Moved BACK to the top until it runs out of steam!
I was always told that Christianity was a monotheistic religion but I want to challenge that because clearly it is not. First the definitions:
- No Gods – Atheism
- One God – Monotheism
- Two or more Gods – Polytheism
First, I’m not even going through the “Holy Ghost” thing except to say that “Trinity” means 3 and 3 > 1.
Assuming that:
- God is a deity
- Jesus is a deity
- Jesus and God are individuals
Then God and Jesus are two and 2 > 1.
Therefore Christianity is polytheism.
Polytheism isn’t a matter of belief. I personally am a Realist and I don’t believe any of it. However when one objectively classifies religious beliefs based on the number of gods, I’m counting two. Some would count three, but either is greater than one.
The reference is the Bible. According to the stories Jesus and God are two individuals. God was in the Old Testament, Jesus was not. Jesus was born of a virgin, God was not. Jesus addresses God as a separate individual. They have different stories. They have different roles. That talk to each other the way separate people talk.
The bottom line is – they are both deities and they are two individuals. Therefore Christianity is a polytheistic religion.
# 452 Misanthropic Scott
“I think you meant to make that comment regarding the Musty one’s post #441.”
Yes I did. I apologize.
#451 it is actually muslims who still legally according to their laws marry and fuck little girls in many of islamic countries
Christianity consider homosexuality sin, therefore if any the idiots here thinks he know a “christian fucking little boys” don’t know a shit 🙂
Go to authorities and report it, what are you waiting for, asshole! Oh you can’t because it is just your sick gay imagination hahaha 🙂
You’ve become boring, “J”. After 457 messages in this thread, I’m bagging out.
I will pray for you and your issues.
# 456 PoliticallyVeryCorrect
“Christianity consider homosexuality sin”
So you are saying that most Christians sin because there are a lot of Christians that are homosexual.
“Oh you can’t because it is just your sick gay imagination”
A little transference there?
Nope Not gay Sorry to disappoint you.
# 457 Mister Mustard
“You’ve become boring, “J”. After 457 messages in this thread, I’m bagging out.
I will pray for you and your issues.”
Well that’s mighty kind of you. Can you do me a favor? Ask god to stop letting Christians fuck little boys.
To those at the jewish community center:
you have an active or potentially active homosexual pedophile Jew posting at one of your computer!
Watch out for your little jewish boys in the center and at the synagogue.
# 460 PoliticallyVeryCorrect
“you have an active or potentially active homosexual pedophile Jew posting at one of your computer!
Watch out for your little jewish boys in the center and at the synagogue.”
Are you Jewish?
# 460 PoliticallyVeryCorrect
Oh no your a Christian pretending to be a Jew. you fucking DOLT!
#453 – M Scott
“Claiming that ethnic groups differ in abilities is likely to be racist most of the time.”
This is a tenet of Marxist dogma. Please provide clear evidence to support this improbable generalization.
“Most have historically been claims…”
That is irrelevant and of no probative value of any sort. The truth or falsity of assertions made by a given party are not a causative factor in the truth or falsity of assertions made by another party. Any such connection is pure unsupportable speculation.
And the sly, sneaky – and thereby, scientifically and philosophically dishonest – introduction of value judgements into an issue of objective scientific inquiry is unacceptable. ‘Superior’ and ‘inferior’ are emotionally loaded terms injected into the discourse to incite prejudical emotional reactions. ‘Superior’ to what? In what manner? In what context? Science is about measurements, not judgements.
Is a dog ‘superior’ to a cat, say? How? By what standard? Such questions are ultimately meaningless in scientific inquiry. Neither is ‘superior’ or ‘inferior’ to the other. They are simply different. Each is what it is. All one can say is that one or the other is better suited to certain conditions, in some particular manner. Dog psychology makes them generally better sentries and guardians than cats, which is why we have watchdogs and shepherd dogs, but not watchcats or shepherd cats. And the point is that that difference – and ALL the differences between those species – do not make either one “superior” to the other, they simply make them DIFFERENT. NOT BETTER OR WORSE.
Every time you inject subjective sociocultural assessments setting up heirarchial relations between subjects under investigation, you are, whether you realize it or not, sabotaging the point of objective scientific inquiry, for political, social and/or cultural motivations. Those have no place in science, and are the traditional tools of ideologues and propagandists.
“In reality, it really is true that people of all races are equal or extremely nearly so on average in all abilities.”
That is completely incorrect and untrue-to-fact.
The scientific literature on the topic is authoritative and the consensus is not in dispute. The politically-motivated misrepresentations of the science have been comprehensively and repeatedly debunked. The science supporting differences in average measured intelligence between racial groups is as strongly supported by science and accepted by the psychometric community as natural selection is supported and accepted by the bioscience community. And opposed for the same reason – dogmatic, unscientific belief – leftist extremist political dogma and evangelical religious dogma, respectively. And the opponents of both resort to the same irrational, dishonest tactics, relying near-exclusively on the emotional reactions of scientifically uninformed and/or misinformed persons.
