‘A’ is for Atheist?

Top 15 Quotes By Famous Atheists – listverse.com:
1. Creationists make it sound like a ‘theory’ is something you dreamt up after being drunk all night — Isaac Asimov

2. I don’t believe in God. My god is patriotism. Teach a man to be a good citizen and you have solved the problem of life. — Andrew Carnegie

3. All thinking men are atheists. — Ernest Hemingway

4. Lighthouses are more helpful then churches. — Benjamin Franklin

5. Faith means not wanting to know what is true. — Friedrich Nietzsche

6. The fact that a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to the point than the fact that a drunken man is happier than a sober one. — George Bernard Shaw

7. Say what you will about the sweet miracle of unquestioning faith, I consider a capacity for it terrifying and absolutely vile. — Kurt Vonnegut

8. I believe in God, only I spell it Nature. — Frank Lloyd Wright

9. Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest. — Denis Diderot

10. A man is accepted into a church for what he believes and he is turned out for what he knows. — Samuel Clemens

11. The whole thing is so patently infantile, so foreign to reality, that to anyone with a friendly attitude to humanity it is painful to think that the great majority of mortals will never be able to rise above this view of life. — Sigmund Freud

12. Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful. — Edward Gibbon

13. The church says the earth is flat, but I know that it is round, for I have seen the shadow on the moon, and I have more faith in a shadow than in the church. — Ferdinand Magellan

14. Not only is there no god, but try getting a plumber on weekends. — Woody Allen

15. It’s an incredible con job when you think about it, to believe something now in exchange for something after death. Even corporations with their reward systems don’t try to make it posthumous. — Gloria Steinem

  1. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #58 – Poor taste Davorak to put this atheist rant right above the story of Church members being shot. Sad to see your mind works this way.

    Dvorak posted neither story and they were posted independently by two different people. Do you have any idea how a blog works? Or do you just like the sound of your own bitching?

    I am amazed at the gall of Atheist to look at this infinite universe and claim with certainty there is no force acting other than what they know and can measure.

    And I’m amazed at the gall of the Bible Thumper who has no credible information of any kind about who or what God might be, but claims to speak for him and tries to coerce the community around him to march to their neo-fascist born again step.

    And death with no purpose will mark the end their pathetic little lives.

    All those atheists (and one deist) above lived meaningful lives and contributed greatly to the human experience. What have you done?

    We’ll see how brave and arrogant they remain when that end arrives. My bet is they won’t be reading these quotes for comfort.

    If you are looking for arrogance, look in the mirror. You have no valuable insight into life or happiness aside from your religious sales pitch. My bet is that atheists live life while their alive. Xians never get to regret what they didn’t do in life because when they die, they’re dead. Just like everyone else.

  2. PoliticallyVeryCorrect says:

    I think – and that itself exclude any possibility of god’s existence.
    But i think i told you that already, you ignorant christian prick, Musty?

  3. VPC, I’m going to get your ISP addy and send my cadre of barracuda lawyers after you! And don’t think I can’t!

    Ho ho ho (no racism implied) Merry Christmas!

  4. J says:

    Religion is for the week minded. Atheists do not belivee the same things and Mr. Mustard is a racist!!!

  5. Angel H. Wong says:

    Religion is to society as masturbation is to sex.

  6. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #59 – In the addiction/ recovery field,


    Do you work in addiction/recovery?

    If so, that explains a lot about you. I’ll try to go easier on you in the future 🙂


    What do atheists say during sex?

    Oh, math, oh, scientific method, oh, oh, oh, double blind study!

    #66 – “”you are imagining you are standing on both sides of a wall at the same time.””

    And you say **I** don’t make sense? Christ on a crutch! Have you been drinking this afternoon, sir?

    Hehehe… I love the phrase “Christ on a crutch.” Further, this is one point on which I agree.

    Sorry Jim… That one left me scratching my head too.

    #86 – >>Almost every atheist puts his brain to use,

    You’re a racist bastard, you know that?

    What? Is atheist now a race too?

  7. PoliticallyVeryCorrect says:

    go ahead, Musty 🙂
    I’d like to see any good (jewish of course!) lawyer taking your case of christianity vs atheist 😀

    yeah, Happy Hannukah and Merry Christmas to you 😀

  8. PoliticallyVeryCorrect says:

    >>Almost every atheist puts his brain to use,

    You’re a racist bastard, you know that?

