister Mustard

    “As TIHZ_HO’s wife said “where there’s smoke, there’s usually fire”.

    That means that most Christians are pedophiles? That is where that logic leads. So much for that

    “I hope it’s not racist to say “most Jews are not imbeciles”).”

    Actually it is doesn’t matter if it is a good stereotype or a bad one. They are both racist

    “I think you’ve shot your wad here, ”

    Yeah and I am the one with the sexual problem? If you notice it is you that keeps bringing it up. I just comment on it

    Perhaps you should come out of the closet. You might feel better about yourself

    “Time to move on.”

    Please do.

  8. J says:

    $14,000 such a small amount of money. I wonder what I could buy with that? Not much. Considering it wouldn’t even cover my property tax bill. Well maybe I can donate it to the poor. Mr. Mustard do you need any money?

  9. >>Perhaps you should come out of the closet.
    >>You might feel better about yourself


  10. #498 – MikeN,

    Well, please give me an example that you think does not sound racist to you. That’s all I’ve been asking for again and again and again. One example please. Group A has ability blah that group B does not. Go for it. You make it sound easy.

  11. J says:

    #522 Mister Mustard

    Jesus wont help you I am affrid. I read about those “conversions” of homosexuals. I don’t think it works.

  12. J says:

    # 523 Misanthropic Scott

    He can’t He is just trying to find justification for his racist view.

    Oh and I thought I should make at least one post about polytheism

    I completely get what the Christians say about the Father Son and Holy Ghost. But it does show what happens when you mix a Monotheistic Religion with Polytheistic ones.

    Christians are half breeds. Oh is that racist??

  13. misog7 says:

    Mustard and Scott:

    What is the deal? What are your issues? Seriously!!!

    J and Bobo:

    What is the deal? what are your issues? Seriously!!!

    I thought this was a discussion on the Deity, Being and Tri-unity of God. Everyone has their viewpoint to share and everyone their own faith and belief. Were you face to face in the real world would any of you actually survive a discussion?

    I doubt it. Prompt and prod all you want – I came to read a discussion and gave up. No one here had anything good to say without misrepresenting or worse yet, pointing out another’s ignorance (actual definition not derogatory). The only cheers for knowledge and content would go to Scott, would he keep his responses from the personal realm. Alas, not so. .

    I call on the moderator(s) to end this senseless mass of flames. Pull out the extinguisher please!

    Or here’s another thought – everyone before you post anything else – either look in the proverbial mirror, use your head before you ‘submit’, or (gasp) consider the golden rule (not unique to any religion, faith, belief or other) as you type, respond and submit a reply.


    PS – don’t expect a reply from me – I have better things to do and read.

  14. >>Well, please give me an example that you
    >>think does not sound racist to you.

    I’m sure no matter how it sounds to him, it’s going to sound racist to a knee-jerk white boy liberal like yourself. Saying “most redheads have red hair” would be the equivalent of saying “nigger” in your rarified world of the Sun Times and bus trips into The Big City.

    >>Christians are half breeds. Oh is that

    If you didn’t hate Christians so much, you’d probably think so.

  15. MikeN says:

    Well I am certainly in favor of Watson not having to resign for what he said. I’m even more against the idea that what he said what outside the field of acceptable debate, which unfortunately at least one scientific group has taken.

    Scott, you and J have made my point that it is not easy to make such statements. Somewhere, someone will say it is racist.

    Bobbo, the homogeneous mass idea is just one hypothesis. In fact it could be the opposite.

  16. MikeN says:

    This thread ran out of steam so long ago.

    Oh no I just added to it again.

  17. MikeN says:

    Scott, yes you couldn’t tell who is smarter. Now suppose your IQ numbers are fact. Would you consider the statement that Chinese are smarter on average than blacks to be racist?

  18. #528 – MM,

    Well, if you say redheads all have red hair, that’s somewhat of a tautology. If you can come up with a real example of differing abilities, I’ll be very impressed if you can make it sound non-racist.

