Moved BACK to the top until it runs out of steam!
I was always told that Christianity was a monotheistic religion but I want to challenge that because clearly it is not. First the definitions:
- No Gods – Atheism
- One God – Monotheism
- Two or more Gods – Polytheism
First, I’m not even going through the “Holy Ghost” thing except to say that “Trinity” means 3 and 3 > 1.
Assuming that:
- God is a deity
- Jesus is a deity
- Jesus and God are individuals
Then God and Jesus are two and 2 > 1.
Therefore Christianity is polytheism.
Polytheism isn’t a matter of belief. I personally am a Realist and I don’t believe any of it. However when one objectively classifies religious beliefs based on the number of gods, I’m counting two. Some would count three, but either is greater than one.
The reference is the Bible. According to the stories Jesus and God are two individuals. God was in the Old Testament, Jesus was not. Jesus was born of a virgin, God was not. Jesus addresses God as a separate individual. They have different stories. They have different roles. That talk to each other the way separate people talk.
The bottom line is – they are both deities and they are two individuals. Therefore Christianity is a polytheistic religion.
#483, J,
“Ok, I was wrong about everything. ”
I guess you don’t understand. You’re still a “smutty little asshole”. When this many people have disagreed with you and all you can do in return is accuse someone of a despicable act, then maybe it is time to re-evaluate your position.
You claimed that you were hit with a brick during a Nazi March. Would that happen to be the “Skokie Illinois” march that ended up being in Chicago? No bricks were thrown by the marchers and there were no sympathizers on the parade route. So being hit with a brick is bullshit. At least being hit by a brick thrown by a Nazi is bullshit.
>>Well lets wait and see how far I push back
Pushy, pushy, pushy, “J”. And so manly!! I guess it’s good that you’re pushy; other than your pushiness (whiny and self-serving though it may be), you’re an insufferable simpering pantywaist.
ps: the devolution of your sexually-related comments (comments primarily of a homosexual nature) is becoming quite disturbing. I recommend you see someone about those issues.
>>At least being hit by a brick thrown by
>>a Nazi is bullshit.
Hmmm. I guess he fell asleep during the TV movie.
Danny Kaye was great!
“You’re still a “smutty little asshole”.
thank you.
“When this many people have disagreed with you and all you can do in return is accuse someone of a despicable act”
The accusation was spot on. Doesn’t matter how many disagree with me. If that is you logic you need to go back to grade school.
“then maybe it is time to re-evaluate your position. ”
I did. He is a racist and so are you.
“You claimed that you were hit with a brick during a Nazi March”
Yes I was
“Would that happen to be the “Skokie Illinois” ”
I don’t know……was it?
“march that ended up being in Chicago? ”
Hum I wonder why it was there?
“No bricks were thrown by the marchers and there were no sympathizers on the parade route. ”
Were you there? No then STFU.
“So being hit with a brick is bullshit. ”
Really does that mean I can ignore the scare?
“At least being hit by a brick thrown by a Nazi is bullshit.”
Oh not real sure are you? That is evident by that last line.
Listen the next time you want to pretend you know anything about history perhaps you should spend a little more time doing research before you go shooting off your mouth. There was a reason there was no march in Skokie asshole!! There were numbers of demonstrations that took place because of it. Why else do you think it moved to Chicago? Because the Nazi party are so nice that they didn’t want to offend any Jews? During those demonstrations things were said and things were thrown. Just because it didn’t blow up into a riot doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. So the next time you want to shoot your mouth off about something you know nothing about and just looked up on the internet perhaps you should ask people who were there. You were not so you can’t really say shit about what happened there SO STFU you dumb fucking toto. BTW I still have the piece of brick that hit me. You mutant fucking half wit
#486 Mr Mustard
“Pushy, pushy, pushy, “J”. And so manly!! ”
“you’re an insufferable simpering pantywaist.”
and your a Christian. As we all know most Christians are pedophiles. Where you molested as a boy? Do you want to do to others what they did to you? You need to get help before you create another generation of Christian pedophiles.
“the devolution of your sexually-related comments (comments primarily of a homosexual nature) is becoming quite disturbing.”