    What? Is atheist now a race too?<<

    nevermind, he call me racist for long time since is said its a fact that some people are black and some are white 😉
    Apparentlu christians are some another race too, who knows which ways the mind of a mad ‘genius’ works 😉

  9. >>Do you work in addiction/recovery?

    No, but I sometimes watch “Intervention” on A&E.

    >>What? Is atheist now a race too?

    Woops, there are no races, there are no ethnicities, there are no heritable traits, no one is identifiable from anybody else. I have to say that, so that “J” won’t get my name and address from my ISP (which he will get from John C. Dvorak), and send his barracuda lawyers after me.

    Darn, I hate to be so intimidated.

  10. Shadowbird says:

    I believe that there is no point to a debate of scientific reason over religion, because both are different aspects of one’s personality.

    I choose to appreciate a world created not by a roll of the dice but by design. I also am perfectly willing to accept that said design took a very, very, very long time and that in that time, life did diverge into its various forms.

    I believe that people who choose to call people of faith idiots because of their faith are just as logically flawed as anyone who says faith is all there is.

    I also believe I know baiting when I see it, and I’ve seen a lot of baiting in these comments.

  11. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #90 – No, you’ve argued about it before. Unsuccessfully.

    The only thing I am unsuccessful in is getting you see that you are wrong. I attribute the flaw more to the student (that’s you) than to the teacher (that’s everybody who ever passed an English test) in this case.

    Is it because I insist on pointing out the self-evident fact that Atheist fundies are every bit as dangerous as Christian (or Jewish, or Muslim) ones are??

    All three of them?

    Who are these atheist fundies you speak of.

    Some dipshit slack-jawed Jeebus freak comes to the PTA meeting and starts yammering, “I is here to tells you to be teachin’ the creationism in science class.”

    I stand up and say, “Creationism isn’t science.”

    You stand up and say, “Oh my God, the fundy atheist is persecuting the humble Christian again!”

    Jeeze Mustard… Quit pretending there is an atheist cabal out to get you and start doing something about your inbred cousins who are trying to hijack the culture and establish a dark age theocracy.

    OK. And I will remember it too, the next time I read something about how great it is that Christians died, or how they’re all “sheeple” who don’t deserve the rights accorded a cockroach. If you think Christians (or people of faith in general) have a monopoly on intolerance, you need to get out more. A lot more.

    To borrow a line from your book, go talk to them about it. You know damn well that in this very thread I questioned why the editor was baiting Christians… You know damn well that I lamented the terrible deaths of the innocent people gunned down in Colorado… You know damn well that I have extolled the virtues of free speech and maintain that those rights extend to everyone… Including Christians, many of whome were in the room when they ratified those rights.

    Yeah, and you take what they tell on ON FAITH.

    Quit arguing like you are 12. There is very little “faith” in my take on science, but there is a great deal of evidence. You do realize that science is documented and peer reviewed right? Or do I have to personally conduct every experiment ever conducted in the history of science to know that what I know is right?

    You are not the most intellectually dishonest guy here, but you sure do try to challenge the champs on that score. The only reason I put up with it is that I hate my job (ever wonder why I don’t post on weekends?) and I like you. You’re like a big cuddly Jesus shaped Teddy Bear to me.

  12. No opium for me, thanks. says:

    Mustard the brilliant Christian: “Where do you get all your “scientific knowledge” then? You certainly don’t conduct the experiments yourself!”

    You know, jackass, when scientists announce their studies, unlike, say, your preacher, they have standards that are strictly followed to allow anyone to test the veracity of what they speak. See quote #1 above.

    And why don’t you tell us where you found your religion? I don’t suppose the Bible had anything at all to do with it, huh? Maybe you’re the only one Jesus [i]really[/i] talks to!

  13. PoliticallyVeryCorrect says:

    #100 you must be fool to think that nature works just by a ‘roll of dice’. Everything has its purpose, i.e. we have hands but no fins because we don’t live in a water, not because it was some ‘roll of dice’ and bingo! here we have humans with hands 😀 Thats actually how your “creationism” explains things with a “god” LOL

    Do you really think it is “god” who “punished” many people with i.e. baldness? (or other natural processes of our ongoing evolution)
    Is it god who created the whole universe?
    Where was he when he created it? LOL

  14. >>You do realize that science is documented
    >>and peer reviewed right?