    As you are already being called a racist by everyone likely to do so, why not give it a try? Give us your example of differing abilities that is not racist. Who knows? You might even make your case. Some of us do not yet have completely ossified brains, as you know from prior conversations in which you have convinced me.

    Come on, won’t someone who is actually being accused of being a racist actually try to defend themselves against the charge?

    #505 – bobbo,

    You should be aware, of course, that IQ is not a valid test of intelligence, right? We genuinely do not know how to test the intelligence of members of our own species. We know how to test knowledge. Intelligence, if thought of as raw brain power, is extremely difficult to test for.

  19. Brock says:

    I find it interesting that the believers in trinity don’t comment on scriptures like Matthew 24:36, which indicates the father has knowledge the son doesn’t have. How can that be if they are the same?

    Also Daniel 7:13 is interesting in that it puts heaven in human terms and points out that someone like the son of man (Jesus) has to receive permission to enter into the presence of the ancient of days (God, Yahwah, Jehovah). Why would the son need permission if he was of the same substance?

    Trinity wasn’t believed by the first century christians.

    It was made up by Augustine, Tertullian and others to make Christianity acceptable to the pagans in the roman empire. In the process, they incorporated the pagan holidays (Sol invictus – Christmas, Astarte – Easter, and others) to ease the transition for the pagans.

    Trinity wasn’t believed by the first century christians.

    It’s part of the apostacy the Apostle Paul wrote the the Thessalonians about.

    When will the clergy realize their flock has access to multiple translations, encyclopedias and other material to learn for themselves what the truth is?

    I must admit, it’s pretty amazing the lengths to which the spin control of catholicism will stretch to continue the untruths. It only took 400+ years to admit Galileo Galilei was unjustly imprisoned. How long till they admit the truth about trinity.

  20. >>Come on, won’t someone who is actually being
    >>accused of being a racist actually try to
    >>defend themselves against the charge?

    OK. Orientals have epicanthic folds (aka “slanty eyes”). Negroids have dark skin. Jews are pushy.

    Sorry if my examples fall into your “tautology” category, but that’s all I (and the rest of the so-called racists) are saying. There are certain self-evident facts. No value judgement, nobody’s better or worse than anybody else, but Orientals have epicathic folds, dammit! Just like blacks have dark skin, and Jews are pushy. Jeez. What’s so controversial about that? Find a pushy guy, do a DNA test on him, and I’ll bet you two-to-one that he’s got a greater risk for Tay-Sachs (woops, is saying that someone is at greater risk for Tay-Sachs disease racist??)

  21. J says:

    # 528 Mister Mustard

    “I’m sure no matter how it sounds to him, it’s going to sound racist to a knee-jerk white boy liberal like yourself.”

    I don’t think he is knee-jerk at all

    “Saying “most redheads have red hair” would be the equivalent of saying “nigger” in your rarified world of the Sun Times and bus trips into The Big City.”

    No and because you are a DOLT only you would make that assumption.

    I will assume the second part of your statement is meant toward me because you made a reference to it in an earlier post. I don’t read the Sun-Times and I don’t think I have ever ridden a bus. LOL Keep fishing Yes I live in Chicago, which isn’t hard to figure out. Do you want my address? I will give it to you. All you need to do is ask. You don’t scare me one bit. You can run you mouth all you want and pretend that you have turned the tables but I assure you it wont help you one bit and I am on to your bullshit so keep fishing. Herp boy.

    “If you didn’t hate Christians so much, you’d probably think so.”

    LOL Not about race at all! It is about a system of thinking so he swings he misses. (hint) (hint)

    Besides I am indifferent about Christians. But I am worried that they may molest my children. because from what I here a lot of them are pedophiles especially the Protestants.

  22. #531 – MikeN,

    I gave IQ numbers? I doubt that. I’m not a big fan of that particular test. I think we don’t have a good working definition of intelligent or smart. All we have are tests for knowledge and specific mental functions. I don’t think we have anything that can really be called an intelligence test.

    So, what’s your definition of intelligence?