Why do they disturb you? Are you uncomfortable about your sexuality? That is common for people who have been molested or are in the closet. You used the term “pantywaist”. Is that a secret way of saying you like little boys?
” I recommend you see someone about those issues.”
Issues? You seem to need more help than me. You deny your own racist view.
#487 Mr. Mustard
“Hmmm. I guess he fell asleep during the TV movie.”
Never saw it. I lived it.
It figures you would get you “history” from television since you get you knowledge of the universe from the Bible, a book that was written by men at different time and then compiled in the 11th century.
You keep putting your “faith” in “fiction”
“If you’re going to make declarations about the Christian faith and declare something as fact, you may want to and prove it with scripture first.”
PROVE it with a story? This is a cute thread, but we’re talking about an entirely made up magical story that ONLY exists in a book and tales told over a campfire. Magic isn’t real. The Greek gods, Norse gods, Christian gods, Navajo gods, Inuit gods, and Celtic gods are all made up. There’s just stories for ‘simple’ folks to explain the world. NO ONE has seen god, a demi-god, a real witch, demon, giant, angel, unicorn or the like….well they used to, but not since the invention of the video camera. LOL. Don’t talk about PROOF or what’s REALLY a trinity or whatnot as if this is REAL. It’s like kids arguing whether Superman can beat up the Hulk and getting into a heated debate about it before you realize it’s just a story. Grow up.
And if that last post pointing out that this is just made up nonsense offended anyone…well you just feel FREE to pray to your invisible magic being and have them strike me down with their supernatural powers. And I’ll use my X-Men mutant force shield abilities to protect me…LOL.
>>Why do they disturb you? Are you
>>uncomfortable about your sexuality?
No, but I’m uncomfortable about you continuing to comment in a lascivious way on my penis. Please cease and desist. There are more appropriate forums for “coming on” to a guy than dvorak dot org slash blog.
>>Never saw it. I lived it.
Then you should know that the march did not take place in Skokie, the only town in the immediate area that is “largely of Hebrew decent (sic)”. It took place in Chicago, which is NOT “largely of Hebrew decent (sic)”.
>>and your a Christian. As we all know
>>most Christians are pedophiles.
Ahhh, “J”. You’ve become the very thing you profess to abhor more than any other. Very typical for self-loathers. As I recommended earlier, you should get some counseling.
#492 Mr. Mustard
“No, but I’m uncomfortable about you continuing to comment in a lascivious way on my penis”
Why because it is small and you can’t get it up?
“Please cease and desist.”
No! If you don’t like it feel free to leave or stop post about me or too me or as me.
“There are more appropriate forums for “coming on” to a guy than dvorak dot org slash blog.”
I guess you would know wouldn’t you.
“Then you should know that the march did not take place in Skokie,”
Yeah as stated above I am very aware of where the march took place. The demonstrations took place in Skokie to prevent the march you fucking DOLT!
“the only town in the immediate area that is “largely of Hebrew decent (sic)”.
Shows what you know about Chicago.
“It took place in Chicago”,
Really it did? No kidding? wow. You must be very good at looking stuff up on the internet. There are only thousands of links to the march. DOLT!
>>Shows what you know about Chicago.
Well, I lived there for 10 years, so I guess I know something about it.
>>Why because it is small and you can’t get it up?
You’re too creepy for words. Skanky. Ewwww!
>>No! If you don’t like it feel free to leave
>>or stop post about me or too me or as me.
“stop post about me or too me or as me”?? wtf does that mean? Could you translate that to a language we Earthlings speak?
Or maybe I’ll just call my buds at Microsoft, get your personal information, and hit you with a lawsuit for slander (or was that libel?). HAW! HAW HAW HAW! Yeah, that’s it! I’ll pull out the big guns! Yee-haw!
“Well, I lived there for 10 years, so I guess I know something about it.”
No you didn’t because if you did you wouldn’t make such blatantly wrong statement like
“Then you should know that the march did not take place in Skokie, the only town in the immediate area that is “largely of Hebrew decent ”
Anyone who has lived there 10 years would without a doubt know that. Just like they know that the south side population is primarily Irish and Hispanic
“You’re too creepy for words. Skanky. Ewwww”
Does discussing your dysfunction make you uncomfortable?