    Sure. Like Hwang “Human Cloning Master” Woo-Suk, the Korean guy who published is made-up research in the premiere scientific journal in the world, Science. After peer-review and all. Only the revelation by “PD Su-cheop” (the Korean equivalent of Entertainment Tonight) that he was a phony led to his eventual outing and resignation in disgrace.

    In any case, I’m not here to badmouth science. I’m only saying that you accept scientific “truths” with the same blindness that a spiritual person accepts the existence of a power greater than him- or herself. You have absolutely no first-hand knowledge, beyond the vinegar-and-baking-soda experiments you carried out in elementary school. You’re taking someone else’s word. That sounds like a true believer to me. No disdain implied; I believe a lot of things (including scientific research) without any first-hand knowledge too. Just recognize that you’re a believer, not a scientist.

    >>You’re like a big cuddly Jesus shaped
    >>Teddy Bear to me.

    I love you took OFTLO. God does too!

  15. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #93 – Ho ho ho (no racism implied)

    Actually, that would be sexist, not racist…

    …but then I like a little ho ho ho action, though fortunately for me, not as much as Friedrich Nietzsche did.

    #99 – Darn, I hate to be so intimidated.

    Somehow I don’t think you have much to worry about.

    #100 – I believe that people who choose to call people of faith idiots because of their faith are just as logically flawed as anyone who says faith is all there is.

    If I call someone an idiot, its because they are an idiot. If they happen to to espousing a faith, well as Sun Tzu might have suggested, I can use the weapon of my enemy against him.

  16. >>Actually, that would be sexist, not racist…

    No, it would be both. If Imus hadn’t made the headlines with his “Nappy-Headed Ho’s” remark, nobody would have paid any attention. “Ho” used to be just a term used by rap musicians (and wanna be rappers) and wiggers.

    Woos? Was saying “wigger” a racist slur against white people?

    Double-dog darn! This intimidation is just killing me!

  17. bobbo says:

    So–here’s my repost of the “thought experiment.”

    Imagine a universe with no god at all. Somehow it got started, and the laws of physics controlled everything thereafter. No point or purpose to it all.=========Wouldn’t that universe look like the one we are in right now?

    Now–imagine a designed universe where god cares for us and answers everyone’s prayers. What would THAT universe look like?=======very different from this one.

    Proof is right there in front of you.

  18. PoliticallyVeryCorrect says:


    “n any case, I’m not here to badmouth science. I’m only saying that you accept scientific “truths” with the same blindness that a spiritual person accepts the existence of a power greater than him- or herself. You have absolutely no first-hand knowledge, beyond the vinegar-and-baking-soda experiments you carried out in elementary school. You’re taking someone else’s word. That sounds like a true believer to me. No disdain implied; I believe a lot of things (including scientific research) without any first-hand knowledge too. Just recognize that you’re a believer, not a scientist.”

    No one have to be electronics engineers to know that i.e. cellphone works.
    We just use it daily, which is best proof of existence of electrons etc etc scientific cornerstone none of us have ever seen 🙂
    And it has nothing to do with believing, because regardless of your “faith”, any christian, muslim, jewish, buddhist can use it.

    Now think the other way – is there anything in your “faith” that can be proved universally correct *outside* of your own faith?
    LOL that’s right, I didn’t think so 😀

  19. Shadowbird says:

    “I choose to appreciate a world created NOT by a roll of the dice but by design.”

    I quoted myself, with emphasis added on a very important word, for a very good reason: I said I did NOT think the word was created by a series of random coincidences; however, Earth was set into motion by a divine force who set rules, some of which we have discovered, some of which we have not.

  20. Undissembled says:

    Is everyone here unemployed? Same posters over and over and over…

  21. Hivemind says:

    Before people go and say science and religion cannot coexist, perhaps they could actually find out what science is all about first. A scientist cannot use religion as a scientific theory since it requires you to believe things, without the possibility that they could be untrue. Since science relies on the idea that nothing can be 100% proven to be correct you can’t have a religion which relies on belief as proof a scientific theory. (sorry if that didn’t make sense)

    You could however have the ‘facts’ of how the religion says the world works (and why) and use them as a scientific theory, as long as it complied with the scientific ‘system’.

    Also, because of this I see no reason why a scientist can’t personally be religious, as opposed to stating religion as fact in a scientific sense.

    Science is basically a method, a way of finding out how it seems the universe works, religion is something completely different.

  22. >>We just use it daily, which is best proof of >>existence of electrons etc etc scientific
    >>cornerstone none of us have ever seen 🙂

    I’m sure Mister Bobbalina won’t take you up on your faulty logic, so let me.