    #529 – Also MikeN,

    Did I make the point that it is difficult? I doubt that. I think you have done that for me, as have CatHeads and Mr. Mustard, by failing to even try. Perhaps if it is so difficult for you to try, that comes from your own inner conflict over your own racial bias. I have merely been asking for examples, again and again and again.

    Thus far, I’m getting very few. And, yes, the ones that are surfacing are the same old ones from the era when whites were trying to claim that blacks were sub-human. So, it’s a little hard for me not to claim that such statements are racist. But, back to the real question in my mind:

    What is your definition of intelligence?

    It can’t be a high IQ score. It has to be that which is allegedly tested by the IQ test. Once you see how difficult it is to truly define intelligence in a meaningful way, I hope you will see that it is equally hard to state that one group is more intelligent than another, even on average.

  23. >>Do you want my address? I will give it to
    >>you. All you need to do is ask.

    Not in a million fucking years, m’hijito. Not in a million fucking years. You just stay out there in Tinley Park and imagine that the South Side is overrun with the Irish. Oh, and with people of Hebrew decent (sic).

  24. >>Did I make the point that it is difficult? I
    >>doubt that. I think you have done that for me,
    >>as have CatHeads and Mr. Mustard, by failing to
    >>even try.

    Well, show us wrong, Scottie. Make the statement. Or forever hold your peace.


  25. J says:

    # 534 Mister Mustard

    “OK. Orientals have epicanthic folds (aka “slanty eyes”). Negroids have dark skin. Jews are pushy.”

    How is any of that an ability? You fucking white trash poor with a pedophile religion. Besides please tell me how that produces any more of a slant in shape than a non South East Asian eye.

    “Sorry if my examples fall into your “tautology” category, but that’s all I (and the rest of the so-called racists) are saying.”

    No your not sorry. You a fucking racist.

    “There are certain self-evident facts”

    Got that right! YOU are a racist and a lot of Protestants are pedophiles.

    “No value judgement, nobody’s better or worse than anybody else, but Orientals have epicathic folds, dammit!”

    So do native Americans you fuck wad. If you are going to use “big word’s” perhaps you should learn to spell them it is epicanthic.

    “Just like blacks have dark skin, and Jews are pushy. Jeez.”

    Sure about that? all blacks have dark skin? There are no albino Africans? Are they black? Is that an “accurate” description?

  26. J says:

    # 537 Mister Mustard

    “You just stay out there in Tinley Park and imagine that the South Side is overrun with the Irish. Oh, and with people of Hebrew decent (sic).”

    Here so you can argue you with someone else about it.

    “The main ethnic groups in Chicago are African American, Irish, German, Italian, Polish, Chinese, Mexican and Puerto Rican. Chicago has a very large Irish American population on its South Side, although many Irish Americans have moved from the city to suburban areas during the past half-century. ”

    Notice how it says “Chicago HAS a very large Irish American population on its South Side”

    Sure a lot of Irish left and moved to the Palos Park area but it stile “HAS” a “VERY LARGE” “IRISH” population on it’s “SOUTH SIDE”

    Keep fishing. Let me give you another hint. Michael & Juanita used to live right down the street until there divorce

  27. >>How is any of that an ability? You fucking
    >>white trash poor with a pedophile religion.

    Gosh and golly! Sweet Jesus! Somebody call a paramedic!! Breath slow and deep, “J”.

    I never said it was an “ability”. I said it was a distinguishing characteristic. Christ Almighty, what’s wrong with you???

    Just because Jews are pushy, that’s not a diss. Heck, it allowed them to become so economically secure in the late 20th and early 21st century. It’s not like I pulled Mel Gibson, and said they started all the wars!

    >>fucking racist, fucking white trash,
    >>pedophile, fucker…etc.

    Hey, I hate to burst your bubble as the Grand And Glorious Director of All Political Correctness, but the term “white trash” is racists, discriminatory, and anti-African-American. Implicit in the term is the notion that most “trash” are not white (i.e., they are black), and therefor are needing a special term to distinguish them from “regular” trash. Kinda like a “male nurse” thing.