“wtf does that mean Could you translate that to a language we Earthlings speak??”
Yes I do apologize for the poor grammar. Stop posting about me, to me, or as me. Cant believe you fell for that DOLT!!
“Or maybe I’ll just call my buds at Microsoft”
You know people there too?
“and hit you with a lawsuit for slander (or was that libel?). ”
Ah ha ha ha I laugh when people say that because the courts are really kind of split on the internet and whether it is Slander or Libel. It is called case law Just in “case” you didn’t know lol. You see one of the forgotten things about defamation is that libel has to be in fixed form. Like print. You see that is where the courts have a hard time. “Is the internet fixed form” Some courts don’t think so and some do. It really is better to use the term defamation because it covers both. But libel tends to be where most people will fall on the issue because of the traditional legal definition. Don’t bother to quote from one of your online dictionaries the definitions of libel or slander. Unless you have a current Black’s law dictionary you would be wrong.
“HAW! HAW HAW HAW! Yeah, that’s it! I’ll pull out the big guns! Yee-haw”
Keep laughing I enjoy this.
M Scott (and any others who might have any interest in the topic, which of course includes my Right Honourable “racist” colleagues, such as the Mustardero) –
…how about we take it where we can thrash this out at leisure? I know just the place.
The mythology of Christianity is definitely a polytheistic religion. I am curious though. How many gods are there and in what order should they be listed according to power?
We have the trinity: God, The holy spirit and Jesus
Then we have the Devil.
Archangels (3) and archdemons (?)
Guardian angels
Angels (many, hundreds to millions) and demons (many but less than angels?)
Holy Mary (1)
Saints (more than 10000 Roman Catholic)
The above hierarchy seems to me to be more or less correct unless I have forgotten a category. I am unsure about where Holy Mary should be placed. Whether saints are gods can be discussed. But I think they should be considered as minor gods. At least they have godlike powers.
When we talk numbers it is difficult and also depends on the type of Christianity in question. When considering Roman Catholicism we talk anything from hundreds (disregarding saints) to maybe millions considering the saints and the large heavenly army of angels.
Mis Scott,
well they sound racist because some people like you and J have decided to politicize science, to the point where such studies are restricted. Take a look at how James Watson was forced to resign last month.
Do you believe in evolution? Do you believe in intelligent design, that god used evolution to create man?
I ask this because you seem to be saying that evolution stopped, and for some reason did not operate on the brain.
>>Anyone who has lived there 10 years
>>would without a doubt know that.
Well, what’s the suburb then? I live IN Chicago for 10 years, not in the suburbs. And there was little reason to go to the suburbs, so maybe I missed a small enclave of people “primarily of Hebrew decent (sic)”. What was it, Buffalo Grove? Lincolnwood? Although there are many salient differences between races and ethnicities of humans, one thing about the Chicago suburbs is if you’re seen one, you’ve seen ’em all.
>>Just like they know that the south side
>>population is primarily Irish and
Oh yeah? Last time I was there (about 2 years ago), it was primarily “African-American” (Black), with some Mexicans in Little Village, and some people “primarily of Hebrew decent (sic) in Hyde Park. Didn’t see many a them thar drunken Irishmen, although they have a very popular parade there, harkening back to the days before White Flight.
>>Does discussing your dysfunction make
>>you uncomfortable?
Discussing just about anything with you makes me feel like I need to take a shower, it’s so creepy. But your continuing fixation on my penis, your references to deviant sexual behavior, and your Phillip Roth-esque abberant attitudes about anything sexual are particularly skeavy.
>>Keep laughing I enjoy this.
Why am I not surprised? Ick.
What an absurd compilation. A veritable compost heap of superstition.
Oh yeah that’s good agree with the guy who said “black people were less intelligent than white people” That wont make you look racist.
I cant believe you fucking people say shit like this.
“Do you believe in evolution? Do you believe in intelligent design, that god used evolution to create man?”