    No, it’s not “proof” (except in the USA Today/ elementary school way) that electrons exist. Anymore than Ooga and Booga rubbing two stones together and creating fire is “proof” of oxidation. They’re just proof that cellphones work, and rubbing two sticks together create fire, respectively.

    >>Now think the other way – is there anything
    >>in your “faith” that can be proved
    >>universally correct *outside* of your own

    Back to Atheist Sunday school with ya, son. My “faith” is not in competition with science (and it doesn’t seek to explain physical phemonena), it is complementary to it. Sorry that you can’t enjoy that knowledge.

  23. PoliticallyVeryCorrect says:

    #11 i think most of us are just lucky to be paid for it 😉

  24. Shadowbird says:

    No, employed, but all the computers I work on, are currently doing things I need not bother except to check every so often…which can easily be done by looking over my shoulder.

  25. Micromike says:

    9. Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest. — Denis Diderot

    I need to learn more about Denis Diderot, he was an excellent thinker.

  26. Hivemind says:

    #104 “In any case, I’m not here to badmouth science. I’m only saying that you accept scientific “truths” with the same blindness that a spiritual person accepts the existence of a power greater than him- or herself. You have absolutely no first-hand knowledge, beyond the vinegar-and-baking-soda experiments you carried out in elementary school. You’re taking someone else’s word. That sounds like a true believer to me. No disdain implied; I believe a lot of things (including scientific research) without any first-hand knowledge too. Just recognize that you’re a believer, not a scientist.”

    A scientist has the right to believe something just as much as the next person. That may be a scientific theory like evolution, or that god created the universe. They couldn’t believe it _scientifically_ since it wouldn’t be science, but as long as they don’t begin to mix their beliefs in with scientific work they do, and allow them to bias that work, then it is fine.

  27. PoliticallyVeryCorrect says:

    #111 oh my God 😀
    Mustard, you say you have nothing against science, yet the example of a cellphone is not a proof for existence of electrons to you? Oh I got it, cellphones work because “god” make them work, is that so? 😀 bwahahahaha!

    “Back to Atheist Sunday school with ya, son. My “faith” is not in competition with science (and it doesn’t seek to explain physical phemonena), it is complementary to it. Sorry that you can’t enjoy that knowledge.”

    Son, in case you didn’t notice, your “faith” IS in direct competition with not only science, but jewish, islamic, buddhist and zillion of other “faiths” LOL you can’t be *that* blind, oh my God 😉

  28. Hivemind says:

    Also, before anyone else continues talking about scientific proof.
    This is the part of the very fundamental basis of science.

    “… in science there is no ‘knowledge’, in the sense in which Plato and Aristotle understood the word, in the sense which implies finality; in science, we never have sufficient reason for the belief that we have attained the truth. … This view means, furthermore, that we have no proofs in science (excepting, of course, pure mathematics and logic). In the empirical sciences, which alone can furnish us with information about the world we live in, proofs do not occur, if we mean by ‘proof’ an argument which establishes once and for ever the truth of a theory.”

    Sir Karl Popper, The Problem of Induction, 1953

    “If you thought that science was certain — well, that is just an error on your part.”

    Richard Feynman (1918-1988).

  29. >>oh my God 😀
    >>Mustard, you say you have nothing against
    >>science, yet the example of a cellphone is not a
    >>proof for existence of electrons to you? Oh I
    >>got it, cellphones work because “god” make them
    >>work, is that so? 😀 bwahahahaha!

    Gosh. For an iconoclast, you sure are a simpleton, PVC. If you really don’t get what I’m saying, you should not only go back to Atheist Sunday school, but retake middle school, high school, and GO TO COLLEGE this time. And make sure you take logic.

    Jeez. You’re tiring me out. Are you really this dimwitted? Or are you just a troll for this blog?

  30. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    People of faith aren’t necessarily idiots, as long as they’d have no regrets if the deity in which they fervently believe turns out to have been nothing more than a concept in their mind. Those people will have lost nothing when the most likely probability becomes reality and their life simply ends.

    On the other hand, if these people of faith would choose to spend their time here on earth differently if they weren’t Christians, or subscribe to different moral rules than what their “holy scripture” insists they observe, then I do question their basic emotional well-being. They’re betting on highly illogical church doctrine developed and handed down by people they’ve never even met. And the one thing on which believers and non-believers agree is this… people in general are fallible, and they often have agendas.


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