    “J”, you are BUSTED. You’re a “hidden racist”. I knew it all along. Anyone who is inflexible as yourself has GOT to be garbage.

    So solly.

  28. >>Chicago HAS a very large Irish American
    >>population on its South Side

    Very large compared to what? Lichtensteinians? It’s still nowhere near a majorty (and since you don’t cite your source, it could be from 1922).

    >>Michael & Juanita used to live right down
    >>the street until there divorce

    The guy’s name is “Miguel”, not “Michael”. And wtf do you mean by that comment “until there (sic) divorce”??? Do you imply that Hispanics are congenitally destined for divorce? OM fucking G! You racist pig!! I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU EVEN SAID THAT!! Christ. Next thing you know, you’ll be saying that redheads have red hair! You monster. MONSTER!

  29. the Three-Headed Cat says:

    MikeN, also Mustard y bobbo –

    Mike & Mustard’ll surely understand what I’m saying, the same thing T_Z noted… (well, his wife)

    Stereotypes come into being from repeated observations of a given trait, phenomenon, whatever.

    PC Parrots never figure this out, because (a) it’s not part of their indoctrination, and (b) they never stop to analyze the logic of the statements they make – because of reason (a), above.

    Stereotypes are not only not Bad Things, they are essential tools for humans dealing with phenomena that cannot be individuated. They are generalizations based on experience and statistical probability. Everyone uses them, including those swell “open-minded”, “liberal” fools who think they don’t.

    The problem lies in when stereotypes are invoked inappropriately, and when they are used in place of judging individual cases, when that is more appropriate.

    When you hear that a murder has been committed, you automatically (unless you’re an idiot or a small child) assume that it was committed by a male. That is stereotyping, and it is absolutely not anti-male bigotry, since 90% of all murderers ARE male. So what’s the problem?

    But it’s only prejudice if the stereotype overrides the facts of the individual case. Any intelligent person not only realizes subconsciously and automatically that the unknown murderer is almost certainly male, yet also leaves open the possiblilty that it isn’t. If it should turn out, f’rinstance, that the murder victim was poisoned, then the stereotype ‘male’ is instantly replaced by the stereotype of ‘female’, since most poisonings are committed by women.

    That’s one way how stereotypes work, but far from the only one. And it is an incontestible fact that any allegedly educated adult in the West who flatly condemns all stereotypes and all stereotyping has failed to rationally consider what they are in the greater scheme of things and is mindlessly parroting well-intended but stupid “anti-prejudice” propaganda – uncritically adopting the poorly reasoned dogma of others.

    OK, lotta words – but it’s like this: there is nothing wrong with saying, as a rule of thumb, that So-&-So, a member of group ‘A’, is probably such-and-such, since most ‘A’s ARE such-and-such. Nothing wrong, prejudicial or unfair – just as long as it is understood that So-&-So MAY be an exception, since it’s just as true that not ALL ‘A’s are such-and-such – just most.

    Stereotyping, when not used inappropriately, is nothing more than knowing the odds and going with them until shown otherwise. PC idiocy is irrationally and unintelligently pretending, in order to be “noble” and “open-minded” and “fair”, that nothing is more likely than anything else.

    I have never met, and never expect to meet, a PCer who has had even the most rudimentary education in statistics and probability. To accept the tenets of PC, you must be utterly blind to what’s likely and what isn’t.

  30. #538 – MM,

    You’re kidding, right? I’m supposed to make the point that your statement that you have flatly refused to make is racist? Come on. I’m not that bad. Next you’ll be asking me to prove the non-existence of your fairy tale.

    I think it is up to you to prove that you can make such a statement that is not racist. Thus far, your pushy Jews comment has definitely been racist. Would you like to try for another? Perhaps you think that if you change pushy to assertive, it will sound less bad. Perhaps if you intersperse a few more ‘some of my best friends are Jewish and pushy’ comments it will sound better. Perhaps if you try some other group stereotype, you can do better.

    I think you’ve made my point quite well, now that I think about it some more.


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