Oh here we go with the science backs it up bullshit. Are you a DNA researcher? Are you an expert in the measure of human intelligence? THEN STFU
Glad to see we have another hidden racist in the ranks
MikeN – Thank you for the succinct (and accurate) observation.
BTW, the invitation in my #496 is certainly extended to you also – as well as bobbo…
“Well, what’s the suburb then? ”
No no it is more fun if you guess
“I live IN Chicago for 10 years, not in the suburbs.”
No you didn’t
“And there was little reason to go to the suburbs,”
That’s because you were able to find all the gay clubs your hearts desire.
“What was it, Buffalo Grove? Lincolnwood? Although there are many salient differences between races and ethnicities of humans, one thing about the Chicago suburbs is if you’re seen one, you’ve seen ‘em all.”
Oh just like your view on Jews and Asians.
“Oh yeah? Last time I was there (about 2 years ago), it was primarily “African-American” (Black), ”
Where the south side? No that would be the South east side. See you never lived her because you would have had you ass beaten because you are such a racist. We don’t put up with your kind of bullshit.
“Didn’t see many a them thar drunken Irishmen”
Then you didn’t open your eyes. I know a lot of Cops and Fireman that live on the south side. Even the FUCKING MAYOR, Who I love dearly, lives on the south side.
“although they have a very popular parade there,”
Yes they do and most of them don’t have to do anything but walk a block to see it.
“Discussing just about anything with you makes me feel like I need to take a shower”
Well I hope you bath at least once a day.
“But your continuing fixation on my penis,”
Dude Stop already. I don’t care about your penis no matter how much you want to keep brining it up. I have may my judgment about it I don’t want to discuss it anymore.
“and your Phillip Roth-esque abberant attitudes about anything sexual are particularly skeavy.”
I told you I am not familiar with his work so….
BTW if you want to comment on my grammar or spell perhaps you should look at your own first.
>>No you didn’t
Did too. And your ignorance of city neighborhoods is truly astounding. I guess you don’t get into the city too much, preferring to just read about it in the Downers Grove local edition of the Sun-Times, hmm?
And as to Daley Junior (whom you love dearly) lives in Bridgeport, a small neighborhood on the south side, hardly enough to be responsible for the population of the entire south side being “primarily Irish”. Even Bridgeport itself is not “primarily Irish”, what with all the Lithuanians, Poles, Mexicans, and Chinese.
First you were going to magically capture my personal information (look how THAT worked out!) and sue me, then you were going to “stop playing [my] stupid fucking game”. Don’t you ever do anything you say you’re going to?
And dude, you are one creepy individual. Seriously.
#502–3HC==I don’t understand your cited Cage Match material. No listing of racial differences there.
Since you refuse to support your contention, let me help.
I have seen several times the notion that Chinese are smarter than whites and both are smarter than blacks. Lets take that as true and further that each group has “on average” 5 points more than the next==Chinese IQ is 105, Whites are 100, and Black are 95.
thats where you want to go right?
Well, even if true, of what use would it be? Show me a Chinese guy and a Black guy and ask who is more intelligent. I would not know. On average, the Chinese guy would be smarter==but between two speicific guys?–you would have to measure.
And so it goes with all supposed racial differences==even if true, it doesn’t really matter.
My dad used to say Blacks made better boxers because they didn’t bleed as easy as whites. Now that could be possible, but again in the end, it would depend on the individuals.
In another 1000 years when we have mongrelized outselves into a homogenous mass, what will be the next racist claims?
475 MS
“In reality, it really is true that people of all races are equal or extremely nearly so on average in all abilities.”
That is completely incorrect and untrue-to-fact.
Cite a single example. Post a link to a single study”
How’s this for something that is “on average” the opposite of “completely incorrect?:
“All of us human beings share 99.9% of the same DNA.”
“Approximately 93% of human genetic variation occurs between two people in the same race – 85% between two people of the same ethnic group and another 8% between ethnic groups within a race. That leaves only 7% of variation between the major human races”.
(Lewontin, 1991)
(So that makes that 7% of 1% then, for a racial genetic difference of .0007. Break out the white hoods! -RBG)
“All populations have people who are taller and shorter, fatter and thinner, braver and more timid, introverted and extroverted, more decisive and more dithering.”