The triumph of their cherished ideology is more important than the truth, for Marxists and creationists alike. They KNOW they’re right, so any inconvenient facts can be distorted or disposed of in any way.
Since you’re a reasonably intelligent and sincere lad, just misguided by an ideology which takes cynical advantage of your sort’s good intentions, I’ll see I have a chance to conjure up some links for you later this evening. No promises, as I am in great pain and must rest…
So cat person–other than some inconsequential blips in the medical/disease field==please give an example or two of ethnic or racial differences of consequence?
#430 >>># 424 Mister Mustard
‘And you would know about my penis size how?”
Not wanting to buy into this but it is just too funny now.
I think you need to unwind a bit – you’re too tense. Who cares what people say and think you will never change them and will only end up being seen as a ass.
Being Asian means being cool, being inscrutable. Trying to change everyone to your way of thinking is being too American – maybe that’s your game however Asians will call you a banana – yellow on the outside, white on the inside. (My wife heard that)
No my wife doesn’t care what names she is called. She said it is bad people get stereotyped but in order for that to happen there must be a lot of people fitting that bill. Where there is smoke there must be fire.
We live in an imperfect world and we have to get along with it or become a monk somewhere.
>>Being Asian means being cool,
>>being inscrutable.
I would agree with you, but “J” might call me a racist pig again, perpetuating the myth of the “inscrutable Oriental”!!
>>Where there is smoke there must
>>be fire.
Uh-oh, you’re toast now! “J” is going to come after you with both barrels! Drunken Irishmen, pushy Jews, Italians who talk with their hands, Canadians who say “oot and aboot”….where will it all end? The horror! The horror!
#462 “Oh no your a Christian pretending to be a Jew.”
Jesus was king of the who then? Jews I heard. Christians ARE Jews…it doesn’t take a pope to figure that one out.
Jesus was a rabbi and a Jew, Judea was a Jewish state – Christians are a sect of Jews who believe Jesus was the prophesied true king.
“Christ” comes from the Greek “Christos” meaning King and “Messiah” translates from “anointed one” also meaning king (the King was anointed in a ceremony).
Judea was occupied by the Romans (“ROMANES EUNT DOMUS” lol) with a Herod as the false king installed by Rome. The Jewish people of Judea were waiting for the prophesied true Jewish king to free them from Herod and Rome. This is how Messiah and Christ became synonymous with saviour.
All other groups of Jews are still waiting for their prophesied king…and Christians are waiting for him to come back.
Oh yeah, If Jesus does ever come back Christians will need to do some adjusting:
1/ The sabbath is on SATURDAY not Sunday…Saturday School?
2/ Men will all have to wear beards.
3/ Forget about eating pork and pork products…and shellfish as well.
4/ All churches will close as temples are where you pray.
5/ One cannot be a priest (rabbi) unless they are married.
Get ready for the rapture! 😆
>In reality, it really is true that people of all races are equal or extremely nearly so on average in all abilities.
And I thought J was way out of line. Now he’s number 2.
Your statement is nothing more than putting politics ahead of science.
>>One cannot be a priest (rabbi)
>>unless they are married.
I’ll bet that cuts down on the pedophilia.
whew, 471 posts, lots of words being slapped around and then you close on pedophelia. I like it.
Just a pity that I come late to point out that there are like 37 different Virgin Marys that the catholic pray to. I seem to remember that the last bitter old man in Rome, after he survived the assasination, thanked the Lady of Fatima. Supposedly, the Lady of Lourdes war busy rescuing somebody else, let alone Jesus or Jahveh, they had other fish to fry than to salvage the highest priest on such a tiny little planet.
If christianity isn’t a polytheism in disguise, I have never seen one, but then, they’ve got quite a marketing force to protect their trademark.
#472–I like and agree with what you say, so that requires a bifurcation of the subject.
There are atleast TWO meanings to this polytheism.
ONE–the source of the original post is the trinity of God under Catholic doctrine (or maybe even most protestants?) and,
TWO–the nature of all the Angels and maybe even saints?
Your post addresses the second case. What are the minimum characteristics necessary to be a God? What characteristic present negate the status of a god? I think anything that can operate outside the natural laws is a God unless everything it does gets approved by some superior god?
Now “the LORD God” causes everything to happen so in a sense, the trinity is actuall 1000 times that as even SATAN is operating as a mere agent of the Lord God?
Difficult to discuss when God can do anything including making a rock he cant lift while lifting it, while saying he can’t lift it. Parallel universe type of thing.
Ok, I was wrong about everything. I’m sorry I offended so many people. I forgot to take my medication and you can see the results.
Mister Mustard, you are not racist and I apologize
PoliticallyVeryCorrect, I said some rough things. I apologize
Misanthropic Scott, you are a good person and I have offended you. I apologize
Three-Headed Cat, you are correct. I was merely trying to irritate you on purpose. I apologize
To anyone else that I offended, I’m sorry and apologize.
#463 – Cat Heads Cat Heads Rolly Polly Cat Heads,
“Most have historically been claims…”
That is irrelevant and of no probative value of any sort. The truth or falsity of assertions made by a given party are not a causative factor in the truth or falsity of assertions made by another party. Any such connection is pure unsupportable speculation.
Actually, it’s incredibly relevant as you have yet to state what the hell your own claims are. So, I’m left guessing that your claims are like everyone else’s thus far. Or, would you like to actually cite an example or two of your claims that particular groups have differing abilities? Otherwise, you’re just blowing it out your ass.
ALL the differences between those species – do not make either one “superior” to the other, they simply make them DIFFERENT. NOT BETTER OR WORSE.
OK, so are you finally willing to state what you believe to be valid differences between the various “species” of humans? You haven’t done so yet. You speak in generalities to make it seem OK to be racist. But, the examples you cite will likely prove my point. So, you continue to fail to cite a single freakin’ example. We’re not dogs; we’re not cats.
“In reality, it really is true that people of all races are equal or extremely nearly so on average in all abilities.”
That is completely incorrect and untrue-to-fact.
You’re so full of shit the whites of your eyes are turning brown. Cite a single example. Post a link to a single study.
There’s your challenge. Go for it. Thus far, you have refused. So, I continue to assert that you are full of shit.
#463 & #475,
OK, I clicked submit before I got to the last paragraph of your post. I’ll await the links and examples.
Wow is this a record of how much B.S. can be stirred from something that might not even exist? Call Guinness it’s prob. a world record.
It’s one of those things that is a two edged sword for Christians. To make it logically coherent they have to jump through hoops and bastardize Platonic philosophy to no end. However as you apply modern logical techniques (three infinite beings for example) to the problem it really starts to fall apart and the explanations move away from orthodoxy. In the end most Theologians fall back on the mysterious, and contradictory, scripture to answer all problems. You gotta admire Christians trying to stick all this together in their minds – it must keep the alzheimers away. However, to me it’s just an unfortunate waste of time.
#474 – J,
I’d have to check the thread. But, I don’t really recall being offended by you on this thread.
It’s just so much easier to be a Satanist…
Pope is right. It is a trinity. Three persons in one. John talks about it in the very beginning of his Gospel.
“1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2He was with God in the beginning.
3Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 4In him was life, and that life was the light of men. 5The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood[a] it.
10He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. 11He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. 12Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God— 13children born not of natural descent,[c] nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God.
14The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only,[d] who came from the Father, full of grace and truth. ”
John 1: 1-5, 10-15
If you’re going to make declarations about the Christian faith and declare something as fact, you may want to and prove it with scripture first.
#475 & 476 – M Scott
It’s highly indicative of the likely trajectory of this exchange that the defender of dogma should fire the first ad hominem shots. In attempting to discuss the issues with ideologues, that’s the level the discourse inevitably descends to, just not usually so quickly.
I addressed you respectfully and explicitly stated my intent to present material to you as opposed to some others here, for the reason that I felt that you would reciprocate by attempting to maintain civil, respectful decorum and address the topic, not start slinging mud, as is invariably the case when ideologues are confronted with data that undermines their cherished cause.
If you intend to engage in PC-style “debate” – i.e., incessantly screeching ‘racist! racist!’ – then I don’t think I need to bother wasting my time.
Post #474
Was not written by me.
“Ok, I was wrong about everything. ”
The only thing I was wrong about was posting the contact info. That was over the line but like I said I thought he asked me to do it.
“I’m sorry I offended so many people.”
I don’t give a flying fuck who I offended. The only people I that seemed to be offended were those who were making justifications for Mr. Mustard and his racist statements.
“I forgot to take my medication and you can see the results.”
I am not on any medication nor should I be. I have the best medical doctors that money can by and if I needed any kind of medication I would have it.
“Mister Mustard, you are not racist and I apologize”
No Mr. Mustard you are a racist and you are the worst kind of racist a hidden one. I allowed you to bait my into stepping over the line. Don’t worry my friend from now I will use your came tactics against you.
“PoliticallyVeryCorrect, I said some rough things. I apologize”
No I don’t and from what you post you very well are more racist than Mr.Mustard things like calling me a “Jewish prick”
No I wasn’t pushed not at all. Well lets wait and see how far I push back
“Misanthropic Scott, you are a good person and I have offended you. I apologize”
From what I could see you are a decent person and I do apologize for you even having to step into a debate like that. I was unaware of the level of racist pricks that visit DU. I didn’t expect that so many people would defend a person who is so clearly uses racist speech.
“Three-Headed Cat, you are correct. I was merely trying to irritate you on purpose. I apologize”
You can go fuck yourself. Why don’t you, Mr. Mustard and PoliticallyVeryCorrect go jerk each other off in a bathroom somewhere? That is what pedophile Christians do right?
“To anyone else that I offended, I’m sorry and apologize.”
Yes anyone who does not defend racist speech I do apologize.
#482 – Cat Heads,
OK, I’ll take it down a notch. However, would you please provide me with a couple of examples of generalizations of the form “group A has such and such ability that group B does not have (or has less of)” that do not sound racist?
I have requested this respectfully several times now in a variety of ways. I literally can’t imagine such a statement.