(Marks, 2003)
“In light of genetic data that’s been uncovered in the last 20 years, scientists speculate that we’re even all related to a single small human population that hunted, gathered, argued, fought, bred and died in Africa some 100,000-200,000 years ago.”
#504 Mister Mustard
“Did too. And your ignorance of city neighborhoods is truly astounding. ”
No you didn’t and if you say so.
“I guess you don’t get into the city too much, preferring to just read about it in the Downers Grove local edition of the Sun-Times, hmm?”
I don’t need to “get into the city” I live there. I don’t think Downers Grove has a local edition of the Sun-Times. I think they just get the regular version.
“And as to Daley Junior (whom you love dearly) lives in Bridgeport, a small neighborhood on the south side, hardly enough to be responsible for the population of the entire south side being “primarily Irish”. ”
Never said it did. It just so happens he lives there.
” Even Bridgeport itself is not “primarily Irish”, what with all the Lithuanians, Poles, Mexicans, and Chinese.”
No it isn’t your right. but the south side as a whole is.
“First you were going to magically capture my personal information ”
I never claimed I would use magic
“(look how THAT worked out!) ”
Well it hasn’t worked itself out yet do I will let you know.
“and sue me, then you were going to “stop playing [my] stupid fucking game”.”
Never said sue. You made that up. I changed my mind about playing your game.
J man ((too bad this thread doesn’t have registered nicks?))
Maybe–just maybe===you are confusing two issues.
Stereotyping and racism?
Saying “Jews from NYC are pushy” is in my view a misinformed stereotype. Need something more to get to it being racists though. Usually racism includes the notion that some group is inferior. Calling jews pushy does not call them inferior. In fact, just the opposite. Even the Clan wants a pushy NYC jewish attorney to defend them when they finally get caught?
After that, you’ve been told 12 times that Mustardo is just pimping you. It should be clear with his reference to small penis size.
So, evidently you have to buy a ticket and see a stage to recognize performance art. Then I see your disproportionate response, and I see you are engaged in street theater as well.
Hmmm, the Mutt and Jeff of the Dvorak blog. Can you do the “Who’s on first” routine? That one always cracks me up.
Wow, who would have thought that an editor, apparently too lazy to research his topic, would get so many responses to a topic that was meant mainly to bash Christianity?
And how did this devolve into a “my favorite ethinicity can beat up your favorite ethinicity” type argument anyway?
As I said, bobbo – and RBG too – let’s take it, appropriately, to a dedicated thread.
As I just opened the thread, we can start going into specifics and take our time discussing it, without the thread aging out. That’s why it’s more appropriate over there than here.
3HCat–ok, I “get it” now. but why start a thread without the main question being asked? I’ll go to the cagematch and wait for your evidence/argument but hasn’t RGB pretty well nailed it down?
(Sniffs underarms) Why is it everyone wants to leave whenever I arrive at a party?
Oh, I don’t know how critical it is that we stay on topic each & every time. Most of these threads peter out in 30 or so posts. Those who stay for the after-party – so what?
Truth be told, I’m fearful of being sucked into yet one more time blackhole that the Cage Match forum must be.
#508 bobbo
“Usually racism includes the notion that some group is inferior. Calling Jews pushy does not call them inferior. In fact, just the opposite. ”
That is a huge misconception superior or inferior both are racist. Stereotyping is a form of racism. Usually from hidden racists.
“After that, you’ve been told 12 times that Mustardo is just pimping you.”
I know and it is mine own fault for allowing it to piss me off. I agree
“Then I see your disproportionate response, and I see you are engaged in street theater as well.”
Well no I feel that when people don’t stand up to stereotypes and other racist remarks we as a society begin to accept it. Why do you think Bill Cosby and other African American leaders are so opposed to the acceptance of the word “nigger” when used within the African American community?
Besides I was baiting him originally. I didn’t expect that he would actually come out and show himself to be that much of a racist.
“Hmmm, the Mutt and Jeff of the Dvorak blog.”
Yeah I know.
I am that I am